Horologist Beware When flying

Horologists of the world take note that attempting to fly while wearing a watch that looks too odd may land you in jail:

Geoffrey McGann, 49, of Rancho Palos Verdes was taken into custody Thursday night after he tried to pass through airport security with an ornate watch that had switches, wires and fuses, according to Sgt. J.D. Nelson, a spokesman for the Alameda County Sheriff’s Department.

A bomb squad arrived within five minutes and determined there were no explosive materials in the watch, Nelson said. The checkpoint was closed while officers secured the area.

McGann was taken to Santa Rita Jail in Dublin where he was charged with possessing materials to make an explosive device, sheriff’s officials said. He was still in custody Friday night and could not be reached for comment.

What really gets me about this story is the fact the fucking bomb squad determined there were no explosive materials but the wearer was still arrested for possessing material to make an explosive device. That makes no sense. Scratch that, that makes less than no sense. What we have here is negative sense.

We do live in a world where a man can be held in a secret prison for possessing a very popular model of wristwatch (which I now own) so it shouldn’t surprise me that somebody can be arrested for wearing any other watch. But when the bomb squad says there are no explosive materials you would think the man would have been arrested for something other than possessing materials to make an explosive device. Perhaps he could have been charged for unwarranted lawful behavior or not disturbing the peace.

The Ever Hypocritical Barack Obama

Barack Obama certainly had a taste for hypocrisy:

“Let’s understand what the precipitating event here that’s causing the current crisis and that was an ever-escalating number of missiles that were landing not just in Israeli territory but in areas that are populated, and there’s no country on Earth that would tolerate missiles raining down on its citizens from outside its borders,” Obama said at press conference in Thailand at the start of a three-nation tour in Asia.

Emphasis mine. This is coming from a man who rains missiles down on Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and other countries in the Middle East and Africa. Does that mean he would support the countries he’s bombing in defending themselves against the United States by sending missiles into its borders? Something tells me he would not.

Seeing Through the Propaganda

Israel and Palestine are at it again. After Israel killed the top military official of Hamas, and posted the video of the assassination on YouTube (classy Israel, just plain classy), things have gone nowhere but down. After the assassination rockets were fired from Gaza into Israel, which caused Israel to call in the reserves (isn’t it funny how quickly things spiral out of control). During all of this propaganda has been flying every which way. Of everything I’ve read so far the most outright disgusting piece of propaganda I’ve seen so far was the following statement made by Netanyahu:

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that Hamas “deliberately targets our children and they deliberately place their rockets next to their children.”

Hamas his deliberately targeting Israeli children? Let’s talk about children for a moment. How many children have been killed by this pissing contest between Israel and Palestine? Quite a few, but the numbers are certainly skewed against Israel. By September 2000 1,477 Palestinian children were killed by Israelis while 129 Israeli children were killed by Palestinians. Adding the totals since September 2000 we get 2,863 Palestinian children killed by Israelis and 258 Israeli children killed by Palestinians. Looking at the numbers it seems Israel is the one that has a higher propensity to target children.

Somebody reading this will probably try to label me an anti-Semite as that is the traditional insult of Israelophiles. Such a charge would be entirely false. In fact I don’t like either Israel or Palestine. I’m an anarchist, I don’t like any state. All I’m trying to do with this post is point out the propaganda and explose it for the falsity it is. Honestly the only way this fighting will end is if the people in each country give their respective governments the boot. Until that day people on both sides are going to be killed and state agents on both sides will be spewing out propaganda to win the hearts and minds of the world in the hopes of rallying public support for their wars.

How Obama Celebrated His Reelection

How did Obama celebrate his reelection? By killing people of course:

On Wednesday morning, as many Americans sifted through the voter data and exit poll numbers of President Barack Obama’s reelection the night before, the Twitter feeds of close watchers of Yemen lit up with reports of another sort of presidential event: an apparent U.S. drone strike had killed several individuals in that country.

