Well it appears since the Australian government wasn’t able to get ISPs to voluntarily implement Internet filtering they are going make it mandatory via law. So long freedom of speech and thought.
Category: Corruption Corner
Because Britain Likes To Do Things That Make Sense
Says Uncle once again presents a story showing what is wrong with Britain.
A knife wielding thug decided to brake into Munir Hussain’s home. Mr. Hussain decided he’s have none of that and defended his family and home with a cricket bat. What was the outcome? Well Mr. Hussain is serving 30 months in jail while the invader walked out with two years parole. Furthermore the invader, Mr. Salem, wasn’t exactly a law abiding citizen:
Salem was the only intruder caught after the incident in September last year, but his injuries meant that he was not fit to plead after being charged with false imprisonment. Salem, who has 50 past convictions, was given a two-year supervision order in September this year. He is now in custody awaiting trial for an alleged credit card fraud.
Yeah that’s right a person with 50 previous convictions is getting two years on parole while the person who owned the home he broke into is getting 30 months in jail. Thankfully Britain likes to do things that make sense.
Obviously This Girl Should be Barred Her Second Amendment Rights
A couple posts ago I talked about how I felt felons shouldn’t be barred their right to bear arms. As it sits right snow in this country anybody convicted of a felony can no longer own or use a firearm legally. One problem is the list of felony charges is every increasing and many have nothing to do with violent behavior.
Listening to the latest episode of This Week in Tech I came across this story. From the story:
A birthday party that included a trip to see “The Twilight Saga: New Moon” could send 22 year old Samantha Tumpach to prison for three years.
So she taped a few minutes of a shitty movie based on a shitty book. What kind of charge do you get for that?
The managers at the theater contacted the police and Tumpach was arrested. She spent two days in jail and now has felony charges to face for illegally copying a movie.
Yup a felony. Tell me why this girl should be barred her right to bear arms. I’m waiting. She’s done nothing violent but thanks to the Gun Control Act of 1968 she, if prosecuted, will be barred her rights because she recorded a few minutes of a movie on a her camcorder. Yeah I guess all felons should be prevented from purchasing firearms.
Because Goldman Sachs Employees Are Better Than You and I
Via Dvorak Uncensored we have news that shows Goldman Sachs employees are better than either you or I. From the article:
“I just wrote my first reference for a gun permit,” said a friend, who told me of swearing to the good character of a Goldman Sachs Group Inc. banker who applied to the local police for a permit to buy a pistol. The banker had told this friend of mine that senior Goldman people have loaded up on firearms and are now equipped to defend themselves if there is a populist uprising against the bank.
The New York Police Department has told me that “as a preliminary matter” it believes some of the bankers I inquired about do have pistol permits. The NYPD also said it will be a while before it can name names.
Now somebody is probably thinking I’m going to go on a tirade about why these people should be shot and such. But I’m not because really I blame the economic problems of today on government interference into what should be a free market (I’m looking at you Federal Reserve Act).
Nope I think it’s smart these bankers are arming themselves. I arm myself and I’m not in any situation as bad as they are. But not where these permits are being granted. That’s right New York City. See if you are politically well connected enough or rich enough you to can get a permit in that city. But for average people like you and me there isn’t a snowballs chance in Hel (not a misspelling, look up Norse mythology).
Congressman Going to Probe Wikileaks
An no those aren’t my words. Either way congressman King of New York is a little upset that Wikileaks posted 500,000 intercepted pager messages obtained during 9/11. He’s so upset that he’s launched an investigation into Wikileaks. From his lips to our ears:
“It does raise security issues, and we will look into it in Washington,” King (R-Seaford), the ranking Republican on the House Committee on Homeland Security, said Friday.
Correct me if I’m wrong but in a open and transparent government such as our is supposed to be shouldn’t this information have been provided by the government freely? I’m going to go ahead and write my standard disclaimer that I don’t believe there is any grand conspiracy behind the 9/11 attacks. What I do believe is the government has used that event to shit all over our civil rights and allow themselves to play the “classified” card on everything.
