Category: Media
Monday Metal: The Healing Hand by Theocracy
Monday Metal: Way Of Kings by Paladin
This week’s Monday Metal entry is a demo from a new band out of Reykjavík, Iceland. I’m really digging the two demos that the band has released and I hope a full length album is released in the near future.
Monday Metal: Rainbow in the Dark by Dio
Monday Metal: Master of Puppets by Metallica
This week we’re listening to another classic that YouTube wouldn’t allow me to embed on my site, Master of Puppets by Metallica.
Monday Metal: Stargazer by Rainbow
This week I’m trying something new. Until now I’ve been embedding YouTube videos for each week’s Monday Metal entry. This practice worked well for quite a while but an increasing number of videos, especially old songs that remain in the iron grip of ancient authoritarian record labels, cannot be embedded on third-party websites. This made placed continuous restrictions on the metal that I can present and those restrictions have reached a point that I find detrimental. In the hopes of being able to bring you a wider variety of metal again, I’m going to experiment with Vimeo.
This week’s entry is a class, Stargazer by Rainbow. I couldn’t embed this song via YouTube but ran into no issues embedding it via Vimeo. Hopefully it works for all of you. If not, let me know what issues you’re experiencing and I’ll see if I can fix it.
Monday Metal: R.S. Knights by Persuader
Monday Metal: The Horned Ghost and the Sorcerer by Elvenking
Power metal: the musical genre composed primarily of musicians singing about their Dungeons and Dragons campaigns.
Monday Metal: Walls Between Us by Ascendant
Monday Metal: Killers with the Cross by Powerwolf
Powerwolf’s new album was released on Friday and it sounds pretty much the same as their previous albums, which is to say it sounds awesome. This week’s Monday Metal entry is my favorite song off of that album, Killers with the Cross: