States have No Rights Says BATFE

Apparently the BATFE has more authority than the states…

The BATFE sent a letter to Tennessee to let it know it’s newly passed Firearms Freedom Act doesn’t apply. Apparently the BATFE is above even the constitution’s 10th amendment.

They are also telling this to Montana.


S.1390 Amendment for National Conceal Carry Reciprocity

I heard rumors that an amendment was going to be made to S.1390, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010, to allow national concealed carry reciprocity. I see the amendment was made…

Amendment 1680…

To amend chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, to allow citizens who have concealed carry permits from the State in which they reside to carry concealed firearms in another State that grants concealed carry permits, if the individual complies with the laws of the State.

The amendment was introduced by Senator John Thune of South Dakota. The text of the amendment is available here…

And for those of you who don’t want to open another link here is the text…


(a) Findings.–Congress finds the following:

(1) The second amendment to the Constitution of the United States protects the right of an individual to keep and bear arms, including for purposes of individual self-defense.

(2) The right to bear arms includes the right to carry arms for self-defense and the defense of others.

(3) Congress has previously enacted legislation for national authorization of the carrying of concealed firearms by qualified active and retired law enforcement officers.

(4) Forty-eight States provide by statute for the issuance of permits to carry concealed firearms to individuals, or allow the carrying of concealed firearms for lawful purposes without need for a permit.

(5) The overwhelming majority of individuals who exercise the right to carry firearms in their own States and other States have proven to be law-abiding, and such carrying has been demonstrated to provide crime prevention or crime resistance benefits for the licensees and for others.

(6) Congress finds that the prevention of lawful carrying by individuals who are traveling outside their home State interferes with the constitutional right of interstate travel, and harms interstate commerce.

(7) Among the purposes of this Act is the protection of the rights, privileges, and immunities guaranteed to a citizen of the United States by the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

(8) Congress therefore should provide for the interstate carrying of firearms by such individuals in all States that do not prohibit the carrying of concealed firearms by their own residents.

(b) In General.–Chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 926C the following: Reciprocity for the carrying of certain concealed firearms

(a) Notwithstanding any provision of the law of any State or political subdivision thereof–

(1) a person who is not prohibited by Federal law from possessing, transporting, shipping, or receiving a firearm, and who is carrying a government-issued photographic identification document and a valid license or permit which is issued pursuant to the law of a State and which permits the person to carry a concealed firearm, may carry a concealed firearm in any State other than the State of residence of the person that–

(A) has a statute that allows residents of the State to obtain licenses or permits to carry concealed firearms; or

(B) does not prohibit the carrying of concealed firearms by residents of the State for lawful purposes;

(2) a person who is not prohibited by Federal law from possessing, transporting, shipping, or receiving a firearm, and who is carrying a government-issued photographic identification document and is entitled to carry a concealed firearm in the State in which the person resides otherwise than as described in paragraph (1), may carry a concealed firearm in any State other than the State of residence of the person that–

(A) has a statute that allows residents of the State to obtain licenses or permits to carry concealed firearms; or

(B) does not prohibit the carrying of concealed firearms by residents of the State for lawful purposes.

(b) A person carrying a concealed firearm under this section shall–

(1) in a State that does not prohibit the carrying of a concealed firearms by residents of the State for lawful purposes, be entitled to carry such firearm subject to the same laws and conditions that govern the specific places and manner in which a firearm may be carried by a resident of the State; or

(2) in a State that allows residents of the State to obtain licenses or permits to carry concealed firearms, be entitled to carry such a firearm subject to the same laws and conditions that govern specific places and manner in which a firearm may be carried by a person issued a permit by the State in which the firearm is carried.

(c) In a State that allows the issuing authority for licenses or permits to carry concealed firearms to impose restrictions on the carrying of firearms by individual holders of such licenses or permits, a firearm shall be carried according to the same terms authorized by an unrestricted license of or permit issued to a resident of the State.

(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to–

(1) effect the permitting process for an individual in the State of residence of the individual; or

(2) preempt any provision of State law with respect to the issuance of licenses or permits to carry concealed firearms.”.

(c) Clerical Amendment.–The table of sections for chapter 44 of title 18 is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 926C the following:

926D. Reciprocity for the carrying of certain concealed firearms.”.

