House Passes National Carry Law

Well I have good news from the front (well I’m not on the front I’m like a commander, safe in my bunker far away)…

In a large 279 to 147 vote your right to carry your gun in national parks has been approved by the House. I would like to point out that 105 of those votes were from Democrats, proving once again that the second amendment is a bi-partisan issue.

The only downside is this is attached to the credit card reform bill which makes me feel a little dirty. I mean we’re using the antis’ tactics against them, but when all else fails fight fire with fire. Not to mention I hate the idea of the government further sticking their fingers into the world of business.

Now we just need to get Obama to sign it which looks likely since this credit card bill is one of his babies.

England’s Child Database Launched – Personal Data of Millions Lost in U.K. Security – Database of all Children LaunchedMore proof England is taking the novel 1984 literally…

Here is the basics of the situation…

The government says it will enable more co-ordinated services for children and ensure none slips through the net.
It will hold the details of 11 million children and young people aged up to 18 years.

Don’t worry though access to the database is limited…

It says 390,000 people will have access to the database, but will have gone through stringent security training.

See they people with access to the database, you know the very few 390,000 of them, will have very good security training. Just like the British government, oh wait…

But what could possibly be contained in this database? Well the following…

Name, address, date of birth, gender and contact details for parents or carers

Each child also has a unique identifying number

Details of the child’s school and GP practice and for other practitioners or services working with the child

Whether the practitioner is the lead professional for that child

I give it less then a year (and that’s being VERY generous) before the database is compromised and the information contained in it is leaked.

Meanwhile in the Fascist State of Britain

Is somebody you know wearing too much “bling?” Then turn them in…

Britain’s new police campaign is urging it’s subjects to turn in other subjects if they are wearing too much “bling.” Apparently the government is putting up posts stating that if you think somebody is living a life of luxury and you don’t think they can afford it you need to turn them in.

So if you’re a subject of the crown of Britain and you see somebody wearing any jewelry at all place it safe and call the Ministry of Love, I mean the police.

Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2009

Here we go again (and yes I know this is old news)…

Another bill to stomp on our right to bear arms, this time in the form of “fighting terrorism.”  Summed up it allows the Attorney General to suspend your second amendment right if you are suspected of being involved with terrorists.

‘The Attorney General may deny the transfer of a firearm pursuant to section 922(t)(1)(B)(ii) if the Attorney General determines that the transferee is known (or appropriately suspected) to be or have been engaged in conduct constituting, in preparation for, in aid of, or related to terrorism, or providing material support thereof, and the Attorney General has a reasonable belief that the prospective transferee may use a firearm in connection with terrorism.’;

That’s right we can now declare somebody guilty based on suspicion. Here is a list of the jackasses, ahem sponsors of the bill…

Rep. Peter King [R, NY-3]
Rep. Michael Castle [R, DE-0]
Rep. Mark Kirk [R, IL-10]
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy [D, NY-4]
Rep. James Moran [D, VA-8]
Rep. Charles Rangel [D, NY-15]
Rep. Christopher Smith [R, NJ-4]

I say everybody write these guys a nice letter stating how much you love the idea of punishing people who are suspected of being involved with illegal activity. After all we can’t wait until somebody is found guilty before we bring down the hammer of justice.

New York to Enact “Fat Tax”

In another story dealing with New York the nanny state…

It appears New York is trying to pass a law that would put a tax on anything that “makes kids fat.” In other words they are low on money and the way to make more money is to tax popular things like video games and DVDs.

Bruce Schneier Against Cyber Security Tsar

The bastion of common sense security, Bruce Schneier, speaks his mind on the appointing of a cyber security Tsar…

As the man himself puts it.

Really what I think is it shouldn’t be anybody. We do better without a top-down hierarchy. Our economic and political systems work best when there isn’t a dictator in charge, when there isn’t one organization in charge. My feeling is there shouldn’t be one organization in charge. Not only shouldn’t it be the NSA, it shouldn’t be anybody,

I find myself agreeing with him yet again. I don’t know where this idea of appointing so called “Tsars” came from since we aren’t a Russian Monarchy but it’s getting bloody annoying. Having a single person in charge of anything generally fails. That’s why we have the Senate and Congress (granted they don’t really do their jobs in my book). Our founding fathers saw first hand what having one buffoon in charge does so they set up a system with many buffoons in charge.