What a classy guy. Being the Huffington Post the article goes on to discuss the difficult task Obama faces regarding foreign policy. What the article didn’t discuss was how the mentioned foreign policy issues facing Obama aren’t difficult at all, Obama already has the answers and those answers involve murdering people. Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Yemen, Iran, and the rest of the Middle East pose little challenge in Obama’s mind because he believes that death solves all problems.

Obama’s Lies About the Wars

Thanks to one of my Obamabot friends on Facebook I came across a speech given by His Majesty, Barak Obama, in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The speech was notable because Obama is now trying to make himself appear to be both a great military leader and an advocate of peace:

Thanks to the service and sacrifice of our brave men and women in uniform, the war in Iraq is over. (Applause.) The war in Afghanistan is winding down. Al Qaeda has been decimated. Osama bin Laden is dead. (Applause.)

When Obama announced America’s withdrawal from Iraq my first prediction was that United States soldiers would merely be replaced by private contractors. That prediction held out. Obama can claim that the war has ended in Iraq all he wants but so long as American foot soldiers are there, whether they be military or mercenaries, there is a war. Furthermore the fact that Obama is lying about the war in Iraq makes any claim that the war in Afghanistan is winding down is completely empty. During his speech Obama also forgot to mention the war in Pakistan.

What’s sad is that many of Obama’s supporters, including my Obamabot friend, are allowing themselves to believe Obama’s lies. When I posted the above information in response to my friend’s post she deleted my comment. Apparently full cognitive dissonance is now being practice by those trying to ensure Obama’s reelection.

How the Obama Administration Justifies Murdering a 16 Year-Old

When confronted about the murder of Abdulrahman Anwar al-Aulaqi, Anwar al-Awlaki’s 16 year-old son, by drone the Obama administration defended the their actions with one of the sickest justifications I’ve heard:

ADAMSON: …It’s an American citizen that is being targeted without due process, without trial. And, he’s underage. He’s a minor.

GIBBS: I would suggest that you should have a far more responsible father if they are truly concerned about the well being of their children. I don’t think becoming an al Qaeda jihadist terrorist is the best way to go about doing your business.

It was Abdulrahman’s fault for being assassinated by a United States drone because he had an irresponsible father. I guess that means the Obama administration is going to start murdering a lot of children because there are a lot of irresponsible fathers out there. The current administration is made up of some truly sick sons of bitches.

Another Case of Police Gunning Down Harmless Dogs

I’m starting the believe that the state’s trend of breaking into homes and gunning down family dogs is due to the fact no repercussions ever come of such actions. If amped up police officers gun down a fellow human being there may possibly be a cursory investigation. On the other hand it appears rare that the murder of a dog is investigated in any way. At the moment this is my leading theory on why stories like this keep popping up:

There was nothing James Woods could do.

He screamed; he pleaded. ”Please don’t harm my dogs,” he begged police, who moments earlier had barged into his east-side home looking for marijuana.

Woods was forced into a corner last week when the first shot rang out – a 12-gauge shotgun. Woods’ young pit bull, Tank, who neighbors and witnesses say was confined to a locked fence outside and unable to harm anyone, lay dead in a puddle of blood, shot in the face.

Fearing police would hurt his two other dogs, who were inside the house, Woods cried out: “Please! They won’t hurt you! Stop chasing them! They’re just scared. ”

Witnesses told a consistent story: Police chased the dogs, Hump and Janey, around the house, shooting Woods’ longtime companions as they fled.

It takes a special type of person to wield violence against nonviolent individuals. These types of people generally enjoy violence and look for opportunities to wield it whenever possible. Should it surprise anybody that these types of people are habitually murdering family pets?

That Race Card is Wearing Thin

I really hate it when accusations of racism are used as a generic method of silencing opposition. Take this conversation that I had with a friend on Facebook:

The test on the picture seemed to imply that anybody who opposes Obama, or at least a majority of those who oppose Obama, are doing because of the man’s race. What bothers me about such an accusation is that there is no evidence to back it up. Without the ability to read minds one cannot know for certain what another is thinking. Yet one must consider the number of reasons one could oppose Obama. Obama is a very loathsome human being. He was swept into office on the promises of reducing the police state, ending Bush’s wars, shutting down Guantanamo Bay, and restoring many of the civil liberties that were lost when the state implemented tyrannical laws after the 9/11 attacks. After getting into office Obama has expanded the police state, continued Bush’s wars and started some of his own, kept Guantanamo Bay open, took more civil liberties from Americans, and even managed to find time to outright murder two American citizens without even pretending to hold a trial. As you can see there are many reasons to oppose Obama that have absolutely nothing to do with his race.

Yet some of his supporters continue to play the race card. This faction of Obama supporters like to take pictures such as the one shared by my friend and use it as evidence that everybody who opposes Obama, or at least a majority of those who oppose Obama, are racists. What’s funny is that we don’t even know if the person who defaced that sign was a racists. It very well could have been a racist or it could have been an Obama supporter attempting to make his political opponents look bad. There is no proof either way and even if there was it would prove nothing about the majority of people who don’t support Obama.

Obama’s supporters need to put the race card away unless there is a provable case of racism. If a member of the Ku Klux Klan argues against Obama because of his race then the race card is applicable. The race card is not applicable every time somebody criticizes Obama. Furthermore the race card should not be played against individuals who are entirely uninvolved in any racist acts. Trying to imply everybody who opposes Obama is a racist because one of Obama’s opponents is a racist is nothing more than a cowardly attempt to silence those who hold a different political viewpoint.

The State Never Forgets to Punish Good Deeds

When the state sees somebody performing a good deed they are usually quick to swoop in and mercilessly punish the good Samaritan. Take the paramedic who had the audacity to give a blanket to a man in need:

Two weeks ago, a house caught fire, and the elderly man who lived there was brought outside wearing only his underwear. Paramedic Jeff Gaglio gave him a blanket. Then on Tuesday, Gaglio was informed that the department was bringing him up on charges for his action. Jerald James, chief of the Emergency Medical Service (EMS), who is responsible for Gaglio’s punishment, said in defense of the charges, “We can’t have an employee who feels that they have a right to give away state property without getting prior approval.” In fact, his department and the city of Detroit are strapped for cash. However, it has also been revealed that the department did not pay for the blanket. The one that Gaglio gave away had been donated.

What I find most laughable is the idea that the state can own property. In this case the blanket was donated by if it was purchased by the state it would have been purchased with stolen money. The state exists solely off of extortion in the form of taxes, fines, and other assorted fees. Failure to pay taxes or fines will result in the state’s boot being brought down upon you and if you fail to pay any demanded fees before doing something you will also find the state’s boot coming down upon you. Considering this fact it’s impossible to say the state can own legitimate property since all the property they acquire is acquired through extortion.

The way I see it the state doesn’t own property and the people have every right to claim any property currently claimed by the state. Every building, automobile, and aircraft carrier was made possible by resources stolen from you and me. Were there any justice these goods would be liquidated and the funds dispersed amongst the population based on the amount of money that was stolen from them by the state. Instead the state punishes anybody who attempts to return even the tiniest of these goods to the people.

Equality, the Lowest Common Denominator

Modern society has become obsessed with the idea of equality. Public schools have especially become proponents of making everybody equal, even if it means making others miserable:

A talented head cook at a school in central Sweden has been told to stop baking fresh bread and to cut back on her wide-ranging veggie buffets because it was unfair that students at other schools didn’t have access to the unusually tasty offerings.

What’s next? Will a high school football team with a great quarterback be forced to remove him from the team to ensure teams with poor players can compete equally? Reality doesn’t concern itself with what’s fair. Some people are simply luckier than others and nothing can be done to correct that. While many children are born into poor families in third world countries some are fortunate and born into wealthy families. Most children are both with good health but some are unfortunate and have horrible health issues starting at birth. When we obsess over perfect equality or fairness we are effectively saying we must bring everybody down to the lowest common denominator, which will require lowering the standard of living for a huge number of people.

Instead of punishing those with advantages we should be striving to boost everybody’s quality of living to match those of the more fortunate.