Glock Triggers

I have three Glocks: a 30SF, a 21SF, and a 17. The 30SF came with a serrated trigger which I didn’t like (it cause discomfort for my trigger finger) so I replaced the trigger bar with a 21SF trigger bar which is smooth faced. Likewise the 17 trigger is smooth faced. I’ve been trying to figure out why some Glocks come with serrated triggers while others come with smooth triggers. It seemed rather random (being I only have three guns to obtain data from). Well I finally figured this out thanks to a thread on GlockTalk.

When a pistol gets important into the country it needs to get 75 points on the BATFE point system. One of the points is for having a target trigger. A target trigger is a fancy way of saying a serrated trigger apparently. Other points are awarded for things like size, caliber, action, etc.

Compact Glocks don’t have enough points to get important into the country due to their size. In order to make the required points Glock throws a target trigger into their compact guns (they also put adjustable sights on but those are swapped off for fixed ones when they arrive in America). The point system is also the reason for the thumb groves on the grip (that makes it a target grip apparently).

When the Brady Bunch and their minions claim the firearms industry is practically unregulated remember bullshit laws like this.

Improving the Glock Trigger

Uncle has a link to an article in Shooting Illustrated on how to improve the Glock trigger without any machining. It might be an interesting thing to try out for those of you who have trouble with Glock triggers. Considering the first thing I do when I purchase a new Glock is to throw an NY1 trigger spring in I don’ think this article applies to me.

Buy a Gun Day

Remember today is a special day. Not only is it the day you file your forced government wealth removal forms but it’s also Buy a Gun Day. I’m going to forgo this holiday though because the tax protest at the state capital sounds more interesting. Also I did buy that Generation 4 Glock 17 pretty recently so that probably counts towards the holiday.

John Browning

A very good quick overview of John Browning’s inventions can be found over at The Truth About Guns (not to be mistaken for the Truth About Guns podcast):

When Browning passed away on November 26, 1926, he had 128 gun patents to his credit. Despite his extraordinary accomplishments, his legacy sometimes flies below the radar since Winchester, Colt, Remington (Models 8 and 24 semi-automatic rifles and Model 11 / Sportsman shotguns), Savage (Model 720 shotgun), and FN brand names appear on most of the guns he designed, not to mention the millions of military arms manufactured that bore no brand name whatsoever.

Needless to say Mr. Browning knew his shit.

Initial Impression of Ameriglo Night Sights

The previously mentioned night sights I ordered for my Glock 30SF came last night. I’m glad to say installation was a breeze.

When I ordered the sights I also ordered the <a href=""MGW rear sight tool for Glock pistols. I decided to spend the money and get that instead of going through the fun and entertainment of using a punch and hammer to remove the factory rear sight and install the new Ameriglo. The punch and hammer method is generally not a good idea on tritium filled night sights as you risk cracking the glass vials that hold the tritium. Also the punch and hammer method is the easiest way to really mar up the sight if nothing else. Needless to say I figured since I have three Glock pistols already I could easily justify the price for the tool (and I’m a man who likes to have a lot of tools).

The tool has a plate on the bottom that you put the slide in. The plate is the same width as the rails on the pistol so you slide the slide (redundant no?) onto the plate and tighten the plate down. After that you should apply some oil to both sides of the actual sight pusher and from there you simply remove the old sight. Simple.

After removal I took some Gunzilla to the dovertail and areas in front of and behind the dovetail. I also applied some gun Gunzilla to the bottom of the rear sight. This was to ensure the surface was clean and also provide some lubrication to make sight installation easier. Just make sure you start the rear sight by pushing it into the dovetail as far as you can without the tool. This will avoid headaches I believe.

Installation of the front sight was dead simple for the most part. The Ameriglo sights came with a small brass hex screw driver that allowed for removal of the stock front sight (which was screwed on, not staked on as Glock used to always do) and installation of the new sight. The front slight didn’t fit perfectly right into the hole on the slide and had a hair of left/right play. The first time I tightened it on it was slightly crooked facing towards the right (left/right is based on looking at the pistol as if you were holding it). It was a simple correction though as I just had to unscrew the front sight screw, turn the sight slightly, and hold it in place as I tightened it.

Did I say easy? Oops I meant to say difficult. Not because of the sight but because I learned a lesson I should have already known. Only apply Loctite after you’ve done an installation run without it. Yeah I put Loctite Threadlocker (the blue stuff) on the front sight screw to it wouldn’t become loose during shooting. Well when I saw the front sight was crooked I had a fun time removing the screw again (I eventually got it with a combination of the front sight tool and a vice grip). So word to the wise, install the front sight, ensure it’s on correctly, and then take it off, apply Loctite, and install it again. Just save yourself some headaches.

So installation was dead simple (like everything else on a Glock thankfully).

I haven’t gotten the gun to the range so these initial impressions of the sights are from looking at them only. First the sights I got were a combination of a front green sight and yellow rear sight. I really like this color scheme now that I’ve seen it in the dark. The front sight is slightly brighter than the rear sight dots making it stick out well. This is accomplished by the fact the vial in the front sight is slightly larger but also the front sight is picked up a bit better since it’s green (the human eye is most sensitive to green, which is why night vision goggles display in shades of green).

