Damn It Honduras

I’ve been doing some light coverage of the situation in Honduras where their government actually followed their constitution and tossed out an ass hat whom wanted to stay in power indefinitely. They booted the ex-president’s ass out, he came back and hid in the Brazil embassy, and the Honduras government blocked off the said embassy.

Now their congress is in discussions to reinstate the bastard. They shouldn’t even be entertaining the idea. If they reinstate him they can welcome themselves to the same club the United States is in, ignoring their own constitution.

Because Goldman Sachs Employees Are Better Than You and I

Via Dvorak Uncensored we have news that shows Goldman Sachs employees are better than either you or I. From the article:

“I just wrote my first reference for a gun permit,” said a friend, who told me of swearing to the good character of a Goldman Sachs Group Inc. banker who applied to the local police for a permit to buy a pistol. The banker had told this friend of mine that senior Goldman people have loaded up on firearms and are now equipped to defend themselves if there is a populist uprising against the bank.


The New York Police Department has told me that “as a preliminary matter” it believes some of the bankers I inquired about do have pistol permits. The NYPD also said it will be a while before it can name names.

Now somebody is probably thinking I’m going to go on a tirade about why these people should be shot and such. But I’m not because really I blame the economic problems of today on government interference into what should be a free market (I’m looking at you Federal Reserve Act).

Nope I think it’s smart these bankers are arming themselves. I arm myself and I’m not in any situation as bad as they are. But not where these permits are being granted. That’s right New York City. See if you are politically well connected enough or rich enough you to can get a permit in that city. But for average people like you and me there isn’t a snowballs chance in Hel (not a misspelling, look up Norse mythology).

Great Kindle Update

It’s no secret to anybody that knows me that I read, a lot. To this end I jumped on board the Amazon Kindle shortly after the release of the original unit. Sadly due to a slight handling problem with certain entities at airport security who’s organization’s initials happen to contain a T, S, and A my original Kindle has a non-functional screen.

So I overnighted a new Kindle 2. After first I was rather disappointed about having to do so since there was never really any feature on the Kindle 2 that justified the upgrade in my book. Well that all changed with the latest software update released for the Kindle 2 (both GSM and CDMA versions) and Kindle DX.

Although the Kindle DX included native PDF support from day one the other models lacked this feature. This update brings native PDF support to the line (except the original unit). The Kindle has always had the option of reading converted PDF files but I’ve not had good luck with conversions of any document that was even remotely complex.

But reading a PDF on such a small device is rather impossible unless you could change the screen orientation to landscape mode. Guess what the new software update adds that feature as well.

I’ve been running the update for a week now and feel I can give a good review of it. The native PDF support is great. So long as you read the PDFs in landscape mode that is. In portrait orientation the PDFs are scaled to the screen making everything too small to actually read. I’m not surprised about that nor do I think it’s a problem. I’ve read several complex PDF files including the IEEE specification for 802.3at and they render perfectly on the Kindle. Loading PDFs doesn’t take dreadfully long and switching pages is no slower than native Kindle files. Overall it’s a great addition.

The update was also supposed to increase the battery life when wireless is enabled. I only turn the wireless on long enough to purchase and download new books so I don’t know what difference this update made in that realm.

But this update, in my opinion, brings the Kindle from a 1.0 device to a device ready for the mainstream. Booyah.

Congressman Going to Probe Wikileaks

An no those aren’t my words. Either way congressman King of New York is a little upset that Wikileaks posted 500,000 intercepted pager messages obtained during 9/11. He’s so upset that he’s launched an investigation into Wikileaks. From his lips to our ears:

“It does raise security issues, and we will look into it in Washington,” King (R-Seaford), the ranking Republican on the House Committee on Homeland Security, said Friday.

Correct me if I’m wrong but in a open and transparent government such as our is supposed to be shouldn’t this information have been provided by the government freely? I’m going to go ahead and write my standard disclaimer that I don’t believe there is any grand conspiracy behind the 9/11 attacks. What I do believe is the government has used that event to shit all over our civil rights and allow themselves to play the “classified” card on everything.

But I think I have an idea how those messages were intercepted:

“All pager traffic is non-encrypted,” said Phil Lieberman, president of Lieberman Software Corp. of Los Angeles. “The fact that people are intercepting the traffic is not surprising.”

Poor security, it’s always biting people in the ass. By you might want to pay Lieberman since he found your hole.

FBI Looking To Bust Somebody Up

So getting back into the swing of things has been slow. I’d apologize but hey this is my site and I can do as I please. According to The Firearm Blog the FBI is looking to acquire some equipment guaranteed to fuck somebody up.

The FBI is looking to acquire some 20mm cannons. For what? Who knows. But we do know one thing, 20mm of shell will hurt anything that gets struck by it. Maybe the FBI is looking into hunting dinosaurs.

Worst Deer Season Ever

Well I’m back, sort of. I took some time off to do some deer hunting which I really failed to accomplish. For the two day hunting span I only saw two deer. These deer of course were somewhere between 100 and 200 yards out (I lack depth perception and hence distance judgements are difficult) at a full run and I had a window of about two seconds in which to see and shoot them. I took the gratuitous pot shot and missed.

That’s all I saw. Within the group I was hunting with the owner of the property did get several shots off at three deer grouped together. He had a single hit leaving a blood trail which my party and I followed for about a mile before giving up due to oncoming darkness.

The property owners did say that this was the worst season they have seen in the 30 years they’ve been hunting. Great year to try deer hunting out again. I did learn something though if you’re going to be sitting in a deer stand for five to six hours bring a book.