The Real Reason Obama is Threatening to Veto the National Defense Authorization Act

Obama has been threatening to veto the National Defense Authorization Act, which includes a section that will authorize indefinite detention of anybody accused of being linked to terrorism in any way. His supporters are pointing to this threat as proof of Obama’s willingness to defend the rights of American citizens. Unfortunately, for all of us, that’s not true. How can I make this claim? Easy, his administration were the ones that asked language in section 1031, the section authorizing indefinite detention, exempting American citizens be removed. Don’t take my word for it, let Senator Carl Levin explain [MP3].

If Obama gave a crap about civil rights he would have been demanding the language remain in the bill. Knowing he demanded the language be removed it’s obvious there is an ulterior motive for threatening a veto and it most likely isn’t benevolent.

Even though there were videos of this speech floating around they have apparently been removed from YouTube (I found four instances of the video, all were said to be removed by the user when I tried to view them). Thankfully I was able to find a copy of the speech on No Agenda Show Notes. The copy I linked to is from there but uploaded to my server so as not to waster their bandwidth unnecessarily.

Your Tax Dollars Working Hard to Fight Terrorism

One thing that never ceases to amaze me is the absolute lack of fiscal responsibility exercised by government agencies. What our tax money is spent on in the so-called war on terror boggles the mind. For instance I would really like to know how snow cone machines are used to thwart the plans of terrorists:

The West Michigan Shoreline Regional Development Commission (WMSRDC) is a federal- and state-designated agency responsible for managing and administrating the homeland security program in Montcalm County and 12 other counties.

The WMSRDC recently purchased and transferred homeland security equipment to these counties — including 13 snow cone machines at a total cost of $11,700.

The machines were funded by a grant from the Michigan Homeland Security Program. The request for a snow cone machine came from another county, but all 13 counties received them.

The purchase raised some questions at a recent Montcalm County Board of Commissioners meeting. Commissioners wondered about the machine and questioned its purpose.

The Michigan Homeland Security Grant Program’s Allowable Cost Justification document, dated May 9, 2011, says the snow cone machines can make ice to prevent heat-related illnesses during emergencies, treat injuries and provide snow cones as an outreach at promotional events.

Emphasis mine. You can justify anything so long as you’re willing to stretch definitions far enough. I’m curious what heat-related illnesses can be better avoided through the application of snow cones over regular crushed ice. While I’m not a biologist I believe human beings are capable of intaking ice whether it is flavored or not.

I’m also at a loss how consuming ice, flavored or not, will help with heat-related illness. The common complication related to heat is dehydration. Anybody who has studied winter survival techniques understand that the consumption of snow actually further dehydrates a person.

I wish government agencies would just be honest and say, “We want a snow cone machine because snow cones are fucking delicious.” If you’re going to piss away money on frivolous gear at least have the decency to be honest and not attempt to bullshit the public.

Government Delayed Warning About Chevrolet Volt Battery to Boost Sales

Anybody who understands the consequences of marrying government to business will not be surprised to learn this tidbit of information. Government General Motors is receiving some special treatment from the National Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA):

Yet, almost five months went by before either GM or the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) told dealers and customers about the potential risks and urged them to drain the battery pack as soon as possible after an accident.

Part of the reason for delaying the disclosure was the “fragility of Volt sales” up until that point, according to Joan Claybrook, a former administrator at NHTSA.

“NHTSA could have put out a consumer alert,” he said, according to industry website

They government withheld this warning to boost sales of the Volt. It wasn’t the “greedy capitalist corporation” that withheld this information, it was the government that people falsely believes represents the people. In other words your government withheld safety information to boost sales for a corporation under its care. I highly doubt NHTSA would do the same for Ford if it was discovered one of their new vehicles had a propensity of lighting ablaze after accidents.

Federal Government Censor Websites Using Copyright Laws

With all the debate surrounding the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) mission creep we often forget that the federal government has been practicing censorship by hijacking domains of websites. We’re told that SOPA will be OK because the government will only target copyright offenders but the truth is they’ve already used their authority to censor non-infringing websites:

Imagine if the US government, with no notice or warning, raided a small but popular magazine’s offices over a Thanksgiving weekend, seized the company’s printing presses, and told the world that the magazine was a criminal enterprise with a giant banner on their building. Then imagine that it never arrested anyone, never let a trial happen, and filed everything about the case under seal, not even letting the magazine’s lawyers talk to the judge presiding over the case. And it continued to deny any due process at all for over a year, before finally just handing everything back to the magazine and pretending nothing happened. I expect most people would be outraged. I expect that nearly all of you would say that’s a classic case of prior restraint, a massive First Amendment violation, and exactly the kind of thing that does not, or should not, happen in the United States.

But, in a story that’s been in the making for over a year, and which we’re exposing to the public for the first time now, this is exactly the scenario that has played out over the past year — with the only difference being that, rather than “a printing press” and a “magazine,” the story involved “a domain” and a “blog.”


Okay, now some details. First, remember It was one of the sites seized over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend back in 2010 — a little over a year ago. Those seizures struck us as particularly interesting, because among the sites seized were a bunch of hip hop blogs, including a few that were highly ranked on Vibe’s list of the top hip hop blogs.


In fact, as the details came out, it became clear that ICE and the Justice Department were in way over their heads. ICE’s “investigation” was done by a technically inept recent college grad, who didn’t even seem to understand the basics of the technology. But it didn’t stop him from going to a judge and asking for a site to be completely censored with no due process.

The story goes into more detail but I’m sure you get the point. ICE has been shutting down domains based on “evidence” collected by completely unqualified individuals. Instead of laughing and tossing out requests for domain seizures judges have simply been saying, “Well I’m an agent of the state and you’re an agent of the state so you must be right. Sieze the domain!” This kind of ineptitude isn’t an exception but is the rule when it comes to government enforcement of almost anything.

Knowing this people still want to grant the government more power. What SOPA will do is allow this kind of incompetence to spread even further. I also guarantee you that many websites that are critical of the federal government will find themselves on the list of copyright offenders, by accident of course.

Can Anybody Say Mission Creep

Read the following excerpt and tell me if something looks amiss to you:

The Department of Justice (DOJ) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have confiscated another 11 domains names, all related to Korean movie portals.

The seizures are another iteration of “Operation In Our Sites”, the domain name seizing initiative designed to crack down on online piracy and counterfeiting.

My question is this: what does online piracy have to do with immigration or customs? I can’t even twist this issue around hard enough to make sense of sicking Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on domain name providers to censor bring down websites.

This case looks to be yet another case of mission creep. Government agencies love getting more power because with each increase in power comes justification for demanding additional federal funds to maintain operations of the “underfunded” (according to them) agency. If we’re going to have federal enforcement agencies then they damn well should be restricted to a very specific mission. Every time they expand their power it comes at the direct expense of our liberty.

Obama Administration Moving to Coverup Government Gun Smuggling Case

After the slaying of United States Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry it was discovered that weapons were being smuggled from the United States into Mexico by our own government. This culminated into the discovery of Operation Fast and Furious, which has been a rather undesired blemish on the current administration’s already heavily blemished record. It appears as though the coverup is now in full swing though:

The case against Osorio-Arellanes and others involved in the shooting has since been sealed, meaning that neither the public nor the media has access to any evidence, filings, rulings or arguments.

The U.S. attorney’s office in San Diego, which is prosecuting the case, would confirm only that it was sealed. Also sealed was the judge’s reason for sealing the case.

The indictment lists the names of other suspects in the shooting, but they are redacted.

In the Terry killing, two Romanian-built AK-47 assault rifles found at the scene were identified as having been purchased in a Glendale, Ariz., gun shop as part of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF) failed Fast and Furious investigation.

A number of rank-and-file Border Patrol agents have questioned why the case has not gone to trial, nearly a year after Terry’s killing. Several also have concerns about the lack of transparency in the investigation, compounded now by the fact that the court case has been sealed.

Nothing to see here, move along citizen. This shouldn’t come as a shock to anybody considering how big of a deal this entire case is. The government was caught doing something naughty, arming Mexican drug cartels, and they want the entire mess to go away. You’re not suppose to inquire about it, records are now sealed, and everybody is supposed to pretend this entire situation was caused by American’s “loose” gun laws.

Only one word comes to mind after reading this, disgusting. On the other hand this should demonstrated without a doubt that our government doesn’t feel as though they need to answer to us, if we ask a question they can just classify all related documents and tell us to buzz off.

Man Charged for Advocating Jury Nullification

Julian Heicklen is a good man who has been informing jurors of their right to nullify for some time. Unfortunately for him he’s in the state of New York which isn’t known for their respect of law or rights, which is what has likely lead to his arrest:

Julian P. Heicklen, a 79-year-old retired chemistry professor, has often stood on a plaza outside the United States Courthouse in Manhattan, holding a “Jury Info” sign and handing out brochures that advocate

Emphasis mine. The idea of jury nullification isn’t controversial, it has a long standing precedence in English common law which our system was built upon. Nullification is an extension of the fact that juries can’t be punished for the verdict they deliver. That is to say if a jury finds a defendant not guilty members of the jury can’t be charged with a crime because they ruled in opposition to the desires of the court. Were this protection removed it would effectively eliminate the entire idea behind juries.

Thus jury nullification isn’t controversial but an unpreventable (thankfully) side effect of jury trials. Juries are not required to even justify their verdict hence they could nullify without anybody knowing they did so. In summary nullification is a power juries have by the very fact juries exist. It pisses me off when people claim the idea of nullification is in any way controversial and demonstrates the sheer ignorance of the person making the statement regarding jury trials. The following quote is also golden:

“No legal system could long survive,” they added, “if it gave every individual the option of disregarding with impunity any law which by his personal standard was judged morally untenable.”

Actually our legal system, as well as the legal system of countless other countries, have survived giving every juror the option of disregarding the letter of the law. Again nullification is a power that is granted juries by the very fact that juries can’t be punished for their verdict. Since there has never been a case in the United States (that I’m aware of) where members of a jury have been punished for delivering an “incorrect” verdict and our system is still in operation it’s impossible to claim a legal system can’t survived nullification.

I wish more people were capable of using basic logic and had an understanding of history.

The Government Will Steal Anything Including Fish

The government is unable to generate wealth and instead must resort to stealing it from those who can. It seems our government has taken this philosophy to the next leve, they aren’t able to catch prize fish but they can steal it from those who can:

Meanwhile, the weather offshore had deteriorated and the Apollo decided to seek shelter in Provincetown harbor last Saturday. Hearing this, Rafael immediately set off in a truck to meet the boat. “I wanted to sell the fish while it was fresh instead of letting it age on the boat,” he said. “It was a beautiful fish.”

It was also a lucrative one. Highly prized in Japan, a 754-pound specimen fetched a record price at a Tokyo auction in January this year, selling for nearly $396,000. These fish can grow to enormous size. The world record for a bluefin, which has stood since 1979, was set when a 1,496-pound specimen was caught off Nova Scotia.

Lucky guy, he captured a fish that is likely worth hundres of thousands of dollars. This is a prize a fisherman can only dream of I’m sure. Rafael was smart when he purchased his 15 tuna licenses in case this every happened… wait I’m thinking of bizarro America, this is real America:

However, when Rafael rolled down the dock in Provincetown there was an unexpected and unwelcome development. The authorities were waiting. Agents from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Office of Law Enforcement informed him they were confiscating his fish — all 881 pounds of it.

Even though the catch had been declared and the boat had a tuna permit, the rules do not allow fishermen to catch these fish in a net.

Agents of the government always have to swoop in and destroy that which is great, I think it’s in their job description somewhere under the requirement of being a humorless dick.

“They said it had to be caught with rod and reel,” a frustrated Rafael said. “We didn’t try to hide anything. We did everything by the book. Nobody ever told me we couldn’t catch it with a net.”

That was your mistak Rafael, you played by the book. Never play by the book if you can avoid it. Playing by the book only ensure pain in the form of theft by government goons who want a piece of the action. I hope this is a lesson to Rafael, he should learn that anytime you catch something worth a ton of money you should conceal it and sell it before any government agents catch wind of his good fortune. Did I mention the best part? The first was confiscated before any charges were drummed up:

No charges have yet been filed in connection with the catch, but a written warning is anticipated, according to Christine Patrick, a public affairs specialist with NOAA who said the fish has been forfeited and will be sold on consignment overseas. Proceeds from the sale of the fish will be held in an account pending final resolution of the case, NOAA said. No information on the value of the fish was available Friday.

Confiscating the property of citizens appears to be a new pass time for our government. Such activities would seem to me a violation of due process but I’m just a lowly serf like Rafael.

You also have to admire how brazen these government thugs are, first they steal the man’s fish without any due process or even charges and then they’re going to sell it and keep the proceeds. Perhaps this is part of the new plan to balance the budget. Either that or the government is simply showing off its ability to break the law and get away with it.

The Five Stages of Political Grief

I’m rather glad many of my friends are finally waking up to the fact that politicians lie. It’s somewhat sad to watch the vicious and painful transition one has to make when they go from believing their “representatives” have the best intentions of their constituents in mind to knowing said “representatives” have only their own self-interset in mind. This fact has become apparent with the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), which Al Franken (former hero of my friends for his support of net neutrality) and Amy Klobuchar (I have no idea what anybody every liked her) are cosponsors of.

At this point I would say many of my friends are experiencing one of the five stages of grief. Some are still in denial, trying to convince themselves that this is a mistake and that both senators will revoke their cosponsorship one they receive an e-mail or letter explaining what SOPA really is. Other friends are in the stage of anger, they demand to know what justification either senator has to supporting this bill. A few are at the stage of bargaining, hoping they can offer the senators something in exchange for revocation of their sponsorship of the bill. Just a couple of my friends have progressed for the fourth stage of depression, they are finally realized that their elected “representatives” care not at all for their constituency. I would put myself at the stage of acceptance as I know our “representatives” don’t care about anybody but themselves and honestly I don’t really care anymore. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) I never had to transcend the five stages of grief in regards to my political views because I never really believed politicians existed for any reason other than fucking us all over to get what they want. Due to this fact I can’t offer my friends any help of advice to make their transcendence through the stages of grief any easier.

