What Happened When Britain Banned Guns

So I came across the video today…


I know it’s rather old but hey it’s new to me. But it gives a good picture of what happened at Britain when they went ahead and banned hand guns.

Violent crimes have roughly tripled since then. Police are now issued body armor (although I’m surprised they weren’t before… you know since they put themselves in harms way) because of the increase in criminals holding guns.

That’s right you can still get hand guns in Britain, so long as you’re a criminal. The black market is more then willing to provide for your needs. Just like in this country if a law impedes your ability to obtain a firearm, you simply get it through illegal means. Now the police are outgunned and citizens are at the mercy of the criminals. But wasn’t this handgun band suppose to make Britain safer?

Then of course you have people like the one mentioned in the video (Tony Martin). People broke into his household, he defend himself and his property, and now is sitting in jail under the charge of manslaughter. The surviving criminal (out of two, Tony got one) got a slap on the write and a little jail time for attempting the break in. And then he sued Tony for defending himself. That’s right the criminal is suing the person who’s house he was breaking into because the man decided not to stand aside and be a victim.

And now with our new administration who is composed heavily with people who have proven to be anti-gun in the past are coming into office here. We already know the president elect (tomorrow the president) was all for banning handguns in Illinois. Exactly what Britain did. Before they took it off it was clearly stated on change.gov that his administration wanted to put the poorly named assault weapons ban back into place, and make it permanent.

But I digress I don’t want to make this note all about Obama and friends’ track record. I want to make a point, gun control doesn’t work. It never will work. The only thing gun control does is disarm law abiding citizens and make the criminals’ jobs easier.

I think Sammy Gravano, a former big wig in the Gambino crime family said it best, “Gun control? It’s the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. If I’m a bad guy, I’m always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I’ll pull the trigger. We’ll see who wins.”

Just remember Britain whenever a gun control law comes across the old legislature machine and the politicians tell you it’s going to reduce crime and make the United States a safer place. It will make the United States a safer place… for the criminals.

North Dakota has 2 Murders in 2008… Neither Gun Related

Check this out…


North Dakota only had two murders in the entire state last yeah. Funny enough both were stabbings.

The Brady Campaign Against Self Defense lists North Dakota as 44 out of 50 for state gun control laws. Strange how a state with so few gun control laws eends up having ZERO gun related murders.

HK: Because You Suck and We Hate You

Somebody pointed me to a funny article today…


I’m sure a few people who read this (and who I tag to this) have experienced people who are zealous fans of some gun manufacturer because they saw the guns in a video game.

Anyways this article reminded me of an experience I had with some “tacticool” (God I love that word) kids at a gun range in Caledonia.

I had my trusty Smith and Wesson .357 magnum revolver and my 30-30 Winchester lever action rifle. Two other guys there had some fancy pistols (don’t remember their make anymore) and AR-15s. The funny things was each of their guns had more accessories on them then my revolver has chambers. Why anybody needs a laser, flashlight, and red dot optics on a single pistol is beyond me.

Anyways they had to come over to me to show me their awesome guns. I looked at them and withheld my laughter. Then I uncased my guns and they started laughing. I didn’t give them much time, Lord new they had enough problems moving around with all that gear in their vests.

Anyways they made a few comments about my guns being so old my great grandfather must have willed them to me (if only I had some guns with history like that behind them). Then they went on blabbering about how awesome their guns were because the military uses them.

Somehow their guns could suffer through more then mine. Desert, arctic conditions, jungle, forest, molting hot lava, the center of the Earth (OK I made up the last two), you name it. I didn’t both telling them that the type of guns I had with were doing this crap for longer then any of us were alive.

But they also went on a spiel about how awesome H and K guns were. Now they never used an H and K gun before but since that’s what all the cool people used (i.e. movie stars that aren’t Clint Eastwood) the guns were obviously forged from steel and awesome.

Man I love zealous people who think they know everything about guns because they played Counter-Strike.