Yet Another Reason to Use HTTPS On Your Site

Transport Layer Security (TLS), often referred to by its predecessor SSL, helps protect the privacy of your users and prevents malicious actors from altering the content being sent between them and your servers. Since it’s such a powerful tool you should think every site would enable it by default but they don’t. If the privacy of your users and the integrity of your data isn’t enough to convince you to enable TLS maybe this will:

With CloudFlare, websites can afford extra security to users with Full SSL (Strict) encryption. Long story short, this strips certain identifiers from the traffic data ISPs use to block websites like TPB; since the information is routed through CloudFlare, website IP addresses are also hidden behind the delivery network. In the UK, where all major ISPs were strong-armed into blocking TPB in 2012, this has all but turned back time, with now accessible for Virgin, EE, BT and TalkTalk customers. Sky is the only popular provider still managing to block the site; you aren’t notified, as such, but the page won’t load anyhow.

TLS makes blocking access to websites more difficult (although not entirely impossible). Many web filters rely on identifiable information viewable in plaintext streams. When you encrypt those streams with TLS those filters are no longer able to see the identifiable information and therefore can’t block access.

Avoiding censorship is just another reason why you should not only enable TLS on your site but make its use mandatory by disabling unsecured connections (or redirecting them to secured connections as I do with this blog).