Metal is the Best Mood Booster

Dayton’s veto left me in a sour mood so I need a mood booster. It is a fair bet that I’m not the only one who isn’t happy at the moment so I share the gift of awesome fucking metal with you in the form of Odin by Rebellion:

One can’t help but feel better after listening to that!

Monday Metal: Jester Realm by Twilightning

What have we here? Guitar? Check. Fast drums? Check. Fast vocalist who spends most of his time in higher octaves? Check. Synthesizer? Double check. Yes this week I bring you more power metal, this time in the form of a lesser known band who is no longer around called Twilightning. These guys remind me a lot of Edguy (that’s a good thing). It’s unfortunate that they only released three albums and of those only two were really power metal, still the first two were solid gold:

Monday Metal: Thor by Rebellion

I’m a huge fan of Norse mythology. While other cultures had mythology surround gods fighting one another the Norse took it to a new level. Thor carried a hammer around and smashed frost giants in the face with it, Loki pissed the giants off and they bound him in a cave with the entrails of his son, and the ultimate battle Ragnarök was to destroy the entire world. Is it any surprise that Norse mythology is the center of so many metal songs?

The band Rebellion did a third album history of Norse mythology and, fitting with the mythology, is entirely bad ass. This song is titled Thor and, as you can guess, is about the son of Odin himself:

The Only Map You Need

Are you curious about the evolution of metal? Would you like to see an interactive map that not only shows the evolution of metal, but also gives you sample songs from each of the many subgenres? If so you’re in luck because the Map of Metal does exactly that. Click on that link now, it’s very well done and really fucking cool.

For the most part my preferences stay in the center of the map with some northern travel into the black region from time to time.

Monday Metal: The Wanderer by Elvenking

We’re going down the path of some serious nerd metal in the form of Elvenking. Elvenking is a classic example of how power metal is also one of the nerdiest musical genres every invented. While power metal requires a high degree of technical proficiency it also generally deals with themes involving dragons, fairies, and other elements traditionally found in fantasy. What can I say? It sounds awesome:

Monday Metal: Nosferatu by Bloodbound

Don’t worry everybody, I didn’t forget to post a Monday Metal before heading out on my trip. This week is going to be some more music from my favorite genre of metal, power metal! Bloodbound isn’t just the name of a Hammerfall song anymore, it’s also the name of a band. I only came across Bloodbound a few weeks ago but I’m really digging them and Nosferatu is my favorite song of their so far: