Target Target

After receiving a great deal of assistance from Open Carry Texas (OCT) the folks over at Moms Demand Action (MDA), a front group for Michael Bloomberg, have managed to get Starbuck, Jack in the Box, and Chipotle to issue statements requesting customers to not openly carry guns in their stores. Since this strategy has proven to be the only successful one in the group’s short history it is going all out with it. Now it’s targeting Target:

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, the Michael Bloomberg-funded gun-control group that shamed Starbucks and Chipotle into asking customers to leave their guns at home, is setting its sights on the Target chain.

The group turned its focus to Target after gun-rights groups advocating open-carry laws in Texas photographed themselves shopping at Dallas-area Target stores toting rifles strapped over their shoulders.

“Moms have their eye on Target because it’s a place we take our children to shop — and we’ve been disturbed by some of the demonstrations that gun extremists have held with loaded rifles inside and outside some stores. Assault rifles have no place in the baby aisle,” said Erika Soto Lamb, a spokeswoman for the group.

If MDA manages to pull this one off it will finally get a store that I sometimes shop at to issue a request that customers not open carry firearms into its store. Of course that’s probably all the group will manage to achieve because even with people carrying rifles into store MDA hasn’t managed to get any company to issue an outright ban.

Overall I’m not too worried. But part of me wonders if OCT stops carrying rifles into private businesses, which it has said it will stop doing, if MDA will start doing so just to drum up the pictures necessary for its campaign. A good old fashioned false flag campaign would be fun to ridicule and MDA is just crazy enough to pulls such a stunt.