Back Online

Good news, if you’re seeing this it means my server is back online, running OpenBSD 5.3, and using the Nginx web server instead of Apache.

The only difference you may notice is Server Name Indication (SNI) is now working. What does this mean? It means you can use a secured (SSL) connection for and (unless you’re still running Windows XP or an even older version of Windows, then SNI won’t work for you and you’ll have to keep using instead). Basically SNI allows me to have different virtual hosts use different certificates. Since I can get valid certificates for a single subdomain for free it’s cheaper for me to use a different certificate for each subdomain than to acquire a single certificate that is valid for every domain (if I made money off of this site I would have just purchased a certificate but I do this for free so you get what you pay for). I’m not sure if anybody will use it but it’s there for those who want to.

I’ll be tweaking things for a while so the site may be up and down throughout the evening.