Joe Biden Will Bore You to Death

Did you know we have a vice president and his name is Joe Biden? Yeah I know it’s easy to forget since he’s never really doing anything. Well anything except trying to kill CEOs of major corporations. Gleamed from the front page of Dvorak Uncensored I found out that vice president Biden is so boring as to be lethal:

Jim Campbell, the President and CEO of General Electric’s Appliance and Lighting Division, was rushed to a doctor after he collapsed just before 11:30 a.m. Monday as Vice President Joe Biden was speaking.

So is this Obama’s plan to stop the big bad corporations from ruining America? Send Joe to give a speech with each company’s top brass present and kill them? Some plan.

Here’s a video for added hilarity:


Al Gore Making Up More Bullshit

Must like global warming Al Gore has been unable to provide actual proof of the existence of Man Bear Pig. According to Dvorak Uncensored is appears that Al Gore made Man Bear Pig prop and tossed it into a Canadian lake for somebody to fall upon.

Now watch as Al Gore claims Man Bear Pig was a mutation caused by global warming thus completing the bullshit cycle.

Your Daily Dose of Irony

It appears IBM slipped up a little bit:

Delegates to AusCERT, Australia’s premier information security event held this week on the Gold Coast, have taken home a little of the stuff they spent the week agonising over – a virus.

In an email this afternoon, IBM advised visitors to its AusCERT booth that its complimentary USB key was infected with a virus. An IBM spokesman and conference organisers confirmed the email was genuine.

There has to be an award for distributing a virus at a security conference.

Oh No the Loophole Loophole

Rob Allen once again shows his ability to deliver the snark:

Unless you live near him in which case, he’s probably able to use the Gun Show Loophole Loophole that allows him to bypass the Gun Show completely and dispose of his personal property as he sees fit, something that we should not allow mere citizens the right to do!

That’s Sexist, Racist, Homophobic, and Bigoted

Wow one article nailed all four of those. Yes apparently Iron Man 2 was sexits, racist, homophobic, and bigoted all in one movie (how do they get all of that done in such a short time span). Larry Correia, author of Monster Hunters International, took the accuser to task.

Seriously it’s hilarious (Mr. Correia’s commentary not the original writer of the dribble).

Also if you go to a super hero movie realize two things: it’s going to be over the top unbelievable and shit will blow up. It’s entertainment, try to enjoy yourself instead of be angry.