The sights are quite bright but not harshly bright. The dots are very crisp and clear. One added advantage that I wasn’t expecting was in the dark I can actually sort of make out the three sights without my glasses on (my right eye, the dominant one, has the worst case of nearsightedness that I think you can have without being declared legally blind). The dots are horribly blurry but I can line them up properly.

The white circles surrounding the tritium vials really stand out in a lighted area. I feel I can acquire a target much faster with these than the stock Glock sights (which I’ve never really been a fan of).

I’ll have more after I actually get them out to the range (hopefully this weekend). But initial impressions are very good.

Night Sights on the Way

Yeah I’m kind of slow but I’ve finally ordered a set of night sights for my carry gun. This is probably the first thing people usually do with a carry gun but I’ve waited for quite some time because I couldn’t figured out what sights I wanted to use. I’m a picky person and also one who has trouble committing to a plan of action until I’ve gained as much data as possible. I’m also incredibly picky but I think the wait was worthwhile since I finally found a set that I believe has all the features I want. When it comes to night sights there are plenty to chose from. This post is going to be a list of my findings on different sights I looked into.

First some criteria that I set forth. I was looking for sights for my standard carry gun, a Glock 30SF. It’s a sub-compact (by Glock’s definition not everybody else) pistol that shoots my favorite round, the .45 auto (I like big fat slow moving rounds that have a trajectory closer to that of a grenade than a real bullet). Obviously being night sights whatever I found had to glow in the dark which pretty much meant tritium lamps were a must.

Although not required I preferred having the front sight to be green and the rear sights to be another color. This aids in quickly finding and focusing on the front sight as green is the color the human eye is most sensitive to and in a self defense shooting the front sight is usually what you need. After some digging I found out that green and yellow tritium lamps will keep glowing for roughly the same amount of time (tritium gas will eventually stop glowing meaning the sights will need to be replaced) while other colors tritium lamps (think orange and red) will stop glowing sooner. That meant I wanted a combination of green front and yellow rear if possible.

Then we have the issue of sight radius. The Glock 30SF is like a short air craft carrier. It’s wide, flat, and doesn’t give a lot of room for jets to stop on when landing. This means the sight radius of the gun isn’t great (in fact it’s crap). Every millimeter helps when it comes to additional sight radius so another options criteria were rear sights that extended all the way to the back of the slide (as opposed to being flush with the rear of the dovetail the sight sits in like the factory Glock sights are). Like the color selection this criteria wasn’t a deal breaker just a preferred option.

The final requirement I had was quality construction. The last thing I wanted to happen was something to impact my firearm, crack the tritium vial, and allow the glowing gas to leak out leaving me with not-night sights. Almost all major night sight manufacturers make pretty sturdy bad guy finders so this was the easiest of the criteria for me to meet.

Before I begin I’m dropping a disclaimer. Obviously I didn’t research into every night sight system out there, I only looked at well known ones. The reason for this isn’t anything nefarious, those are just the sights I could find the most data on. I also didn’t have physical access to most of these sights therefore I was mostly going off of data and reviews. It would be quite impossible for me to hunt down and try every sight I mentioned and I can’t afford to buy a set of each and try them. Hence much of what I state could be wrong. Likewise all the stuff I mention are things important to me. You may not agree with anything stated here and that’s fine, I didn’t do this research for you. There you have it people so without further babbling let’s briefly talk about the sights I looked at.

The first sights I looked into were XS Big Dot sights. I heard about these via the Handgun Podcast and thought the idea was quite good. What’s the idea? Simple you have a large dot front sight and a rear sight with a vertical line. You “dot the i” and pull the trigger. It’s supposed to be a very fast mechanism for target acquisition which I liked. After reading various reviews I found a lot of people liked them but there seemed to be two issues regularly reported. The first was the size of the front sight created problems with some holsters. Apparently the front sight could get snagged on some holsters during draw and simply did not fit in other holsters. The second issue reported was the sights aren’t good for any kind of distance shooting because elevation judgment with the XS Big Dot sights isn’t very easy. That’s not really an issue for a self defense gun but I wanted a set of sights that was as versatile as possible.

The next set of glow in the dark bad guy finders I looked into were Heinie Straight Eight sights. These signs are similar to the XS Big Dot sights in that you align the front sight with a glowing dot in the rear sight in essence “dotting the i” (except in this case you’re making an ‘8’ not an ‘i’). They are similar to the stock sights found on a Beretta M9 which I’ve heard a few people refer to as snowman sights. This type of sight is supposed to be faster to line up than three-dot sights since you only have two dots to worry about. I’m not so sure about that since two of the dots on a three-dot sight are horizontally fixed to one another and you really only have to concern yourself with getting the front sight between the two rear dots. Either way beyond having only two dots the Heinie Straight Eights are constructed like most three dot sights meaning you have a notch rear sight and a blade front sight. I did like the fact that these sights extended to the rear of the slide giving a bit more sight radius than the XS Big Dots.

