Papers Please

One of my biggest gripes with the whole “illegal” immigrant issue is that those arguing for stronger enforcement against people born outside of this country are necessarily arguing for the establishment of a police state (which we already have so they’re really arguing for an even more tyrannical police state). In order to ensure only citizens and “legal” immigrants are in this country there needs to be a way to identify them and a way to verify their identities. That necessity leads to shit like police checkpoints where everybody has to present their papers for inspection:

The speed limit drops to 35 mph, the first warning of the upcoming checkpoint. All vehicles must stop. Drivers must use low beams. Wray pulls up along a string of neon-orange cones. “Slow down, slow down,” she says. “Hmm. I don’t see anybody. Today might be a lucky day. I don’t see anybody. Maybe they are in the car? Oh, there they are.”

A stocky uniformed man emerges from a shaded hut on the edge of the road and crosses to Wray’s window.

“How you doing?” he says, peering into the pickup.

“Doing good,” she says.

“U.S. citizens here?” the Border Patrol agent questions.

“U.S. citizens,” Wray says.

The agent nods, steps back and beckons us onward.

Wray exhales deeply, loosens her grip on the steering wheel, and presses on the gas.

A frontier war is being waged in southern Arizona, but it’s many miles north of the Mexico border. People are fed up with the immigration checkpoints. A round-the-clock U.S. Border Patrol presence at the checkpoints means that American citizens must endure inspection when they commute to work or run errands; every major road has one of these blockades.

I’m old enough to remember when people used the existence of checkpoints in the former Soviet Union as evidence that the nation was suffering under a tyrannical regime. Now we have the exact same shit here. Between citizenship checkpoints, sobriety checkpoints, and random police checkpoints setup when officers are looking for a suspect we have plenty of opportunity to emulate Soviet citizens by presenting our papers to thugs with badges. I guess checkpoints have gone from tyrannical to free now that we have them because I don’t hear as many people bringing them up as evidence of tyranny anymore.

Some people less apt to bow down to authority figures my contest the legality of these citizenship checkpoints. But Tuscon exists in the “Constitution free zone” where we have even fewer privileges than normal. In all probability these checkpoints are completely legal due to where they are because this is the land of the free.

Prepare to Pay More for Your Subjugation

Fellow slaves I have some unfortunate news. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which enjoys a monopoly on airport security (either directly or by having to approve any alternative security system), has decided to raise its prices:

— Airline passengers at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and airports across the U.S. are going to have to pay a little more starting Monday.

KNX 1070′s Ed Mertz reports the Transportation Security Administration fees tacked on to tickets are going up to $5.60 for all flights.

After Monday $5.60 of your ticket will go towards funding the TSA’s programs to confiscate any containers that can store over 3 oz. of liquids, steal things from your checked baggage, have perverts look at your naked body with a scanner, sexually assaulting you if you don’t want to go through a scanner, and verbally harassing you if they believe you look suspicious or an agent is just having a bad day.

While $5.60 doesn’t sound like much it is an absurd charge once you actually consider what that money is going towards.

Marketing Guns to Children Canard

There are two ways to drum up strong political support for your cause: tie to to fighting terrorism or saving the children. Gun control advocates sometimes dabble in the former but their bread and butter is the latter. With their recent slew of defeats the gun control bunch have decided to play its hand at “saving the children” again but pushing legislation that would prohibit anybody from “marketing firearms to children”:

(a) Conduct Prohibited.–Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Federal Trade Commission shall promulgate rules in accordance with section 553 of title 5, United States Code, to prohibit any person from marketing firearms to children. Such rules shall include the following:

(1) A prohibition on the use of cartoon characters to promote firearms and firearm products.

(2) A prohibition on firearm brand name merchandise marketed for children (such as hats, t-shirts, and stuffed animals).

(3) A prohibition on the use of firearm marketing campaigns with the specific intent to appeal to children.

(4) A prohibition on the manufacturing of a gun with colors or designs that are specifically designed with the purpose to appeal to children.

(5) A prohibition on the manufacturing of a gun intended for use by children that does not clearly and conspicuously note the risk posed by the firearm by labeling somewhere visible on the firearm any of the following:

(A) “Real gun, not a toy.”.

(B) “Actual firearm the use of which may result in death or serious bodily injury.”.

(C) “Dangerous weapon”.

(D) Other similar language determined by the Federal Trade Commission.

I think Tam summed it up best:

Look, if you think that the firearms industry is actually spending advertising dollars to market its products to a demographic that is going to save enough quarters from their allowance to buy a Glock, toddle into the gun shop, reach up on tiptoe and slide their piggy bank across the counter, only to be told “Sorry, kid, you gotta be 21 to buy that“…

This is just another piece of meaningless legislation. Its only purpose is to make up a currently nonexistent problem and then claim to fix it. Gun control advocates are pushing it because it gives them grounds for demonizing gun owners by pointing to the make believe problem of gun manufacturers marketing to children and then claiming that gun owners directly fund it.

It’s really just another variation of “having a gun control conversation”. When a gun control advocate says they want to “have a conversation” what they really mean is that they want a gun owner to say something that can be taken out of context and used to demonize gun owners everywhere. If a conversation doesn’t give the gun control advocates their desired sound bite they just claim that the gun owners refused to “have a conversation”, which is an insinuation that the gun owner isn’t a reasonable person and is entirely unwilling to discuss methods of keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous people.

As despots through out have learned, if you can’t win with facts you try to demonize your opposition.

Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t

Damn I love government. Well, OK, I hate government but it gives me a never ending fountain of things to write about. For example, California has been suffering from major droughts (because turning a bunch of arid desert into farming land was a stellar idea). Because of this Michael Korte and Laura Whitney, wanting to be good citizens, decided to cut back on watering their grass. You would think the local government would be ecstatic about the idea. This could convince other fine citizens to stop watering their grass and save scarce water for most important uses. But that’s not how the local government responded. Instead it is planning to punish the couple because their grass isn’t green enough (must be part of the government’s green initiative):

(Reuters) – A Southern California couple who scaled back watering their lawn amid the state’s drought received a warning from the suburb where they live that they might be fined for creating an eyesore – despite emergency statewide orders to conserve.

Michael Korte and Laura Whitney, who live near Los Angeles in Glendora, said on Thursday they received a letter from the city warning they had 60 days to green up their partially brown lawn or pay a fine ranging from $100 to $500.

Talk about mixed signals. On the one hand the government is complaining that there is a drought and water needs to be conserved. On the other hand the government bitches when somebody’s grass isn’t green enough. What the fuck is a person caught in that situation supposed to do? It’s almost like the entire system is rigger so that no matter what you do the government gets to take your fucking money.

Police Want to Create Child Pornography to Prove Minor’s Selfies were Child Pornography

I’m not entirely sure where to begin with this:

A Manassas City teenager accused of “sexting” a video to his girlfriend is now facing a search warrant in which Manassas City police and Prince William County prosecutors want to take a photo of his erect penis, possibly forcing the teen to become erect by taking him to a hospital and giving him an injection, the teen’s lawyers said. A Prince William County judge allowed the 17-year-old to leave the area without the warrant being served or the pictures being taken — yet.

If you read the story you will find that the 17 year-old is accused of sending a sexually explicit video of himself to a 15 year-old girl. Even though the video was of himself he is still accused of manufacturing and possessing child pornography because he is a minor. To prove their case the police now want to take the 17 year-old kid, inject him with viagra, and take a picture of his dick to compare to the dick in the video. Because when you have a badge drugging a kid and taking sexually explicit pictures of him isn’t possessing and manufacturing child pornography because of mother fucking reasons you stupid fucking slaves.

Fortunately the boy’s guardian gets it:

Carlos Flores Laboy, appointed the teen’s guardian ad litem in the case, said he thought it was just as illegal for the Manassas City police to create their own child pornography as to investigate the teen for it. “They’re using a statute that was designed to protect children from being exploited in a sexual manner,” Flores Laboy said, “to take a picture of this young man in a sexually explicit manner. The irony is incredible.” The guardian added, “As a parent myself, I was floored. It’s child abuse. We’re wasting thousands of dollars and resources and man hours on a sexting case. That’s what we’re doing.”

That is exactly what they’re doing. They’re taking a parental issue of two teenagers acting as expected at their age and using it as an excuse to create some child pornography by drugging a kid. How anybody thinks the police in this situation aren’t a bunch of sicko fucks is beyond me. If I were the prosecutor I’d be filing charges against the cops.

Do as We Say! Don’t Do as We Say! We Don’t Know We Want!

You know how the government is always going on about clean, renewable energy? It seems to have a hard-on for wind turbines and solar collectors. So you would think it would be happy when its subjects install either wind turbines or solar panels. But that’s not the case:

An Orono man and his wife could end up in the Hennepin County jail if they do not remove a 29-foot wind turbine in their yard by Wednesday morning.

The city of Orono told Jay Nygard his wind turbine was illegal and was a public safety threat. Nygard sued and lost at the lower court and then won on appeal, but it was sent back to the lower court for further consideration where he ultimately lost again.

Now, the final court order says Nygard and his wife must appear in court Wednesday to start a six-month jail sentence, unless the turbine is removed by then.

Isn’t the government great? It has been harping on everybody to adopt renewable energy and when somebody does it threatens to kidnap them and hold them for six months. Since violence is the only tactic known to the state if Jay refuses to go along with his kidnappers he will be shot dead.

This Blog Blocked in the UK

I’m proud to announce that this very blog has been blocked by two United Kingdom (UK) Internet Service Providers (ISP)! Thanks to Blocked I was able to check this blog to see if it was being filtered in the UK. I found out that both BT and TalkTalk consider my content adult content!

As there is a lack of pornography on this site (I’m sorry, I just don’t have the time to share all of the good stuff) I’m left to assume that “adult content” is a euphemism for scary gun stuff. Either way I feel accomplished.

Everything We Do is Legal

It must be nice being the government. You get to make the laws, enforce the laws, and decided whether or not the laws are legal. So it should come as no surprise that after a very lengthy and deliberate investigation into the actions of its own surveillance apparatus the government has decided that everything it did was nice and legal:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The National Security Agency programs that collect huge volumes of Internet data within the United States pass constitutional muster and employ “reasonable” safeguards designed to protect the rights of Americans, an independent privacy and civil liberties board has found.

In a report released Tuesday night, the bipartisan, five-member Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, appointed by President Barack Obama, largely endorsed a set of NSA surveillance programs that have provoked worldwide controversy since they were disclosed last year by former NSA systems administrator Edward Snowden. However, they urged new internal intelligence agency safeguards designed to further guard against misuse.

First of all I’m glad that we now know that everything the NSA did was legal. Talk about a huge elephant in the room that was in need of being addressed! Second of all, I’m glad the government is finally getting more efficient. Why have a massive investigation involving multiple departments and every member of Congress when you can just grab five random dudes and tell them to take care of everything? Hopefully we’re witnessing the beginning of a new age of government efficiency because it would be nice to just appoint a few guys to fuck us over instead of paying thousands of people to do the same.

Mercenaries Threaten Government Official

Mercenaries are an interesting wildcard to study. They play some part in almost every major conflict yet are seldom mentioned in the history books. For example, when the United States declared an end to combat operations in Iraq it decided to leave a bunch of mercenaries behind. This receives little coverage by major media outlets who were simply declaring and end to the Iraqi conflict.

I referred to mercenaries as wildcards because their allegiances are often murky at best. Even if you’re paying them they might turn on you if one of your opponents makes a better offer. They may also turn on you simply because they feel as though you’re meddling in their affairs:

On Aug. 20, 2007, Mr. Richter was called in to the office of the embassy’s regional security officer, Bob Hanni, who said he had received a call asking him to document Mr. Richter’s “inappropriate behavior.” Mr. Richter quickly called his supervisor in Washington, who instructed him to take Mr. Thomas with him to all remaining meetings in Baghdad, his report noted.

The next day, the two men met with Daniel Carroll, Blackwater’s project manager in Iraq, to discuss the investigation, including a complaint over food quality and sanitary conditions at a cafeteria in Blackwater’s compound. Mr. Carroll barked that Mr. Richter could not tell him what to do about his cafeteria, Mr. Richter’s report said. The Blackwater official went on to threaten the agent and say he would not face any consequences, according to Mr. Richter’s later account.

Mr. Carroll said “that he could kill me at that very moment and no one could or would do anything about it as we were in Iraq,” Mr. Richter wrote in a memo to senior State Department officials in Washington. He noted that Mr. Carroll had formerly served with Navy SEAL Team 6, an elite unit.

You read that correctly. A member of Blackwater Xe Academi threatened to kill a United States official. Between all of the other shenanigans members of Academi have pulled in Iraq I think it’s safe to say that it basically does whatever the hell it wants do. Considering this happened in 2007 and Academi is still there it appears as though the United States isn’t too concerned about it’s dog biting at its hand. I’m interested in seeing what kind of atrocities committed by Academi we’ll learn about in the coming years. If it felt safe enough to threaten a United States official chances are it felt safe enough to violate Iraqi citizens at will.

Apparently SWAT Teams are Private Entities

The different tricks and tactics used by law enforcement agencies to bypass data access laws are always amusing to read about. But the recent trick used by Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) teams in Massachusetts deserves special recognition:

As it turns out, a number of SWAT teams in the Bay State are operated by what are called law enforcement councils, or LECs. These LECs are funded by several police agencies in a given geographic area and overseen by an executive board, which is usually made up of police chiefs from member police departments.


Some of these LECs have also apparently incorporated as 501(c)(3) organizations. And it’s here that we run into problems. According to the ACLU, the LECs are claiming that the 501(c)(3) status means that they’re private corporations, not government agencies. And therefore, they say they’re immune from open records requests.

My favorite part about government transparency laws getting passed isn’t the laws got passed but the scams developed by the government to ignore them. This particular scam is especially clever. By being private organizations these SWAT teams are immune from any and all government transparency laws.

Fans of history will likely have a long list of scams developed by individuals, corporations, and non-governmental organized crime syndicates. But time and time again the state manages to outdo all of those other petty scam artists. I guess having a monopoly on both writing and enforcing laws helps.