Sheriff Chuck Wright Seems Like a Smart Man

Spartanburg County Sheriff Chuck Wright seems like a pretty levelheaded man and honestly I wish more police officers adopted his way of thinking. Instead of being a self-righteous authoritarian who believes only himself and his selected employees are competent enough to protect the populace Sheriff Write is discussing self-defense with those who don’t carry badges:

Hundreds of people packed a meeting room Monday night to listen to Spartanburg County Sheriff Chuck Wright, teachers and officials discuss protection tips, including everything from cutting back bushes around homes to carrying guns.

When Brenda Thornton walked up to a meeting room at the Spartanburg County government office building Monday night, she had to stand outside of the door.

“When I got in here, we couldn’t get in,” she said.

She and others stood outside, but they listened closely to tips about protecting themselves.

“I have always really wanted to have a gun in my car because I travel a lot by myself,” she said.

And when Spartanburg County Sheriff Chuck Wright walked in, the crowd gave him a standing ovation.

“I still believe women get your CWP, if that’s what you choose to do, but train yourselves with it,” Wright said.

I’m giving him points not just for recommending people get carry permits but also emphasizing the necessity to train with a the firearm you plan to carry. While carrying a firearm is smart it won’t serve much use if you don’t know how to properly utilize the weapon. Propert utilization requires a great deal of training so that all operations with the firearm are muscle memory. Being in a high-stress situation where your life is on the line is not the time to wonder how to reload the firearm or disengage the manual safety.

More police officers need to follow Sheriff Wright’s lead and properly education people on self-defense. Too many officers seem to believe only trained cops have the ability to defend a life and that attitude needs to be extinguished.

Another Application for Shotguns

I feel bad for business owners near Zuccotti Park as there seems to be an increase in the number of harassement incidents initiated by occupiers. While I gave the occupiers the benefit of the doubt at first I’m starting to like less and less of what I hear coming out of New York and this incident makes me glad the Minnesota occupiers have remained peaceful and civil:

A business owner near the Occupy Wall Street encampment claims she has been repeatedly harassed and threatened with bodily harm by protesters after she and her employees refused to give in to their outlandish demands.

“I’ve been told, ‘Watch your back!’ 10 times,” Stacey Tzortzatos, owner of Panini & Co. Breads, located across from Zuccotti Park, told The Post yesterday.

She and her employees are terrified by the constant threats, which she said began after she demanded the protesters stop using her shop’s restroom as a place to bathe every day.

The final straw came about two weeks ago, when the demonstrators broke a bathroom sink, flooding the shop, and clogged the toilet — setting her back $3,000 in damages.


And on Friday, she said, a crazed squatter burst into the shop and demanded that workers fill a 10-gallon container of water.

When they refused, “he banged it on the ground and started yelling” and threatened the staff, she said.

“He said he was entitled to have it for free.”

As I’ve said before rioters are severely allergic to shotgun pellets. Although I realize getting a shotgun in New York is likely difficult I would urge Ms. Tzortzatos to arm herself. She will be amazed how quickly a violent thugs turns into a fleeing coward at the sight of a shotgun. And if the sight of the shotgun isn’t enough to scare them away the bark will certainly take care of the violent offender before the offender has a chance to harm or kill store employees or patrons.

Because the Track Record for Disarmament is So Good

It’s obvious that some people do not research history. While it’s not bad in any way to remain ignorant on a topic it is bad to have an opinion on topics you’re ignorant of. Take for instance Alex Wagner who has an opinion on the Second Amendment that demonstrates an utter lack of history:

Bill Maher, HBO: “Let’s ask Alex. What would you change in the Constitution?”

Alex Wagner, Huffington Post: “Well, I’m going to be pilloried for this. I think get rid of the second Amendment, the right to bear arms. I just think in the grand scheme of the rights that we have; the right of assembly, free speech, I mean, owning a gun does not, it does not tally on the same level as those other Constitutional rights. And being more discreet about who gets to have a firearm and right to kill with a firearm, I think is something that would be in our national interest to revisit that.”

It seems Alex is unaware of the history of gun control and how disarmed people are at the total mercy of their government. When you’re are the complete mercy of your government few options exist when that government decides you are no longer fix to live.

Alex’s quote also demonstrates the fact that many do not view the Bill of Rights as a list of rights but government granted privileges. If this is the case then what grounds exist for any supposed right? Does the government get to decide if we have the freedom of speech and assembly? Can the government just decide to get rid of protections against illegal search and seizure? While the answer to both questions is technically yes it should be no as the spirit of the Bill of Rights was to grant protection from government of certain activities.

Also where the fuck does the Second Amendment grant somebody the right to kill? Alex said, “And being more discreet about who gets to have a firearm and right to kill with a firearm…” yet I don’t see anywhere in the wording of the amendment that grants such a right. It appears as though Alex is either illiterate or hasn’t actually read the wording of the Second Amendment. If the first case is true than I can understand where many of her beliefs probably stem from and if it’s the second case she shouldn’t be talking about the Second Amendment in any regard whatsoever.

Everything You Need to Know About Gun Control

While those who oppose private gun ownership rant hysterically about hypothetical situations that never occur I’m going to explain everything you need to know about the entire concept of gun control in one concise post:

Germany established gun control in 1938. and from 1939 to 1945 13 million Jews and others were exterminated.

China established gun control in 1935; from 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents were exterminated.

Guatemala established gun control in 1964, and from 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians were exterminated.

Uganda established gun control in 1970 — from 1971 to 1979, 300,000 people were exterminated.

Cambodia established gun control in 1956, and from 1975 to 1977 one million educated people were exterminated.

Dianne Feinstein is an Idiot but I Repeat Myself

We’ve all heard about the Justice Department’s (DoJ) operation Fast and Furious that involved smuggling guns from the United States into Mexico to arm the drug cartels. Any person with two braincells would tell you the sole cause of this problem was the government but Dianne Feinstein, being the stupid bitch she is, is blaming Fast and Furious on America’s “weak” gun laws:

Democratic California Sen. Dianne Feinstein told a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing that lax gun control laws, not Obama administration malfeasance within the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATF), was the real problem uncovered by Operation Fast and Furious.

“My concern, Mr. Chairman, is there’s been a lot said about Fast and Furious, and perhaps mistakes were made, but I think this hunt for blame doesn’t really speak about the problem,” Feinstein said during the Tuesday hearing. “And the problem is, anybody can walk in and buy anything, .50-caliber weapons, sniper weapons, buy them in large amounts, and send them down to Mexico. So, the question really becomes, what do we do about this?”

“I’ve been here 18 years,” Feinstein continued. “I’ve watched the BATF get beaten up at every turn on the road. And, candidly, it’s just not right.”

Apparently anybody can buy any firearm in large quantities and send them down to Mexico yet it took government agents to actually make this hypothetical scenario a reality. Owners of gun stores tried to prevent sales to individuals who they believed were smuggling arms into Mexico but were ordered by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to make the sales. Thus the problem doesn’t seem to be “lax” gun laws or even store owners selling any number of weapons to anybody. The only problem in Fast and Furious is the fact the government was directly arming the Mexican drug cartels.

This hypothetical scenario presented by Dianne Feinstein was just that, hypothetical. It wasn’t a problem at all until the government got involved and made a fine mess of things. Anybody who tries to use Fast and Furious as justification to enact stricter gun control laws can sodomize themselves with a retractable baton. The only thing people should be demanding from Fast and Furious is strong government control.

Seattle Gun Ban Ruled Illegal

Seattle’s ban of guns in parks has been struck down for a second time. The Second Amendment Foundation’s (SAF) case against the city’s government went to the Washington State Cout of Appeals where it was struck down for a second time:

The Washington State Court of Appeals for Division 1 today unanimously upheld a 2010 King County Superior Court ruling against the City of Seattle’s ban on firearms in city parks in a lawsuit originally brought by the Second Amendment Foundation, other gun rights groups and five individual plaintiffs.

SAF Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb said he had always been confident that the Appeals Court would rule “in favor of the law and against the attempt by Seattle to dance around it.”

“We told former Mayor Greg Nickels he was wrong,” Gottlieb said, “and we have reminded the city under Mayor Mike McGinn that it was wrong, and now the Appeals Court has confirmed our position.”

Strike another victory for SAF. Those guys are on one hell of a roll. It’s good to see Washington state refusing to allow cities to ignore the law by preventing citizens from legally carrying a means of self-defense in arbitrarily selected city properties.

I still don’t understand the thought process of some city governments. What is the point in banning the legal carry of firearms in parks? All you do is setup a section of the city where criminals can be reasonably assured unarmed victims are plenty.

Wisconsin Right-to-Carry Law Takes Effect Today

Congratulations Wisconsin, today is the day you finally allow people within your borders the right to self-defense. People within the state can finally obtain carry permits while those living outside of the state may have their permit recognized. I posted Wisconsin’s reciprocity list a while ago and am happy that Minnesota’s permit made the cut.

First there were 50, but now there is only one as Illinois stands alone as the only state that doesn’t afford people living within its borders to carry the most effective means of self-defense.

Mayors Against Illegal Guns Lying About Membership

You know you’ve become a true anti-gun organization when you start lying about anything and everything. Miguel points out that Mayors Against All Illegal Guns (MAIG) is lying about their membership, probably in an attempt to make themselves look larger than they really are. While Mayor Perry Knight of Bowling Green, Florida is listed as a member of MAIG he wasn’t aware of that fact:

There seems to someone outthere who just decided my name should be added to this list. I do not support anything these folks are trying to do. I have asked repeatedly to have my name removed yet they ignore me. If I could ask you for your help by clearly an plainly stating that I DO NOT SUPPORT THIS . I am a gun owner an avid hunter. thanks for your inquiry an wish you well. Perry Knight

Good on you Mayor Knight for explicitly stating you do not support this organization. Those of us in the gun community will do our best to help you clear this blatantly undeserved blemish from your record by getting the word out.

House Judiciary Passes HR 822

Snowflakes in Hell Shall Not Be Questioned informs us that HR 822, the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011, passed the House Judiciary Committee. That’s good news for those of us who carry and hate having to diarm because some random state government doesn’t recognize our right of self-defense. It’s not like the states have any grounds to prohibit an individual from carrying to start with.

Wisconsin Releases List of Recognized Out-of-State Carry Permits

Starting November 1st those who live in Wisconsin will be allowed to obtain carry permits and exercise their right to self-defense. In addition to that, those holding carry permits from many other states will be able to exercise legal armed defense. Wisconsin’s Attorney General released their reciprocity list and I’m glad to say Minnesota made the cut:

  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maryland
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Nebraska
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Pennsylvania
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Washington
  • Wyoming
  • Puerto Rico
  • U.S. Virgin Islands

That’s a fairly inclusive list, which is good to see. I’m also glad this law came into play before the Christmas season as that is when I end up entering Wisconsin with some frequency.