TSA Get it All Wrong Again

So another terrorist prick tries to blow up a plane. Just what we needed right? Well TSA is further proving their motto of, “We’re not happy until you’re not happy.” They’ve implemented a bunch of pointless rules that are so blatantly meaningless that I fail to see the reason they were even thought about. Of course security expert Bruce Schneier has something to say about it:

And what sort of magical thinking is behind the rumored TSA rule about keeping passengers seated during the last hour of flight? Do we really think the terrorist won’t think of blowing up their improvised explosive devices during the first hour of flight?

Yes that’s right keep people seated for the last hour of the flight. What will this do? Make the terrorist attempt to blow up the plane sooner. Of course he mentioned this is a rumor and it would seem asinine to believe except the TSA have done equally dumb before. It’s believable. He also mentioned the only two things that have been done that make flying safer:

Only two things have made flying safer [since 9/11]: the reinforcement of cockpit doors, and the fact that passengers know now to resist hijackers.

But the best quote is this:

Only one carry on? No electronics for the first hour of flight? I wish that, just once, some terrorist would try something that you can only foil by upgrading the passengers to first class and giving them free drinks.

I agree, very strongly.

Apparently Somali Pirate Dislike Being Shot At

Who knew? According to Snowflakes in Hell a ship was able to dissuade Somali pirates from boarding. How? Well:

Somali pirates attacked the Maersk Alabama on Wednesday for the second time in seven months and were thwarted by private guards on board the U.S.-flagged ship who fired off guns and a high-decibel noise device.

I have to agree with Sebastian on this one, I think the noise makers had little to do with fighting off the Mongol Somali hoards. Something tells me they were more afraid of being killed by bullets than discomforted by loud noise.

This is Why You Don’t Comply with Criminals

You know what the anti-gunners always say, comply with criminals and you’ll be better off than if you defended yourself. The phrase, “Just give them want they want” is often used by those against the right of self defense.

The problem is you’re making a contract with a person willing to cause you harm. I present and example showing why compliance isn’t a substitute for self defense.

Here is the story summed up. A many breaks into a family’s home and robs them of valuables. After the even the family report the incident to the police and then get a shotgun in case they experience anything like that again. Well the thug was so pissed off that the family reported him that he returned with intent to kill the family. He met the business end of a shotgun.

Remember when dealing with unscrupulous people there is no guarantee that they won’t decide to turn around and murder you after you’ve done everything they say. On the other hand dead criminals can’t harm anybody. And that is my thought of the day.

Why Would You Carry in a Park

Because not all bad guys are two-legged. Folk singer Taylor Michell was attacked and died from wounds inflicted by coyotes. This was a rather surprising headline for me to read as it’s very rare for coyotes to actively interact with humans in general. It’s incredibly rare that they attack human, but it does happen.

When the anti-gunners ask why we want to carry our guns in national parks point to stories like this. Mother nature doesn’t fuck around, yelling at a bear to stop isn’t going to make them stop. Humans in general are pretty frail and we’re not built for killing like most predatory animals and hence we need tools to go up against those types of critters. Punching and biting a bear isn’t going to accomplish shit, putting a few rounds of .454 casull into it very much may stop it.

If You Carry Always Carry

Well Caleb over a Gun Nuts had an encounter with the knife wielding criminal kind. His method of self defense was quite good in that there was the use of a projectile weapon that persuaded the criminal to stop. The projectile weapon in this case was coffee followed by a Beretta aimed at the would be mugger now a coffee soaked running man.

This happened in broad daylight in a parking lot which goes to show bad guys can appear anywhere at any time. If you carry always carry (unless you legally can’t or will get fired for doing it).

How Defense Stories Should be Reported

You know it saddens me that we have to go to India to find a proper response to self defense situations. Snowflakes in Hell has a good story posted about a girl in India who defender her family:

Militants often demand food and lodging in nearby villages.

When they forced their way into Miss Kausar’s home, her father Noor Mohammad refused their demands and was attacked.

His daughter was hiding under a bed when she heard him crying as the gunmen thrashed him with sticks. According to police, she ran towards her father’s attacker and struck him with an axe. As he collapsed, she snatched his AK47 and shot him dead.

Good work by his daughter. Also note that this is a story involving an AK-47 that was actually an AK-47. Any how as stated on Snowflakes in Hell if this story happened here the police would have to give a speech about how what the man’s daughter did was the incorrect action to take in such a situation. You know the usual speech police give when a person takes their own defense as a personal responsibility. Here is how Indian police respond:

Police have hailed the woman’s bravery.

They said she would be nominated for the president’s gallantry award.

She may also receive a £4,000 reward if, as police believe, the dead terrorist is confirmed as Uzafa Shah, a wanted Pakistani LeT commander who had been active in the area for the past four years.

That’s right reward the person who saved their family, don’t berate their actions. I wish the police in our country responded in same.

A Reminder Owning a Gun isn’t Enough for Self Defense

After something bad happens to a person or somebody they know they often respond by going out and purchasing a gun. I’ve talked about this before but simply owning a gun isn’t going to keep you save. Well Robb Allen heard of a situation and reminds us:

Getting a shotgun isn’t going to keep you safe. It’s not a magical talisman that wards off evil spirits. The only thing it does is help give you the advantage you need to survive a fight.

Before one thinks about getting any firearm for home defense, they should ask themselves a few questions

Am I willing to use lethal force and accept the consequences of doing so?
Will I train with the firearm so that in a time of crisis, I can use it accurately and safely?
Can I secure the weapons against unauthorized use such as children?

All of these points are important. Head over to his blog and read what he posted.

Why Actions are Stronger than Words

A big hat tip goes to Says Uncle for this story. Cameron Aulner proved what being a man of action means:

Westminster Police confirm that on September 19th, a man grabbed and molested a little girl. Witnesses say he picked her up and was headed for the door.

Bystanders started yelling for help. But no one stopped the suspect, 34-year-old Kevin Salyers. Until something even more unusual happened.

A man working at the Comcast table at the front of the store tackled the suspect. Even more amazing, the Comcast employee, 22-year-old Cameron Aulner was in a wheelchair.

Yup while perfectly capable bystanders started yelling for help Mr. Aulner, whom lost the use of his legs, decided to take action. Glad to see there are still people out there willing to act while others stand by and wait for somebody else to act.