Results of the Lake Harriet Open Carry Picnic

Well I just returned from the open carry picnic at Lake Harriet in Minneapolis. It was a great success with roughly 50 gun toting people in attendance. It started at 11:00 and the last few of us left a little before 17:00. The food was great, the conversation was lively, and the weather couldn’t have been better. Many of the people in attendance even brought their family along for the fun.

One lady did call 911 when she saw all of use terrible gun owner eating burgers and overall being happy. We only know she called 911 because the person who the dispatcher called came over and let us know with a smile. We all laughed. We did hear an awful number of sirens coming towards our area and that lady’s fact lit up with glee. Her high hopes were shattered though when it was discovered the police and ambulance were responding to a person having a heart attack further down the lake shore.

We also had one person come over with a desire for argument. He spewed off such things as how terrible it is us permit holders don’t have to take a urine test. His argument didn’t last long though after being offered a brat. He happily accepted and went on his way.

I know all the anti-gunners like to say anytime there are people together with guns there will be shooting and blood in the streets. So I’m posting the thing that the anti-gunners are so excited to see the body count of people who were shot at Lake Harriet during the open carry picnic…

Ages 0 to 20: 0
Ages 21 to 40: 0
Ages 41 to 60: 0
Ages 61 to 80: 0
Ages 81 to 100: 0
Ages 101 to 120: 0

Ages 0 to 20: 0
Ages 21 to 40: 0
Ages 41 to 60: 0
Ages 61 to 80: 0
Ages 81 to 100: 0
Ages 101 to 120: 0

Total People Shot During Event: 0