This week we’re going to Italy for some awesome power metal:
I really like these guys but I can’t find their music on either the iTunes music store or the Amazon MP3 store.
Chronicling the depravities of the State.
This week we’re going to Italy for some awesome power metal:
I really like these guys but I can’t find their music on either the iTunes music store or the Amazon MP3 store.
It may be Memorial Day but metal never takes a day off. I’ve selected something oldish school from a French (metal is the universal language after all) metal band:
One of the opening acts of last week’s Sabaton concert was Dawn of Valor, a band I mentioned looking forward to hearing more from. Because I’m not a selfish prick… sometimes… this week’s Monday Metal is going to be something by Dawn of Valor so you guys and gals can share in the awesome:
Since Sabaton is coming to the Twin Cities Tuesday I felt it was only fitting to have this week’s Monday Metal be another Sabaton song. This week it’s Carolus Rex, the title track off of their soon to be released album. Not surprisingly the album is about Charles XII of Sweden, a king of Sweden who ascended to the throne at 15 years-old and ended up being a military mastermind. It’s good to see Sabaton doing another history themed album:
This week we’re doing some more symphonic metal ala Xandria:
Primal Fear is one of those power metal bands that was just destined to kick ass. The fact they were founded in part by former Gamma Ray vocalist Ralf Scheepers started everything on solid ground (Gamma Ray is another awesome power metal band). Needless to say Primal Fear is one of the purest power metal bands currently in existence. Their newest album, Unbreakable, keeps with the tradition of no nonsense power metal, which is to say the music is fast and the vocals are in the higher register:
It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Nightwish (even with their new singer), but their bassists, Marco Hietala, is extremely talented and it simply isn’t made apparent in Nightwish’s music. Thankfully Hietala has his own band that allows him to display his ability to not only play the bass but also sing and write music. This band is Tarot and it’s pure heavy metal:
I just want it known that this song is being picked because it’s a power metal song titled We Must Go Faster and it’s already really fucking fast. While I know little about ReinXeed I must give them credit for wanting to break the sound barrier. Overall I do like this song and it sounds very reminiscent of Dragonforce, although I’m not sure if ReinXeed has the same in-studio-only limited at Dragonforce does or not:
It’s Monday, which means it’s time for your weekly dose of metal. Once again I’m bringing you some power metal because I like power metal (and if you don’t too bad, it’s my site and I get to do what I want). Today’s song is Live Forevermore by Wisdom and it’s full of the usual cheese that accompanies power metal (although I don’t think this song is about dragons):
Yesterday was April Fools’ Day, the day of trolling. In recognition of this fine holiday I bring you metal from a band with troll in its name. Sorry, I’m all out of witty comments so that’s the best you’re going to get: