Revenge KGB Style

Statesman: “Mr. Putin what happened?”

Putin: “What do you mean Comrade?”

Statesman: “Your black eye.”

Putin: “It is nothing. Some peasant in Stalingrad punched me in the face. The problem has been taken care of.”

Statesman: “Um… I don’t see Stalingrad anywhere on the map.”

Putin: “Exactly.”

Practice Your Draw

I found this one via my friend Alexi:


Ha! Remember to practice you draw and be aware of your surrounding.

EDIT 2010-10-26 20:01: When I first viewed this video I didn’t realize the officer was shot in the head. I was thought he just fell to the ground and rendered himself unconscious.

Realizing now what I didn’t when I posted this I’m scratching the “Ha” out as this isn’t a laughing matter. I’m not actually that big of an ass as to laugh at a person being murdered, I just didn’t realize that’s what happened.

Hitler Hops

Have you ever read a Wikipedia article and thought to yourself, “How many links would I have to jump through to get a Hitler reference?” If you have there is now a tools for you. It’s called Hitler Hops and it will tell you how many degrees removed from Hitler an article is. I’m sure this can be used to predict the amount of time until Godwin’s Law is enacted in an Internet argument.

It was written by a good friend of mine whom I’m not sure wants to be credited or not (as he doesn’t display his name on there anywhere). So he’ll remain anonymous unless I get to the OK.