But I think I have an idea how those messages were intercepted:
“All pager traffic is non-encrypted,” said Phil Lieberman, president of Lieberman Software Corp. of Los Angeles. “The fact that people are intercepting the traffic is not surprising.”
Poor security, it’s always biting people in the ass. By you might want to pay Lieberman since he found your hole.
Web Scam From Formally Honest Commerce Sites
Further proof people are out there trying to scam you out of your money. I heard about this little fiasco a while ago but never knew who sites were helping in it.
This article on CNet does a good job covering the actual scam. But to sum it up in a small bit of information it’s this. When you go to a website signed up with a company called WebLoyalty a pop-up appears asking you if you want to receive a coupon for your next purchase. All they ask you to input is your e-mail address.
Well when you do that they begin charging your credit card every month. See the companies listed on the previous link give your credit card information to WebLoyalty who give that said company a cut of the monthly charge. The surprising thing are the names of the companies on this list. It’s not just a series of no-name retailers. Here is a list from the article linked:
Partners Paid Over $10 Million
Columbia House
Redcats USA
US Airways
VistaPrintPartners Paid Between $1 and 10 Million
1-800 PetMeds
Airtran Airways
Allegiant Air
American Greetings
Auto Parts
Barnes & Noble
Boston Apparel Group
BuySeasons/Celebrate Express
Cendant Intercompany Agreements
Channel Advisor
Cheap Tickets
Choice Hotels
Continental Airlines
Currents USA (123 Prints)
Custom Direct
Digital River
Dr. Leonard’s
From You Flowers
FTD Florists Online
Hanover Direct
HiSpeed Media
Infinity Resources
J.C. Whitney
Lillian Vernon
Live Nation
Miles Kimball
Pizza Hut
Spirit Airlines
Thompson Group
Tiger Direct
True Credit (True Link)
US Search
Victoria’s Secret
You may ask why this scam works since the charges appears on your credit card statement every month. It works because nobody checks those. This scam here is a good lesson to always check EVERY item on your credit card bill.
Of course now there’s talk of legislative action yadda yadda. Really it’s another pony show by legislators to make people think they’re doing something. In all honesty if you aren’t checking your credit card bill every month and disputing things you didn’t buy this is on your hands.
Government Lying About “Saved or Created” Jobs
Oh here’s a great one courtesy of the No Agenda podcast. You know all those jobs that have been listed as “saved or created” on the $18 million government run Recover website? Well apparently many of the congressional districts listed don’t exist. I guess it’s easy to make up a list of jobs “saved or created” in the magical land of Make Believe.
California Screwing Its Citizens Again
Do you live in that People’s Republic of California? Well you have my sympathies in that case since you’re getting beating up by your government again. Stating yesterday California will be withholding an additional 10% of citizens’ paychecks. Oh but get this, it’s not a tax. Yes it’s mandatory and yes the state is taking it from your paycheck before you even get it, but it’s not income tax. You’ll get it back someday, scout’s honor.
As a citizen of the United States of America let me extend a welcome invitation to all subjects of California to uproot yourselves and come to the U.S. It’s actually rather nice here.
This Seems Legit
Days of our Trailers shows us how smart Chicago police are. For instance this story exemplifies their skill:
A Chicago pastor was found in his Southwest Side home, stabbed more than twenty times and it was ruled a suicide.
Yeah that seems legitimate. I’d buy that for a dollar.
For Those of You in Support of S. 1317
I’ve made some quips about the unconstitutional S. 1317, known as the Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2009, before. If passed the bill would say anybody on the FBI’s secret terrorist watch list would become a prohibited person. This means you could be denied your right to bear arms because your name appears on a list nobody can read. To add insult to injury nobody is allowed to know the criteria for placing names on that said list.
Well for those of you who still support the idea take a look at this story. According to numbers released by the FBI 1,600 names are submitted to be added to the secret list EVERY DAY. The list already has 400,000 names of “suspected terrorists” and it ever growing. That’s a potential of 1,600 people every day losing their right to bear arms based on suspicion alone. So much for being innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.