Dead and Back

Good news ladies and gentlemen I’m finally back. Thursday my little friend the mystery disease decided to push and I finally called for a doctor’s appointment. What the doctor told me was basically it was not pneumonia… unless it was. It was almost certainly a bacterial infection… unless it was viral. Basically he had no fucking clue what it was and didn’t want to admit it. Luckily he prescribed me azithromycin, an amazing antibiotic from Croatia (I had to look it up). Within several hours of taking the first dose I started feeling more human and things improved quickly leading me to believe whatever I had was bacterial.

With that said I’ll stop my whining and start posting things that are at least of interest to the rest of the world.

Back in Limited Capacity

I’m still feeling like death rolled over me but I’m going to try to get some things posted on here for you guys to read. First let me talk about my wonderful cold. I’m an idiot you see, when I’m told to try something I always research it instead of just doing it. This means I lose out on the placebo effect. You know what a common remedy for the cold is that hasn’t been shown to actually work? Vitamin C.

My friend send me an interesting link through that talks about the link between vitamin D and influenza (and general repository infections). Vitamin D is produced when we expose ourselves to sunlight which explains the seasonal rise and fall of influenza cases (less exposure to sunlight in the winter lowers vitamin D levels and all that).

By Popular Demand

OK I’ve finally been asked for a Twitter feed for this site enough times that I got off of my ass and enabled it. This involved me signing up for a Twitter account which burned like the fiery wrath of Loki. Never say I don’t do anything for you. My user name on Twitter is ComradeBurg.

Now leave me alone and enjoy your stinkin’ Twitter feed. And if any of you who has been asking me for this don’t follow me so help me I’m going to unleash a horde of velociraptors on you.

Also I’m still testing the Twitter feed so this may or may not shot up on there.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everybody. If you’re offended by this phrase and would prefer “Happy Holidays” instead please feel free to raise the issue with the complaints department. They’re located down the hall in the Department of I Don’t Give a Fuck office.

Either way it’s Christmas weekend so this site is going to be dead over the holiday. Expect no posts tomorrow or the next two days following that.

Have a great holiday and try not to do anything too stupid OK?

Time Off

Well it’s the holiday which means I’m going to be away from this site for the next couple of days. No I did not actually prepare things for you to read, sorry about that. Alas you’ll probably all be asleep from gorging yourselves on massive quantities of food and thus it’s irrelevant anyways. Have a good Thanksgiving.