Although I’m a little late posting it here (that’s why you should follow I posted Episode 4 of the Truth About Guns podcast yesterday. Go have a listen.
Month: November 2009
For Those of You in Support of S. 1317
I’ve made some quips about the unconstitutional S. 1317, known as the Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2009, before. If passed the bill would say anybody on the FBI’s secret terrorist watch list would become a prohibited person. This means you could be denied your right to bear arms because your name appears on a list nobody can read. To add insult to injury nobody is allowed to know the criteria for placing names on that said list.
Well for those of you who still support the idea take a look at this story. According to numbers released by the FBI 1,600 names are submitted to be added to the secret list EVERY DAY. The list already has 400,000 names of “suspected terrorists” and it ever growing. That’s a potential of 1,600 people every day losing their right to bear arms based on suspicion alone. So much for being innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
The New Guy Sounds a Lot Like the Old Guy
Wow more change from the administration that’s been promising it since their campaign. In a move to reverse the Bush administration’s unconstitutional warrentless wire tapping law the Obama administration is repealing the law.
Oh wait sorry that’s only in the magical land of make believe. Since Mr. Rogers is dead we can’t go there anymore and hence we have to deal with reality. The new administration is sounding incredibly like the old one time and time again. Now Attorney General Eric Holder is saying the San Francisco lawsuit against warrantless wiretapping needs to be stopped in the name of national security. And with logic like this how can we argue:
In making the argument, the Obama administration agreed with the Bush administration’s position on the case but insists it came to the decision differently. A civil liberties group criticized the move Friday as a retreat from promises President Barack Obama made as a candidate.
Wait Obama isn’t keeping promises he made? By God he must be a, wait for it, politician. Holy crap it’s almost like you can’t trust these guys. I’m just waiting for Obama’s supporters who were against Bush on these very topics to justify what the current administration is doing. After all it’s OK, they came to the conclusion differently.