(d) Severability.–Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, if any provision of this section, or any amendment made by this section, or the application of such provision or amendment to any person or circumstance is held to be unconstitutional, this section and amendments made by this section and the application of such provision or amendment to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby.

(e) Effective Date.–The amendments made by this section shall take effect 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act.

It seems well written to me. Normally I’m against any bill that would mandate rule from the federal government over the states. But in this case the federal government is doing their job and enforcing the Bill of Rights by further saying, “the right to keep and bears arms shall not be infringed.”

It still leaves the ability for states without any means of conceal carry to keep people from legally defending themselves so don’t think this will give you constitutional rights in Illinois. Hopefully this passes as it will further strengthen the constitution and help people exercise their right of self defense.

Rights Still Hold Around Obamessiah

Good news for John Noble the man brought up on charges for carrying a legal firearm too close to the Obamessiah…

He’s been acquitted. Apparently we still have some rights as citizens even if we are within an unspecified range of the president. Of course the judge still had some words…

In my lifetime, there have been a number of assassinations of presidents and presidential candidates. A number of presidents were shot at. I’m very cognizant of that the defendant’s actions were very foolish. But not all foolish actions are criminal acts.

I don’t see how doing a peaceable demonstration is foolish myself. The man was simply standing outside of the rally with a bible and a legal firearm stating how he felt about the Obamessiah’s remark about people clinging to their guns and religion. He made no threats to anybody and didn’t disrupt the rally in any way. I’m sure if he had done the same thing while carrying a hammer nobody would have cared.

It is nice to see that you can be found innocent if you haven’t broken any laws.

Three Britain Gun Ban Barrier Failures in a Row

Cripes! Another shooting in the country where their gun controls laws are supposed to be so strict no gun violence can occur…

The person who was shot was an officer no less. Of course being the gun ban is stopping criminals from using guns most officers in Oceania aren’t armed. And why would you want to arm people who are charged with brining criminals to justice anyways? It’s not like there is a need for them to have to defend themselves or anything.

Yet Another Person Shot in Britain

Wow the criminals in Oceania are dumb. They are using guns to shoot people even though hand guns are illegal…

This is just so shocking to me. I mean possessing and using hand guns are there which means criminals shouldn’t be using them. I mean it’s not like a criminal is going to break a second law when they are doing already criminal activity. That’s just not right.

Seriously they need more wizards to fix that magical gun ban barrier.

That Magical Gun Ban Barrier has More Holes Than a Sieve

So yet another firearm was found in the nation of Oceania…

It was found while police were searching for guns and drugs in the home of a man accused of performing a drive by shooting. I’m still shocked that this could happen, don’t the criminals there realize that guns are illegal!

The Ideological Differences Between Pro and Anti Gunners

This is another one of my essay style posts which means it’s going to be long winded and full of nothing other than my opinion which I like to think is developed based on research. If you’re looking for news alone feel free to ignore this post.

What I want to write about today is the differences in ideologies between anti-gunners and gun rights advocates. The first thing I want to do is define some categories.

For the purpose of this essay I’ll be lumping people into three groups. The first a pro gun people, the second are anti gun people, and the third are those in between which I’ll call the fence sitters. For each of these categories there are going to be three levels being high, medium, and low. These levels denote the strength of a person’s position.

For instance a high pro gun person is one whom wants all gun laws repealed. A low pro gun person is one who is more or less a fence sitter but believes in the right to bear arms enough to fight a little for it. High anti gun people are those who want to abolish all firearms and make them illegal where as a low anti gunner wants very strong gun control laws but doesn’t necessarily want them all banned. The level of a fence sitter denotes which way they lean more to. A high fence sitter will be one who leans more to the pro gun side (I use these people as high because I feel they are more correct) meanwhile a low fence sitter is one leaning more towards the anti gun side. These would be people like hunters whom claim to be pro gun but actually only care if their hunting rifles are legal.

Of these categories there are general ideological differences not just on the issue of gun rights but also on other issues. Do note these are stereotypes, which are usually based on some facts. Stereotypes become such for a reason, which is to say most stereotypes have some basis in truth. OK now we’ll start with the pro gun side.

