Not a University Student or Faculty? Have a Concealed Carry License? You can Carry on Campus! At Least in Minnesota

I was talking to somebody today who mentioned it is illegal to carry on a state college campus period. It was then that I realized that many people, even those with concealed carry licenses, don’t know the entirety of Minnesota’s permit to carry a pistol law. At the end of this note I have pasted in the law dealing with carrying on school property but I’m mainly interested in pointing out sections i and f…

(i) a public or private elementary, middle, or secondary school building and its improved grounds, whether leased or owned by the school;

(f) Notwithstanding section 471.634, a school district or other entity composed exclusively of school districts may not regulate firearms, ammunition, or their respective components, when possessed or carried by nonstudents or nonemployees, in a manner that is inconsistent with this subdivision.

So under Minnesota law a licensed person can not carry on any K-12 school. But no mention of universities is made. Then section f states that school districts may not regular anybody who isn’t a student or a faculty member of that school. Hence universities can not prevent you from carrying your gun on their campus if you have a permit so long as you aren’t a student or employee.

So those of us with state issued permits to carry pistols can go onto college campuses armed after graduation. This is a good thing to know if you plan on visiting anybody on campus after you complete your degree or participate in any alumni events.

Here is the entirety of the Minnesota carry law dealing with school property…

Subd. 1d.Possession on school property; penalty.

(a) Except as provided under paragraphs (c) and (e), whoever possesses, stores, or keeps a dangerous weapon or uses or brandishes a replica firearm or a BB gun while knowingly on school property is guilty of a felony and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than two years or to payment of a fine of not more than $5,000, or both.

(b) Whoever possesses, stores, or keeps a replica firearm or a BB gun on school property is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.

(c) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) or (b), it is a misdemeanor for a person authorized to carry a firearm under the provisions of a permit or otherwise to carry a firearm on or about the person’s clothes or person in a location the person knows is school property. Notwithstanding section 609.531, a firearm carried in violation of this paragraph is not subject to forfeiture.

(d) As used in this subdivision:

(1) “BB gun” means a device that fires or ejects a shot measuring .18 of an inch or less in diameter;

(2) “dangerous weapon” has the meaning given it in section 609.02, subdivision 6;

(3) “replica firearm” has the meaning given it in section 609.713; and

(4) “school property” means:

(i) a public or private elementary, middle, or secondary school building and its improved grounds, whether leased or owned by the school;

(ii) a child care center licensed under chapter 245A during the period children are present and participating in a child care program;

(iii) the area within a school bus when that bus is being used by a school to transport one or more elementary, middle, or secondary school students to and from school-related activities, including curricular, cocurricular, noncurricular, extracurricular, and supplementary activities; and

(iv) that portion of a building or facility under the temporary, exclusive control of a public or private school, a school district, or an association of such entities where conspicuous signs are prominently posted at each entrance that give actual notice to persons of the school-related use.

(e) This subdivision does not apply to:

(1) active licensed peace officers;

(2) military personnel or students participating in military training, who are on-duty, performing official duties;

(3) persons authorized to carry a pistol under section 624.714 while in a motor vehicle or outside of a motor vehicle to directly place a firearm in, or retrieve it from, the trunk or rear area of the vehicle;

(4) persons who keep or store in a motor vehicle pistols in accordance with section 624.714 or 624.715 or other firearms in accordance with section 97B.045;

(5) firearm safety or marksmanship courses or activities conducted on school property;

(6) possession of dangerous weapons, BB guns, or replica firearms by a ceremonial color guard;

(7) a gun or knife show held on school property;

(8) possession of dangerous weapons, BB guns, or replica firearms with written permission of the principal or other person having general control and supervision of the school or the director of a child care center; or

(9) persons who are on unimproved property owned or leased by a child care center, school, or school district unless the person knows that a student is currently present on the land for a school-related activity.

(f) Notwithstanding section 471.634, a school district or other entity composed exclusively of school districts may not regulate firearms, ammunition, or their respective components, when possessed or carried by nonstudents or nonemployees, in a manner that is inconsistent with this subdivision.

Professor Calls Cops on Student Who Gives Pro-Gun Speech

Another article brought to you by the bastion of free speech known as college campuses…

A processor called the police on a student who gave a speech in class. The student’s speech dealt with the idea of allowing students and faculty with concealed carry permits to carry on campus. He stated that school shootings such as the one that occurred at Virginia Tech could have been stopped much sooner if students and faculty had been armed.

Well the professor must not have agreed with him because he called the police. The student was told to report to the police which he did. When he arrived they began listing off all the guns he owned and asked in questions about where they were stored. The professor said he did this because the student’s speech made other students uncomfortable.