I can offer some small advice to those currently in the bargaining stage. You may believe Franken and Klobuchar care about your vote but ultimately they do not. This is because one vote has never turned an election and they have legions of loyal suckers willing to reelect them next year. Both senators also enjoy the state of being incumbents and we all know incumbents enjoy a very high chance of reelection unless they’ve done something incredibly despicable (think personally scandalous, not fucking over their constituency by voting for bad legislation since few voters keep track of such things). While you offer your vote your competition, those supporting SOPA, are offering massive campaign contributions and the promise of plush, well-paying lobbyist jobs when the senators exit politics. In a very real sense one side is offering nothing at all while the other is offering untold riches and power.

I’m sorry many of you have to wakeup to this fact the hard way. Having your entire world view smashed is never easy but I can say for certainty, as somebody who has accepted the situation for what it is, that things get better. Once you realize you’re being fucked over and learn how you’re being fucked over your attitude improves greatly. There is something uplifting about simply having this knowledge.

It Must be Hard to Fit this Much Corruption into a Single Issue

I’m not sure how the politicians that make up our government manage to fit so much corruption into apparently cut and dry issues. When one arm of the government is declaring the need for more vegetables and less potatoes in school lunches another arm of the government is declaring pizza a vegetable and axing the recommendation that children eat less potatoes. It must be difficult working inside an entity so massive and so full of corruption that one arm is actively working against another arm because different lobbyist target different politicians. Just look at the recent mess involving federally subsidized school lunches and weep at the mess we call government:

The final version of a spending bill released late Monday would unravel school lunch standards the Agriculture Department proposed earlier this year. These include limiting the use of potatoes on the lunch line, putting new restrictions on sodium and boosting the use of whole grains. The legislation would block or delay all of those efforts.

The bill also would allow tomato paste on pizzas to be counted as a vegetable, as it is now. USDA had wanted to only count a half-cup of tomato paste or more as a vegetable, and a serving of pizza has less than that.

Nutritionists say the whole effort is reminiscent of the Reagan administration’s much-ridiculed attempt 30 years ago to classify ketchup as a vegetable to cut costs. This time around, food companies that produce frozen pizzas for schools, the salt industry and potato growers requested the changes and lobbied Congress.

The only way so many special interests can be involved in a single issue is if the government is meddling. I’m sure vegetable growers were the ones who petitioned the Agriculture Department to first enact it’s recommendations and then companies that produce frozen pizza, seeing their business may be in jeopardy, petitioned government to overrule those recommendations through legislation. While everybody scoffs at Congress’s attempt to redefine what a vegetable is the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is busy making themselves out to be hypocrites:

“While it’s unfortunate that some members of Congress continue to put special interests ahead of the health of America’s children, USDA remains committed to practical, science-based standards for school meals,” she said in a statement.

Emphasis mine. Let’s look back at a the previous quote, specifically the part that states, “USDA had wanted to only count a half-cup of tomato paste or more as a vegetable, and a serving of pizza has less than that.” How does the amount of tomato paste scientifically define whether or not it is a vegetable? Last I hear tomatoes were scientifically classified as fruit. What a bunch of hypocritical assholes.

Not only is Congress and USDA involved in this but even the military has a pony in this race:

A group of retired generals advocating for healthier school lunches also criticized the spending bill. The group, called Mission: Readiness, has called poor nutrition in school lunches a national security issue because obesity is the leading medical disqualifier for military service.

Obviously the biggest problem with increased obesity in the United States is that it reduce the number of people available to send overseas to kill foreigners! We need to stop this before we don’t have enough troops to occupy the ~140 countries we currently have bases in!

Let’s recap on everybody involved in this issue. We have USDA, Congress, lobbyists for numerous agriculture organizations, scientific organizations, healthcare organization, retired military personell, and school children. The last group is the one who has no say but are getting fucked over regardless of the outcome.

All of these groups are involved in what is essentially a simple problem: determining what food will be served at public schools. People across the nation solved this problem on a daily fucking basis when they decide what they’re going to make for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. That’s right, those idiots in government can’t solve a problem that is essentially figuring out what one is going to eat for a meal and we trust them with market regulations, foreign relations, and nuclear weaponry. Think about that last sentence for a while and then ask yourself why the hell we trust these morons to decide anything of importance.