Tomorrow’s Elections

Remember, remember, the second of November,
The politicians’ treason and plot,
I know of no reason,
Why the politicians’ treason,
Should ever be forgot.

Remember, tomorrow the polls open at 0600. Get there so you can vote out the statists bastards and get the pro-liberty candidates in. Personally I’ll be voting for Tom Emmer since he’s the best pro-liberty candidate for governor out there (especially when you compare him to that asshole Dayton).

Also remember when electing judges to vote out the incumbents. Those of us in Minnesota have the right to vote in our judges but the current batch of judges have been jockeying for that to change. Show them we don’t want that change. I’ll also throw out a mention of Greg Wersal. He’s running for a seat on the Minnesota Supreme Court and frankly deserves it. It’s certainly pro-liberty.