Remember Your Nanny Knows Best

So apparently the Food and Drug Administration is working to ban a whole butt load of painkillers…

From the article…

The FDA advisory panel recommended banning Vicodin and Percocet because they contain acetaminophen, which can cause liver damage if taken at higher-than-recommended doses. The panel also urged the FDA to lower maximum doses for acetaminophen, best known as the branded drug Tylenol.

Yes they want to ban widely used drugs such as Vocdin because if it’s abused it can damage your liver. Well with that reasoning we have a whole list of things we need to start banning. If you abuse alcohol you can die, strangely enough from liver damage as well. The FDA better get a move on to ban alcohol because that worked so well in the past to prevent alcohol abuse.

Did you know that apple seeds contain cyanide…

Of course it takes a massive number of seeds to ingest enough cyanide to kill you but still it could be abused. We need to ban apples in all forms.

Yes the FDA is playing nanny state again trying to save us from ourselves. I wish our government would spend their time worrying about things that are actually a problem instead of wasting their time banning things that people can die from if abused (which is pretty much everything that falls under the jurisdiction of the FDA).