American Academy of Pediatrics View on Guns

In the last episode of the Handgun Podcast (the episode title is Technical Difficulties) Eric mentioned he picked up an anti-gun brochure from the American Academy of Pediatrics. It sounded bad so I asked him if I could get a scan which is so kindly provided. So here it is.

So I’ll just give my view on the brochure on a point by point basis.

Firearms Injury Prevention
More than 44 million American own firearms. Of the 192 million firearms owned in the United States, 65 million are handguns.

Oh the humanity! Not handguns. Whatever shall we do, they are almost as evil as “assault weapons.”

Research shows guns in the homes are a serious risk to families.

I guess this could be true if the guns are lying around where kids can get at them. Kenn Blanchard told a story on his Urban Shooter podcasts about his grandmother. She kept a loaded shotgun behind the stove. Not once did the kids touch them because they were educated on the fact they shouldn’t touch guns without adult supervision. Go figure, who would have thought education could be beneficial. Apparently not the American education system.

Let’s go through their bullet list of fallacies.

A gun kept in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone known to the family than to kill someone in self-defense.

I guess if we are going to include suicides than maybe this starts to make some shred of sense. But still it doesn’t. Just look at the Gun Facts document in the link.

A gun kept in the home triples the risk of homicide.

So because I own a gun I’m more likely to be a victim of suicide? Or am I the one who will commit homicide? Or will the gun kill people by itself? Vague facts usually aren’t facts at all but made up.

The risk of suicide is 5 times more likely if a gun is kept in the home.

So as long as I don’t have a gun I won’t commit suicide? I didn’t realize that guns caused depression. Interesting.

Lets look at the “Advice to parents” this brochure provides.

The best way to keep your children safe from injury or death from guns is to NEVER have a gun in the home.

What’s the best way to be defenseless when somebody breaks into your home? Why that’s to NEVER have a gun in the home. But hey when a criminal with a gun breaks into your home and threatens your child’s life what will you do if you don’t have a gun? Ask him not to shoot your child?

While we’re on the subject cars related incidents kill FAR more people every year then gun related incidents. The best way to avoid dying in a car accident is to NEVER have a car.

Find out if there are guns in the homes where your children play. If so, talk to the adults in the house about the dangers of guns to their family.

Yes be a good sheep and try to force your views on other people. Seriously does this mean if I know somebody who doesn’t have guns in their home I should tell them the dangers of being defenseless?

And then the classic line.

For those who know of the dangers of guns but still keep a gun in the home

You terrible human being you. You know guns are terrible evil devices that will murder your family and make you commit suicide, yet you still keep them in the home! For shame. What kind of advice does the American Academy of Pediatrics have for you horrible people?

Always keep the gun unloaded and locked up.

Lock and store the bullets in a separate place.

That’s right make the gun useless in a situation where you need it. Great advice, make your best means of defense worthless. Uh huh.

Anyways here is the link to Gun Facts which I mentioned.

Finally I leave you with the contact information of the person who’s name is on this document.

Meredith A. Byington M.D.

1317 E. Hwy 175, Suite 800
Crandall, Texas 75114

Her company’s (really shitty) website is

Hey if she didn’t want this information out she wouldn’t have put it in here document.


Apparently it’s Better to be Dead then Question Al Gore

Via Sharp as a Marble…

Apparently somebody thinks Michael Crichton should be dead since he questioned whether global warming was man made or not. I don’t know what to say beyond I hope the person who said that gets mauled by a velociratpor.

Seriously this whole “global warming is man made period” thing is just like a religion. Once you stop allowing people with opposing views and evidence speak you are no longer performing science, you are preforming faith.


Handcuffed and Fined for not Holding Escalator Rail

Another interesting story brought to you by…

In Montreal apparently it’s illegal to use an escalator without holding onto the hand rails. This woman was handcuffed, thrown in a holding cell, and then fined $100.00 for her illegal activities.

Welcome to the nanny police state.

Ban Guns, It’s for the Children

And this is two posts in a row for reasons I hate the United Nations…

This time it’s a document telling you how to raise your children. I want to bring up the section entitled “Access to Guns.” The first major bullet point flat out says governments should ban all handguns for civilian use (just like Britain did).

Here is a nice bullet point list under the title “How can government prevent unsupervised youth access to guns?”

• Explore enacting bans on all handguns to civilians or certain cheap
models that are attractive to youth.
• Consider the establishment of effective means of marking and
tracing firearms.
• Establish consumer product requirements so that guns are equipped
with safety features such as trigger locks. These features could
make guns more difficult for youth to fire, and technology may soon
allow guns to be “personalized” so that only authorized owners may
fire them.
• Strengthen government licensing procedures to ensure that the
firearms industry operates within a legitimate framework and only has
relationships with legitimate law-abiding dealers.
• Develop a system where buyers undergo background checks and
obtain a safety license before the purchase of a firearm.
• Call for restrictions on the number of guns that can be purchased in a
one-month or one-year period.

So remember we need more gun control because it’s for the children.

U.N.’s View on Guns

I’ve had this document on my machine for a while and decided to upload it…

It’s pretty scary stuff. It’s the United Nation’s view on how guns should be controlled. The worst part is chapter 3 entitled “Regulating Arms in the Hands of Civilians.” It’s pretty much the United Nation’s belief that civilians shouldn’t have guns, instead only the government.

These restrictions are similar to many European countries’ regulations. Just read through it. Not once is the idea of a civilian being allowed to defend themselves even mentioned.

Documents like this are the reason why I’m completely against signing any treaty that involves guns period. For instance that little treaty Obama wants signed between the United States an Mexico.

Man Who Shot Another Will get Diploma

Although I generally don’t like getting my news from CNN this story sure caught my attention…

So let’s narrow this down. Some punk shot another guy and he has not only avoided jail time but is still going to be able to complete college? I don’t know what to say here except what the fuck. So let us total up this asshat’s punishment. He gets off on six years probation, a $1,000 fine, and 240 hours of community service! Sometimes I just don’t know anymore.

No Fly, No Buy Act of 2009

Yet another piece of legislature designed to club your rights as if they were baby seals…

And the link…

The summary of this bill is simple, if you’re on the United State’s “no fly” or “terrorist watch” list you will be prohibited from buying guns. The biggest problem (of many) here is you don’t actually have to be guilty of ANYTHING to be on this list. Hence this bill will allow your rights to be stripped simply by being suspected of something, maybe.

Anyways here is the list of asses involved…

Rep. Carolyn McCarthy [D, NY-4]
Rep. Steve Israel [D, NY-2]

Hopefully this list doesn’t expand beyond two idiots.

Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2009

Here we go again (and yes I know this is old news)…

Another bill to stomp on our right to bear arms, this time in the form of “fighting terrorism.”  Summed up it allows the Attorney General to suspend your second amendment right if you are suspected of being involved with terrorists.

‘The Attorney General may deny the transfer of a firearm pursuant to section 922(t)(1)(B)(ii) if the Attorney General determines that the transferee is known (or appropriately suspected) to be or have been engaged in conduct constituting, in preparation for, in aid of, or related to terrorism, or providing material support thereof, and the Attorney General has a reasonable belief that the prospective transferee may use a firearm in connection with terrorism.’;

That’s right we can now declare somebody guilty based on suspicion. Here is a list of the jackasses, ahem sponsors of the bill…

Rep. Peter King [R, NY-3]
Rep. Michael Castle [R, DE-0]
Rep. Mark Kirk [R, IL-10]
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy [D, NY-4]
Rep. James Moran [D, VA-8]
Rep. Charles Rangel [D, NY-15]
Rep. Christopher Smith [R, NJ-4]

I say everybody write these guys a nice letter stating how much you love the idea of punishing people who are suspected of being involved with illegal activity. After all we can’t wait until somebody is found guilty before we bring down the hammer of justice.

New York to Enact “Fat Tax”

In another story dealing with New York the nanny state…

It appears New York is trying to pass a law that would put a tax on anything that “makes kids fat.” In other words they are low on money and the way to make more money is to tax popular things like video games and DVDs.

European Union Thinks U.S. Should Relinquish Control of the Internet

Yet more news of the European Union trying to screw everybody else…

This time they want some control over the Internet. This is an oversimplification but right now there is an organization called ICANN which acts as a central authority for Internet. Since 1998 they have been working under mandate of the U.S. Department of Commerce. This agreement is up for termination in September of 2009.

The European Union things once this agreement is terminated they should get a piece of the action. Never mind the fact that the U.S. funded and developed most of the technology that makes the Internet your are using right now possible. Never mind that many of the U.S. laws are the reason the Internet has remained on open source of information anybody can use. Nope that doesn’t matter.

Being the Internet is an international entity now it might seem logical to have other countries help in its oversight. The problem I have with this is many European countries are, or soon will, filter content obtained online. China currently is hold the record as the most famous attempt to filter Internet access (which they are failing at since there is no way to filter so much data). But China has no influence over the regulating body known as ICANN so they can’t force filtering for other countries.

If another group such as the European Union gained power over ICANN they could conceivably set into motion a list of items that would no longer be permissible to place online. Remember much of the Eurozone isn’t too big into the whole freedom of speech idea. And the Internet would not be useful if it wasn’t for the freedom of speech. I could see the E.U. wanting to place a ban on all pro-gun sites out there. After all we know how much the E.U. loves the right to bear arms.