Of course my journey didn’t stop there. The next sights I looked at were Trijicon Night Sights. There were several things I liked about these sights. First they offer more protection by brining you closer to God. Sorry I couldn’t pass that up when talking about Trijicon. The main things that caught my eye with the Trijicon sights were how bright they were reported to be and how clear the dots were. Trijicon makes their sights by putting a tritium vial inside of a steel sight housing and then slapping a sapphire lens over the vial and painting a white circle around the lens to aid in daytime shooting. The sapphire lens supposedly focuses the light from the tritium vial so you see clear circles instead of slightly blurry dots. Trijicon also offers different colored rear sights which I found as a plus. Unfortunately they don’t make a sight that extends to the back of the slide (that I found at least) meaning you get roughly the same sight radius as factory Glock sights. As I mentioned this wasn’t a deal breaker by any means but it would be nice. They other thing I didn’t like about the Trijicon sights was the white circle around the tritium tube was painted on. Theoretically that means the circle could come off if you used certain solvents when cleaning your gun. In practice I didn’t find a single instance of that happening to somebody and if it does Trijicon will repaint the sights for free. It’s really a non-issue and is mostly psychological for me.

The fourth type of sights I looked into were Meprolights. These sights hail from Israel which is a country known for making good guns and accessories (they know warfare). Like the Trijicon sights Meprolight sights are three dot style and otherwise similar. Meprolights offer different color rear sights as well which is another plus. What they offer over Trijicon sights is the white circle surrounding the tritium vial is actually an inserted sleeve which means it can’t be washed off by solvents. That’s a nice plus in my mind. Most reviews I read also say that Meprolights are slightly brighter than Trijicon’s offerings. Where they fall short in comparison is in the lens department. Meprolights don’t use sapphire lens meaning they dots aren’t as sharp in the dark. Instead of nice crystal clear circles you see slightly blurry dots. Not a big issue in my book. I also read a couple reports stating that the Meprolight lenses are curved inwards meaning if your shooting during the day and have a very bright source of light behind you (like the sun) it can reflect rather harshly off of the sights.

The final sights I looked at, and ultimately settled on, were Ameriglo Pro night sights. The Pro night sights are they standard three dot sights with white circles surrounding the tritium vials. I decided to stay away from their aperture style rear sight because it’s bigger and isn’t legal in GSSF matches (as I said I like versatility). The sights are actually made by Ameriglo but contained Trijicon tritium vials in them (from what I research there are only a handful of companies that actually make tritium vials for night sights). The main difference I found was Ameriglo places the vials in white sleeves like Meproslights meaning the white circles surrounding the tritium vials isn’t painted on. I like that. Likewise they use Trijicon’s sapphire lenses meaning the dots should appear more crisp when using them in the dark. The Pro sights also extend all the way to the rear of the slide giving a slightly longer sight radius which I also like. Finally they offer yellow rear sights which are the set I ordered. Overall the Ameriglo sights seemed to have all the benefits of the Trijicon sights while correcting the only two issues (construction of the white circle around the tritium vials and the sight radius) I found with the Trijicon sights. Finally to seal the deal I found a coupon code for 25% off of my order when buying directly from Ameriglo (I won’t post the coupon code here simply because I’m not sure if it’s supposed to be for GSSF members only or not but if it is I respect that desire).

I received notification that the sights shipped out today so after I get them installed and tested I’ll write a review on what I think.

But since their post is about night sights in general I’m going to post a couple other tips involving installation. First make sure you have the correct tools to install aftermarket sights for your gun. In the case of Glock pistols you need a next nut driver (which is supposed to be included with the Ameriglo sights) to remove the factory Glock front sight (unlike in the past modern Glock front slights all appear to be screwed on instead of staked on) and install the Ameriglo front sight. A good tip I found is to get some Loctite threat locker (that’s the blue stuff, don’t accidentally get the liquid weld) and apply that to the front sight screw. This will ensure the screw doesn’t come loose during regular shooting but won’t be on so tight that you can’t remove it should the need arise.

For the rear sight you can either take off the old one with a punch. This isn’t recommended if you want to keep the factory rear sight as Glock’s factory sights are made of plastic and will mar and deform under the pressure of a punch. Likewise it’s not recommended to install a new rear sight with a punch as you can easily fuck up the new sight (hammers on a tritium night sight can crack the glass making up the vial causing the tritium to leak out and leaving you with a not-night sight), the slide, or both. Since I got 25% off of my entire order I also nabbed a rear sight tool for Glock pistols from Ameriglo. These are supposed to make rear sight removal and installation easier and since I own a number of Glocks I’ll probably be doing this operation in the future.

Finally sometimes rear dovetail sights won’t fit into the dovetail on the slide properly. This can be corrected with a little filing (of the rear sight, not the slide). So it’s smart to have a small metal file on hand and the patience to use one.

Anyways more to come after I get the sights installed and tested.