22 Shot Dead in 24 Hours… In a Gun Free Zone

And tragic but eye opening article…


22 people have been shot dead in 24 hours. Sounds like the Brady Campaign’s wet dream come true, tragedy to exploit in order to press for more gun control laws. But wait it happened in Chicago which is a gun free zone.

For those of you who don’t know Chicago has a complete ban on handguns and sever (pretty much a complete ban) on long guns. The mayors have said less guns equals less crime. Sadly the article points to the real reality, gun free zones only take guns away from law abiding citizens.

Due to Chicago’s restrictions law abiding citizens have no means of defending themselves. Meanwhile criminals have the run of the place because they have the only guns beyond the ill-equipped police. These kinds of tragedies shouldn’t happen, and in fact most likely wouldn’t in a place where people could defend themselves.

Think about it, people claim gun free zones are safer because people can’t bring guns in. In reality this means law abiding citizens can’t bring in guns. A criminal by definition is a person who breaks the law. A person willing to break one law such as murder is not going to hesitate to break another law such as not bringing a gun into a gun free zone.

Many criminals who wish to commit mass shootings chose these gun free zones because they know the people there will be unable to defend themselves. These people are generally cowards who surrender or kill themselves at the first sign of confrontation.

How man tragedies do we have to suffer until law makers realize gun free zones like the entire city of Chicago are costing lives? Columbine, Virginia Tech, the recent shootings in Germany, all three events occurred in gun free zones. All three of these events could also have been stopped early if there were armed citizens these who could have confronted the aggressors.

Friday Minnesota Gun Registration is Heard

This just came across the wire from the NRA-ILA…


Friday Minnesota is holding a hearing for HF 0953. This bill would require all transfers of pistols and “military style” rifles to be registered. This includes private citizen to citizen sales.

Let people know and get on the horn with your representatives and make a stink about it.

For thoroughness here is the contents of the e-mail…

“Minnesota Gun Registration Scheme to be Heard Friday!
Please Contact the Members of the House Crime Victims/Criminal Records Division!
On Friday, March 6, House File 953, introduced by State Representative Michael Paymar (DFL-64B), will be voted on by the House Crime Victims/Criminal Records Division Committee.

This bill was designed to not only regulate the sale of firearms at gun shows, but to regulate the sale of firearms between law-abiding persons, all across Minnesota. As a whole, HF 953 will only affect law-abiding gun owners, and in no way keeps guns out of the hands of criminals.

A particularly troublesome provision in HF 953 creates a de facto registration system by requiring records of all transfers to be maintained by the state. These records would be made available to all authorities, including for use in “civil” cases, which are often brought by anti-gun government officials and are designed to damage or interfere with lawful commerce in firearms.

HF 953 is a direct attack on Minnesota’s gun rights. It also removes the carry permit holders’ exemption from the purchase permit requirement for all handgun or semi-automatic rifle purchases, not just those completed at gun shows, and increases the waiting period from five to seven days.

Please contact the members of the Crime Victims/Criminal Records Division Committee TODAY and respectfully urge them to protect our Second Amendment rights and oppose this bill. Contact information can be found below.

State Representative John Lesch (DFL) Chairman
Phone: 651-296-4224
Email: rep.john.lesch@house.mn

State Representative Ron Shimanski (R) Vice Chair
Phone: 651-296-1534
Email: rep.ron.shimanski@house.mn

State Representative Debra Hilstrom (DFL)
Phone: 651-296-3709
Email: rep.debra.hilstrom@house.mn

State Representative Kory Kath (DFL)
Phone: 651-296-5368
Email: rep.kory.kath@house.mn

State Representative Paul Kohls (R)
Phone: 651-296-4282
Email: rep.paul.kohls@house.mn

State Representative Jenifer Loon (R)
Phone: 651-296-7449
Email: rep.jenifer.loon@house.mn

State Representative Dave Olin (DFL)
Phone: 651-296-9635
Email: rep.dave.olin@house.mn

State Representative Michael Paymar (DFL)
Phone: 651-296-4199
Email: rep.michael.paymar@house.mn”

What Happened When Britain Banned Guns

So I came across the video today…


I know it’s rather old but hey it’s new to me. But it gives a good picture of what happened at Britain when they went ahead and banned hand guns.

Violent crimes have roughly tripled since then. Police are now issued body armor (although I’m surprised they weren’t before… you know since they put themselves in harms way) because of the increase in criminals holding guns.

That’s right you can still get hand guns in Britain, so long as you’re a criminal. The black market is more then willing to provide for your needs. Just like in this country if a law impedes your ability to obtain a firearm, you simply get it through illegal means. Now the police are outgunned and citizens are at the mercy of the criminals. But wasn’t this handgun band suppose to make Britain safer?

Then of course you have people like the one mentioned in the video (Tony Martin). People broke into his household, he defend himself and his property, and now is sitting in jail under the charge of manslaughter. The surviving criminal (out of two, Tony got one) got a slap on the write and a little jail time for attempting the break in. And then he sued Tony for defending himself. That’s right the criminal is suing the person who’s house he was breaking into because the man decided not to stand aside and be a victim.

And now with our new administration who is composed heavily with people who have proven to be anti-gun in the past are coming into office here. We already know the president elect (tomorrow the president) was all for banning handguns in Illinois. Exactly what Britain did. Before they took it off it was clearly stated on change.gov that his administration wanted to put the poorly named assault weapons ban back into place, and make it permanent.

But I digress I don’t want to make this note all about Obama and friends’ track record. I want to make a point, gun control doesn’t work. It never will work. The only thing gun control does is disarm law abiding citizens and make the criminals’ jobs easier.

I think Sammy Gravano, a former big wig in the Gambino crime family said it best, “Gun control? It’s the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. If I’m a bad guy, I’m always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I’ll pull the trigger. We’ll see who wins.”

Just remember Britain whenever a gun control law comes across the old legislature machine and the politicians tell you it’s going to reduce crime and make the United States a safer place. It will make the United States a safer place… for the criminals.