In most cases the pro gun people lean politically right. This can be due to many different reasons. This is not to say they are Republicans, in fact the higher severity level pro gun people generally lean towards either the Libertarian or Constitution parties. They generally are against laws like socialized health care, environment protection laws, and smoking bans.

The anti gun people love to point at such things and say pro gun people are against the greater welfare of society. But we’ll get into their beliefs in a bit. The fact of the matter is the pro gun people aren’t against the “greater good” but are independent. Most people who lean strongly to the right of the political spectrum are educated and capable of surviving should major infrastructre fail. Third these people are generally less trustful of unknown people and certainly do not trust government.

Independence is what this country was founded on. We fought a war to break away from the British government and establish our own. When we did we created a system of government that, at the time, valued individual liberty over the “greater good.” That is why the right leaning side of the political spectrum is known as the conservative side. Their independence is one of their biggest motivational factors for being pro gun. In the opinion of this side owning firearms gives you several advantages such as self defense, the ability to obtain food, and entertainment.

When somebody breaks into your home calling the police will get them to arrive in a matter of minutes usually. But this has two problems. The first is the police will be there in minutes which is longer then it takes to kill a person. The second problem is your a dependent on an outside source for your protection. Being independent pro gun people generally want a means of defending their selves and families without needing somebody else to arrive.

Firearms also give a great means of gathering food. Try hunting a deer without a firearm or at least a bow and arrow. It’s barely in the realm of possibility. Even though in modern society you can easily go to a grocery store and get food there is one potential problem. The first being if the grocery store and it’s required infrastructure fail you can not get food. This can easily occur if there is a natural disaster for instance. Being able to hunt gives you another means of obtaining food without being dependent on other people. When all Hell breaks loose the people on the pro gun side usually have a means and plan for survival. When a pro gun person states either of the above two reasons for owning firearms they are often called paranoid. The irony here is, besides the social label, there is no downside to being paranoid in these cases. A person who can hunt and defend themselves may never need to but there is no detriment from knowing how to do either.

Finally firearms provide entertainment. Believe it or not it’s a lot of fun to go shooting. There is something about the combination of noise, steel, and power that is very gratifying.

The other side of the spectrum are the anti gun people. These guns range from being OK with gun control to wanting nothing less than a total ban on civilian firearm ownership. These people use justifications for their beliefs that follow the line of wanting safer streets and less deaths. In the end these people are OK with being dependent on an outside source for their survival.

People who are anti gun generally lean towards the left side of the political spectrum. They feel government is there to support the civilian populace and that basic needs of survival should be provided. They are fine with making something illegal so long as it’s for the “greater good.” For instance since smoking of known to be unhealthy they feel it’s justifiable to ban it. Likewise since firearms are a perceived danger to them they feel they should be made illegal.

These people are usually far more trusting of strangers and their government. They feel people are inherently good and the government is will do anything to protect them. It rarely occurs to them that there are bad people out there and the government doesn’t give a damn about them. They also often have the mentality that bad things won’t happen them them.

If asked what to do when a person breaks into their home they will usually reply that you should call the police. It is their belief that the police are the only people trained properly to handle such a situation and that anything a “regular person” would do would only put that person in further jeopardy. They also feel that the best way to survive a criminal encounter is to do as the criminal tells them. This is the exact opposite belief high pro gun people have as they believe a contract with a criminal has not guarantee of being followed.

They also believe strongly in the power of government. If something is made illegal high anti gun people will think there will be far less of that thing. For instance they say by making guns illegal for civilian use there will be less guns on the street and therefore less criminals will have them. Of course there is an irony in a group of people who are more trusting of fellow human being but also believe that anybody who doesn’t follow their views is a criminal.

Again this trust in government also encourages them to believe that the unlawful will not perform unlawful acts if they need to break another law to accomplish it. For instance it is a common belief of high anti gunners that a person who is planning to commit murder will not do so if their weapon of choice is illegal. The idea is since something is illegal the potential murder won’t try to obtain it. This shows another anti gun person trait, the lack of trying to see the full picture.

