Health Care in the United States, a Perfect Summary

I think I’ve found the best quote out there to explain the health care “situation” here in the United States. Via Say Uncle…

I went to a local walk in clinic, said how much, they told me, and I gave them money. They then gave me health care. Amazing. People will sell something that you’re willing to buy.

Without Real Guns Apparently Air Guns are Scary

While many states in the United States are learning the benefits of an armed citizenry Oceania is doing everything they can to disarm the populace. Currently in Scotland there is a campaign to show the “dangers” of air guns…

From the article…

The campaign will include website adverts, posters and leaflets, and comes at the height of summer when use of firearms traditionally is at its highest.

And of course we need the “protect the children” argument…

Mr MacAskill said: “Airguns are not toys, but weapons that can kill and maim. There have been tragedies that have caused pain and injury to children and animals. That’s why we believe that action must be taken.

The first sign of governmental corruption is an attempt to disarm the populace.

Japanese Gun Laws are Strict

I saw this article not too long ago…

The Japanese police swept in to arrest a person who held a rifle on television. They didn’t load, aim, or fire the gun they simply held it.

Shiga prefectural police regard the incident, in which a hunter with a gun permit allowed TV personality Noburo Harada, 57, to momentarily handle the rifle during the show, as a serious breach of a law concerning the storage and management of firearms.

So much so, in fact, that on June 12, the prefectural police referred the case to prosecutors. As a result, the hunter, aged 49, along with a 60-year-old TV producer and a 37-year-old director of the show, could face charges of violating the swords and firearms control law.


Remember Your Nanny Knows Best

So apparently the Food and Drug Administration is working to ban a whole butt load of painkillers…

From the article…

The FDA advisory panel recommended banning Vicodin and Percocet because they contain acetaminophen, which can cause liver damage if taken at higher-than-recommended doses. The panel also urged the FDA to lower maximum doses for acetaminophen, best known as the branded drug Tylenol.

Yes they want to ban widely used drugs such as Vocdin because if it’s abused it can damage your liver. Well with that reasoning we have a whole list of things we need to start banning. If you abuse alcohol you can die, strangely enough from liver damage as well. The FDA better get a move on to ban alcohol because that worked so well in the past to prevent alcohol abuse.

Did you know that apple seeds contain cyanide…

Of course it takes a massive number of seeds to ingest enough cyanide to kill you but still it could be abused. We need to ban apples in all forms.

Yes the FDA is playing nanny state again trying to save us from ourselves. I wish our government would spend their time worrying about things that are actually a problem instead of wasting their time banning things that people can die from if abused (which is pretty much everything that falls under the jurisdiction of the FDA).

Harold Fish to Get New Trial

I found this on The Great One’s (Massad Ayoob for those of you not in the know) blog…

Harold Fish is the man who had the bad luck to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was out walking a trail and was attacked by a man and two dogs. Mr. Fish did what he had to do and shot the dogs and the man. He was told by the police afterwards that he didn’t have anything to worry about since it was obviously a self defense shooting.

Fast forward to after the following trail. Mr. Fish was found guilty of murder. Fortunately the murder conviction has been overturned and he is getting a retrial.


Britain’s Violent Crime Rate Higher Than U.S.’s

Found via Say Uncle…

So Britain’s violent crime rate is worse than the United State’s violent crime rate. That’s hilarious considering Britain has the magical gun prevention barrier that prevents violent crimes by making gun owner ship all but illegal. At least that’s what Britain said when they did their great gun grab.

This just can’t be.


The BATFE, Harassing Americans Since Inception

As anybody who reads the rambling I post can tell I hate the BATFE. I hate the agency because they justify their existence by harassing innocent Americans. Take for example this…

The BATFE is doing their best to go door to door an harass the inhabitants of the area because Mexico is blaming us for their crime problem. There are some gems in this article…

In front of a run-down shack in north Houston, federal agents step from a government sedan into 102-degree heat and face a critical question: How can the woman living here buy four high-end handguns in one day?

The house is worth $35,000. A screen dangles by a wall-unit air conditioner. Porch swing slats are smashed, the smattering of grass is flattened by cars and burned yellow by sun.

How can a woman living in a $35,000 house buy four “high-end” handguns in one day? Well first of all what business is it of the BATFE’s? Americans have a right to bear as many arms as they damn well please. Just because somebody lives in a small home doesn’t mean they can’t afford guns. Hell maybe they purposely bought a cheap home because they feel their money is better spent elsewhere. I know several people who have small homes because they don’t care about their dwelling and they would rather put their money into something to do care about.

All told, Mexican officials in 2008 asked federal agents to trace the origins of more than 7,500 firearms recovered at crime scenes in Mexico. Most of them were traced back to Texas, California and Arizona.

I love how the media loves to bring up the total number of guns handed over for tracing but never report how many guns actually traced back to America.

It turned out two handguns, of a type drug gangsters prefer, were bought by a pastor for target practice.

And what type of handgun do gangsters prefer? As far as I know gangsters prefer whatever they can get that will do the job. Some basic details would be nice to have. For all we know they could be .22LR pistols.

The lamest so far came from a police officer: He said he bought a few military-style rifles, left them in his car and — on the same night — forgot to lock a door. He couldn’t explain why he didn’t file a police report or why he visited Mexico the day after the alleged theft.

This I’m actually impressed with. You notice they said military-style rifle instead of “assault weapon.” As for the rifles going missing unless proof can be presented that officer is innocent under out laws. I’m not saying he didn’t sell guns across the boarder but I’m saying he’s innocent until proven guilty.

This sort of shit really pisses me off. It’s one thing if you question somebody because you have evidence pointing to the fact they are doing something illegal. It’s another thing to go door to door inquiring about a household’s firearms. Just remember everybody that without a court order you don’t have to answer an law officer’s question nor do you have to let them into your home. If you get a BATFE officer questioning you about your guns refuse to answer those question. If they knock and your door and want to come in don’t let them unless they have a warrant.

I also love how this article pointed out a handful of cases where the BATFE found weapons potentially crossing the border but didn’t report on the number of leads that ended up going nowhere. Bias? I think so.

Environmentalist are Dicks

Via Random Nuclear Strikes I found an article that’s just terrible. The city of Seattle is being sued this fourth of July…

From the article…

The city should conduct a thorough environmental review before letting thousands of people watch fireworks from the partially remediated toxic-waste site that is Gas Works Park, an environmental activist says.

A Lake City man has sued to stop Fourth of July events at the park at the north end of Lake Union until the state shows that gathering to watch fireworks there is safe for viewers, the park and surrounding wildlife.

That’s right some jack ass environmentalist wants an environmental study done to determine the effects of launching fireworks on the fourth of July. Not only is senior Douchbag suing but he’s trying to stop the celebration from occurring. Patriotic he is not.


Great Post Showing the Similarities Between Flat Earthers and Anti-Gunners

Rob Allen posted an excellent little spiel showing how gun control advocates are a lot like people who still claim the Earth is flat…

From the post…

To this day, there are still people who cling to the belief that the Earth isn’t a sphere. No matter how much evidence you provide them, the Earth is Flat / Hollow / an Inverted Torus etc. They even have a non-profit organization. It’s called the Brady Campaign.

You see, all the factual evidence in the world won’t stop those who are anti-gun from continuing to believe that violence can be lowered if only everyone would just give up their guns. They keep making new laws that have no effect, so they make more laws. When the simple statistics and logic are brought up showing that increased gun control does little to curb crime and that criminals still continue to flaunt the law, they go an pull more and more ‘data’ and try to confuse the issue with statistical noise and outliers.