Potential Light Blogging Again

Man I really hate saying this again and again, I’m starting to sound like a broken record. Anyways I’m traveling for work again and blogging may be rather light although due to the massive amount of light blogging as of late I’ll try not to let it slip.

I’ll try to get some preemptive stories posted that will publish tomorrow.

I’m Back

Well I’m back at a computer again. The funeral went as well as could be expected and my Grandpa was giving the best send off I think any family can give a dead relative. Anyways updates should continue as normal again.

Probably No Blogging Until Tuesday

I know I said regular updates would return today but last night I received the unfortunate news that my grand father had died. The Funeral is on Monday and much has to be done before then. Likewise there is about a day of tasks for Tuesday set forth as well. Because of this updates on this site are going to most likely be completely stalled until Wednesday.

Slow Day

Hey I’m just posting to let everybody know today is probably going to be a little slow here. I’m working on a major project which I’ll announce when it’s ready to go. I’ll probably get some news updates going here later today.

Format Change

Until now I’ve always made my posts by proving all links with the raw link. The idea here was simple, allow the user to know where they were going before they went there and no make them have to look at the status bar. Well it seems other people weren’t in agreement and I’ve told several times that not only is it unsightly but also makes posts harder to read. But it was this little tidbit which I should have thought of before that has made me decide to change things.

Although I posting the actual URL as the text for the link there is no way a person can be guaranteed that what I’m posting as the text is in fact the same as the URL without looking at their status bar. Of course I assumed people would trust me but being an unknown entity behind a computer I shouldn’t expect people to trust what I post. I strongly believe in trust no one (TNO) security, which means you simply trust nobody with your security, period.

Hence links will now be posted as they appear on most sites and a component of the story text. Furthermore I’m going to added references for further information to stories that I feel warrant further research by the reader.