Monday Metal: Amen and Attack by Powerwolf

Between the corpse paint, opera trained vocalist, organ, and lack of taking themselves seriously there’s a lot to like about Powerwolf. I’m happy to say that the band is coming out with a new album this month and, if the music video they released from the album is any indicator, it’s going to kick ass. This week we’re starting off the week with Amen and Attack, the newest song by Powerwolf:

Monday Metal: Washington is Next by Megadeth

Considering the recent news I decided it would be best to post a song about the corruption in Washington DC. If you’re looking for a song with political content there is no better person to turn to than Dave Mustaine. Although he’s often annoying nobody can say he’s a bad guitarist or song writer, especially when it comes to music critical of the fascist state we now suffer under:

Monday Metal: Herostratic Path, Yersenia Pestis, and Christening of the Common Era by Drona

Since it’s Memorial Day I won’t be writing additional posts today but that doesn’t mean I have nothing good for you. One of my anarchist friends is a member of a local black metal band called Drona. They just posted a three track album titled Depraved Ceremonies to Bandcamp. Unlike most local bands these guys don’t suck at recording and the album actually sounds pretty damn good (and I, as a hypercritical asshole, would be the first to rip on somebody for making a recording that sucks).

All three songs are also available to stream from Bandcamp and you can buy it for whatever price you want to give (including nothing). Give it a listen, I promise it’s worth your time (unless you don’t like black metal, then you probably won’t like this album).

Have a good Memorial Day, I’ll have more content for you tomorrow.

Monday Metal: Ravenlord by Mystic Prophecy

To start this Monday off I have a song from German power metal band Mystic Prophecy. I hadn’t heard of Mystic Prophecy until last night. From what I’ve heard of theirs so far I’m impressed. The band does a good job of blending many of the heavier elements found in American power metal with the cleaner melodies frequently exhibited in European power metal (I tend to prefer European power metal so it’s interesting to find bands that blend to two well):