Through a combination of illness and starting a new project I didn’t have the energy or time to write any posts last night. Check back later, if I’m feeling better I may get something posted.
Category: Side Notes
Check Back Later
I’m back from vacation but I didn’t get home until 22:30. Needless to say after being in a car for roughly 10 hours I didn’t feel up to writing posts as soon as I returned. Due to this new content isn’t going to appear until later.
On Vacation
I won’t be around to post material for a couple of days. I did write a couple of posts ahead of time so there will be updates although not at the usual volume.
Joe Biden is an Arrogant Ass
I know, I’m not saying anything that the general public is unaware of but I really must state, for the record, that I think Joe Biden is an arrogant ass. Consider the following statement made by him:
During a press conference on gun safety in Philadelphia, Vice President Joe Biden said that any reports that suggest that he was trying to take weapons away from gun owners was a “bunch of malarkey.”
“I know that’s a word that you’ve never heard before, although it’s now in the dictionary,” Biden boasted.
He knows that malarkey is a word that I’ve never heard before? He could have fooled me. Needless to say the rest of what he said was equally idiotic.
Check Back Later
It was a busy weekend and I didn’t find time to post any stories. I’ll probably post some content later but in the meantime Pope Benedict resigned. Needless to say that wasn’t a new article I was expecting to read this morning.
For the Record
Buck Yeager has a habit of saying really stupid stuff. Apparently challenging anybody who called him a coward due a duel wasn’t enough, he decided to go on YouTube and threaten civil war if new gun control laws are passed.
I’ve heard a few people in the gun rights community either voice their concern about new gun control laws sparking civil war or claiming they would spark a civil war themselves if new gun control laws are passed. For the record I just want it know that if a civil war breaks out in this country I’m going to be hearing about it from a different country. I’ll probably pick somewhere tropical since I’m getting sick and tied of dealing with winter here in Minnesota.
I am not a patriot, I have no loyalty to this country, I’m not even a fan of the Constitution. My loyalties lie with my friends and family who I plan to take with me if things turn violent. Civil wars have a nasty habit of leading to new, usually more tyrannical, states and I’m not going to help bring in a new age of tyranny.
My 30th Birthday
Today, January 4th, 2013, I turn 30 years old. My three decades on this Earth have taught me many things and life has been treating me relatively well so far.
Now if you’ll excuse me there are kids on my damned lawn and I must tell them to vacate immediately.
Welcome to 2013
It’s officially 2013 in the Central timezone. If you’re reading this you’re not celebrating New Year’s Eve properly but I give you kudos for your loyalty to my little blog.
Happy New Year, Well Almost
2012 has almost come to a close an 2013 is about to role in. I’m still on vacation so you don’t be seeing any new content today or tomorrow. As I expect most people will be partying today and hungover tomorrow I don’t expect many people to be hitting this site anyways. Enjoy whatever New Year’s Eve celebration you’ll be attending.
Vacation Time
I’m on vacation until the beginning of next year. Due to this posting on this blog may become erratic. I’ll try to get content up but I have a decent amount of stuff scheduled already. If you don’t see many updates now you know why.