Having a single person in charge of anything, especially security, leaves a single point of failure in the system.

The “Honorable” Paymar at it Again

I got an NRA-ILA alert for Minnesotans…

Pretty much Paymar has a strong desire to make legal gun ownership more difficult here in Minnesota. He’s trying to put through his pet piece of legislation yet again. What it amounts to is he wants to require all private sales to require background checks. Federally licensed dealers are required to do this via the NICS system which, the last I heard, it’s open to non-licensed individuals.

I really dislike that man.

New Administration OK with Unconstitutional Warrantless Wire Tapping

For those of you in the know you remember the Electronic Frontier Foundation filed a lawsuit againt the Bush administration because of their enacting of warrentless wire tapping.

This lawsuit started in October of 2008. The then administration asked to delay any response until April of 2009. The EFF decided this would be good for their case since there would be an administartion change.

We have that new administration now. They ran on a platform promising government transparency and change. No longer would American citizens have to live under such unconstitutional laws as warrantless wire tapping.

Well at least that’s what they promised. They down right lied. Here is a good article with the bew administration’s response on the case along with a detailed analysis…

Notice anything familiar? The response sounds exactly like the justification the previous administartion gave for enacting the act.

All of this is done to fight terrorists and national security would be at risk is they devildged what exactly was being recorded. Civil rights be damned.

So much for change huh?

Professor Calls Cops on Student Who Gives Pro-Gun Speech

Another article brought to you by the bastion of free speech known as college campuses…

A processor called the police on a student who gave a speech in class. The student’s speech dealt with the idea of allowing students and faculty with concealed carry permits to carry on campus. He stated that school shootings such as the one that occurred at Virginia Tech could have been stopped much sooner if students and faculty had been armed.

Well the professor must not have agreed with him because he called the police. The student was told to report to the police which he did. When he arrived they began listing off all the guns he owned and asked in questions about where they were stored. The professor said he did this because the student’s speech made other students uncomfortable.

It’s nice to know that the first amendment is so well regarded on college campuses these days. Just talking about guns is apparently grounds for calling the police and having the student interrogated.

Can’t say I’m surprised. Heck I wouldn’t be surprised if this exact same scenario occurred at Winona State with how gun friendly they are /sarcasm.

What Happened When Britain Banned Guns

So I came across the video today…

I know it’s rather old but hey it’s new to me. But it gives a good picture of what happened at Britain when they went ahead and banned hand guns.

Violent crimes have roughly tripled since then. Police are now issued body armor (although I’m surprised they weren’t before… you know since they put themselves in harms way) because of the increase in criminals holding guns.

That’s right you can still get hand guns in Britain, so long as you’re a criminal. The black market is more then willing to provide for your needs. Just like in this country if a law impedes your ability to obtain a firearm, you simply get it through illegal means. Now the police are outgunned and citizens are at the mercy of the criminals. But wasn’t this handgun band suppose to make Britain safer?

Then of course you have people like the one mentioned in the video (Tony Martin). People broke into his household, he defend himself and his property, and now is sitting in jail under the charge of manslaughter. The surviving criminal (out of two, Tony got one) got a slap on the write and a little jail time for attempting the break in. And then he sued Tony for defending himself. That’s right the criminal is suing the person who’s house he was breaking into because the man decided not to stand aside and be a victim.

And now with our new administration who is composed heavily with people who have proven to be anti-gun in the past are coming into office here. We already know the president elect (tomorrow the president) was all for banning handguns in Illinois. Exactly what Britain did. Before they took it off it was clearly stated on that his administration wanted to put the poorly named assault weapons ban back into place, and make it permanent.

But I digress I don’t want to make this note all about Obama and friends’ track record. I want to make a point, gun control doesn’t work. It never will work. The only thing gun control does is disarm law abiding citizens and make the criminals’ jobs easier.

I think Sammy Gravano, a former big wig in the Gambino crime family said it best, “Gun control? It’s the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. If I’m a bad guy, I’m always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I’ll pull the trigger. We’ll see who wins.”

Just remember Britain whenever a gun control law comes across the old legislature machine and the politicians tell you it’s going to reduce crime and make the United States a safer place. It will make the United States a safer place… for the criminals.