It’s nice to know that the first amendment is so well regarded on college campuses these days. Just talking about guns is apparently grounds for calling the police and having the student interrogated.

Can’t say I’m surprised. Heck I wouldn’t be surprised if this exact same scenario occurred at Winona State with how gun friendly they are /sarcasm.

Friday Minnesota Gun Registration is Heard

This just came across the wire from the NRA-ILA…

Friday Minnesota is holding a hearing for HF 0953. This bill would require all transfers of pistols and “military style” rifles to be registered. This includes private citizen to citizen sales.

Let people know and get on the horn with your representatives and make a stink about it.

For thoroughness here is the contents of the e-mail…

“Minnesota Gun Registration Scheme to be Heard Friday!
Please Contact the Members of the House Crime Victims/Criminal Records Division!
On Friday, March 6, House File 953, introduced by State Representative Michael Paymar (DFL-64B), will be voted on by the House Crime Victims/Criminal Records Division Committee.

This bill was designed to not only regulate the sale of firearms at gun shows, but to regulate the sale of firearms between law-abiding persons, all across Minnesota. As a whole, HF 953 will only affect law-abiding gun owners, and in no way keeps guns out of the hands of criminals.

A particularly troublesome provision in HF 953 creates a de facto registration system by requiring records of all transfers to be maintained by the state. These records would be made available to all authorities, including for use in “civil” cases, which are often brought by anti-gun government officials and are designed to damage or interfere with lawful commerce in firearms.

HF 953 is a direct attack on Minnesota’s gun rights. It also removes the carry permit holders’ exemption from the purchase permit requirement for all handgun or semi-automatic rifle purchases, not just those completed at gun shows, and increases the waiting period from five to seven days.

Please contact the members of the Crime Victims/Criminal Records Division Committee TODAY and respectfully urge them to protect our Second Amendment rights and oppose this bill. Contact information can be found below.

State Representative John Lesch (DFL) Chairman
Phone: 651-296-4224

State Representative Ron Shimanski (R) Vice Chair
Phone: 651-296-1534

State Representative Debra Hilstrom (DFL)
Phone: 651-296-3709

State Representative Kory Kath (DFL)
Phone: 651-296-5368

State Representative Paul Kohls (R)
Phone: 651-296-4282

State Representative Jenifer Loon (R)
Phone: 651-296-7449

State Representative Dave Olin (DFL)
Phone: 651-296-9635

State Representative Michael Paymar (DFL)
Phone: 651-296-4199

What Happened When Britain Banned Guns

So I came across the video today…

I know it’s rather old but hey it’s new to me. But it gives a good picture of what happened at Britain when they went ahead and banned hand guns.

Violent crimes have roughly tripled since then. Police are now issued body armor (although I’m surprised they weren’t before… you know since they put themselves in harms way) because of the increase in criminals holding guns.

That’s right you can still get hand guns in Britain, so long as you’re a criminal. The black market is more then willing to provide for your needs. Just like in this country if a law impedes your ability to obtain a firearm, you simply get it through illegal means. Now the police are outgunned and citizens are at the mercy of the criminals. But wasn’t this handgun band suppose to make Britain safer?

Then of course you have people like the one mentioned in the video (Tony Martin). People broke into his household, he defend himself and his property, and now is sitting in jail under the charge of manslaughter. The surviving criminal (out of two, Tony got one) got a slap on the write and a little jail time for attempting the break in. And then he sued Tony for defending himself. That’s right the criminal is suing the person who’s house he was breaking into because the man decided not to stand aside and be a victim.

And now with our new administration who is composed heavily with people who have proven to be anti-gun in the past are coming into office here. We already know the president elect (tomorrow the president) was all for banning handguns in Illinois. Exactly what Britain did. Before they took it off it was clearly stated on that his administration wanted to put the poorly named assault weapons ban back into place, and make it permanent.

But I digress I don’t want to make this note all about Obama and friends’ track record. I want to make a point, gun control doesn’t work. It never will work. The only thing gun control does is disarm law abiding citizens and make the criminals’ jobs easier.

I think Sammy Gravano, a former big wig in the Gambino crime family said it best, “Gun control? It’s the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. If I’m a bad guy, I’m always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I’ll pull the trigger. We’ll see who wins.”

Just remember Britain whenever a gun control law comes across the old legislature machine and the politicians tell you it’s going to reduce crime and make the United States a safer place. It will make the United States a safer place… for the criminals.

North Dakota has 2 Murders in 2008… Neither Gun Related

Check this out…

North Dakota only had two murders in the entire state last yeah. Funny enough both were stabbings.

The Brady Campaign Against Self Defense lists North Dakota as 44 out of 50 for state gun control laws. Strange how a state with so few gun control laws eends up having ZERO gun related murders.