Like You and Me, Only Better

People charged with unlawfully killing somebody often have their passport revoked to prevent them from leaving the country. I guess that general rule, like most general rules, doesn’t apply when you have a shiny liability shield:

A volunteer sheriff’s deputy plans to vacation in the Bahamas while facing a second-degree manslaughter charge in Tulsa, his lawyers told a judge Tuesday. The deputy, Robert Bates, 73, pleaded not guilty during the hearing in Tulsa district court. Mr. Bates, a former insurance executive, has said he confused his handgun for a stun gun when he shot Eric Harris after the suspect ran during a sting investigation involving gun sales. His lawyer told the judge that his family intended to take its previously planned vacation ahead of his next court date, in July.

My money is on him not coming back. It is nice to know that you can still take your foreign vacation even though you’re facing manslaughter charges if you happen to be a cop.