Twitter Disclaimer

OK I’m not a fan of using redundant things hence I’m making a disclaimer here and now. Although I have setup a Twitter account for use with this site honestly I’m also going to fill it with personal junk. If you simply want a clean feed of this blog then subscribe to the RSS feed like normal people. I really can’t justify maintaining a Twitter account unless I have some use for it that can’t be fulfilled by current services I already use.

Basically I’m going to use Twitter for this site, personal crap, and posting things that I don’t think are blog-worthy but are still interesting in some regard (for instance cool iOS apps I run into or other such nonsense).

Anyways this serves as official notice and warning. I’m going to ignore any complaints I receive on the matter from here on out.

By Popular Demand

OK I’ve finally been asked for a Twitter feed for this site enough times that I got off of my ass and enabled it. This involved me signing up for a Twitter account which burned like the fiery wrath of Loki. Never say I don’t do anything for you. My user name on Twitter is ComradeBurg.

Now leave me alone and enjoy your stinkin’ Twitter feed. And if any of you who has been asking me for this don’t follow me so help me I’m going to unleash a horde of velociraptors on you.

Also I’m still testing the Twitter feed so this may or may not shot up on there.


I finally got around to watching Machete last night. Personally I think the film is an unbelievable, way over the top, extremely violent, and has no real plot; exactly what I was hoping for.

I loved the movie, it’s downright hilarious and has enough action sequences to feed anybody’s appetite for violence. The purposeful racial stereotyping was very funny especially when this day and age people are trying to edit past works in the name of political correctness.

Security Done Right

One thing I do like about the major credit card companies is the fact their security setup works by individual transactions instead of users. When you purchase an item on a credit card (or debit card issued by one of the companies) the company checks the transaction to see if it seems valid.

The other day I received a call from my credit card company informing me that they saw some apparent fraudulent activity. Needless to say it was fraud and the card has been canceled and a new one is in the mail. Credit card companies are doing it right in this regard by making it so each transaction is looked at as well as assuming trust with the customer when they call and claim something on their bill was not purchased by them.

Closing Out 2010

It’s the final day of 2010, you know what that means right? Yes, lot’s of drunks will be out on the road tonight. Be smart and find a house party where you can crash if you want to get your drink on, honestly it’s safer.

Either way I have to say for the most part 2010 has been a pretty cool year and I’m looking forward to 2011 (because I like to take things to 11). Have a good New Year’s Eve and be safe (but hopefully not boring).

Northern Sword

Yeah I’m a metal head and I’m always looking for new stuff. I found a good band on YouTube called Northern Sword. Take a listen:


They don’t even have a debut album out yet but I heard they’re working on one. Frankly I can’t wait.