As previously stated these people generally lean towards the political left. They do want socialized health care. Of course the idea of it costing an exorbitant amount is never considered because it has nothing to do with their immediate goal which is the “greater good.” Likewise they don’t realize if somebody is willing to break one law they are probably going to be fine with breaking another law. If somebody wants to commit murder, which is illegal, they are going to be just fine with breaking a law dealing with the prohibition of guns. After all murder should be a more severe crime than obtaining a prohibited substance so what’s the harm.

Another example of being unable to see the big picture is the lack of ability to survive without the established infrastructure. When asked where they would get their food if the grocery store no longer had any available they simply claim that situation is impossible. They do not stop to think that a natural disaster could destroy all sources of commercial food. When pressed on the matter they will say the government will provide food in those cases. Without the dependent infrastructure the anti gun crowd will instantly look to another infrastructure to depend on. If required to survive without any infrastructure these people would most likely perish.

Then you have the people in between. These people usually are semi-dependent on others but could be independent if absolutely needed. Their main feature is the lack of any strong conviction. Fence sitters usually lack any strong belief and are OK with anything so long as they aren’t affected.

The early mentioned characteristic of a hunter who is OK with gun control so long as it doesn’t affect their property is good to bring up again. Such as person is capable of survival and does wish to be left alone more or less but doesn’t care what happens to other people. They don’t care about the “greater good” nor the independence of others. They only care about themselves and usually their family. Almost all of their decisions are based only on the possible pros and cons for themselves. For instance they would be happy with socialized health care so long as they didn’t have to worry about paying for it. If the health care will be paid for by rich people and the fence sitter isn’t rich they are happy since they get all the benefits and have no detriment.

Whereas the pro gun people are working for independent freedom for everybody and the anti gun people are working for the “greater good” of everybody the fence sitter is concerned only about the fence sitter. They can be easily manipulated by either side simply through explanation of why a particular thing will benefit them. And this is where most people lay in the political spectrum. They have no idea what is going on in their government unless it directly affects them. For instance they will howl about a tax increase for their tax bracket but won’t give two flying fucks about a ban on smoking if they don’t smoke.

Even if something does directly affect them they will usually not fight for or against it. They make excuses that amount to saying nothing they do will matter. When it comes time to vote they don’t because they say their vote doesn’t matter. They refuse to contact their representatives because they don’t believe their voice will be heard. When you get down to it they are lazy and doing any of these things would take up time that they would rather use to make their life more entertaining and comfortable.

Yes this essay is blunt and rather harsh. It certainly isn’t bias since I am not an unbias man and this is my own site so I can do whatever the fuck I want. Anyways if you read all of this thank you, if you didn’t I completely understand since I hate reading long posts as well. But for those of you who read this whether you agree or not I hope it at least provoked thought.

Man Facing Charges for Legally Carrying Gun too Close to the Obamessiah

I found this one thanks for Mark Vanderberg…

John Noble was in proximity (not in) a rally for the Obamessiah. He was doing a silent protest holding a bible and having his gun, which he was legal to carry, near the rally. As the article states…

He has said he did nothing wrong by trying to show that “Pennsylvanians do, in fact ‘cling to their guns and religion” — referring to a comment Obama made during another campaign event in April 2008.

The jury asked for a break after debating for five hours. My question is why the Hell is there a debate at all? This man didn’t break any laws. He wasn’t at the rally, he was outside of it. He was legal to carry the gun. He wasn’t disturbing anybody regardless of what the gun fearing pricks think. No this man is on trail for exercising his first and second amendment rights.

I hope the jury gets a good nights sleep and comes back and realizes that this man is not guilty of anything other than being a free American exercising his rights.

Another Failure in Britain’s Magical Gun Ban Barrier

I think the government over in Oceania better hire more magical wizards to strengthen the gun ban barrier because there was another impossible failure…

From the article…

A 21-year-old man was shot in the head, face and chest by a masked gunman in a south London kebab shop.

I still don’t know how this could happen. Didn’t the criminal hear that guns are illegal? I mean you can’t break a law to commit a crime that’s illegal. This article makes it seem as though gun bans don’t actually stop gun violence.

So that’s Where the Mexican Guns are Coming From

FBI agent John Shipley is being charged with illegally selling guns to Mexico…

Funny that. So how exactly will making stricter gun control laws prevent federal agents, whom the law barely seems to apply, from selling guns to other countries?