Bloomberg’s Gun Control Bill

Snowflakes in Hell brings us an article that explains Super Douche Mayor Bloomberg’s “gun show loophole” bill he’s been pushing through a recent national campaign. You know what the most important detail is though? The bill goes well beyond gun show regulations:

Or consider a licensed firearms dealer who never sets foot inside a gun show. He conducts all his sales from his store. The Bloomberg bill hugely increases various prison terms that can be imposed on licensed dealers. This has nothing to do with gun shows.

And of course this bill has nothing to do with any loophole either but is in essence a bill meant to stop gun shows in this country all together:

For example, gun show promoters do not sell guns. The promoters just operate the shows, renting table space to the people who do sell guns. The Bloomberg bill would give the U.S. attorney general unlimited power to impose fees and regulations on gun show operators. An anti-gun attorney general could make the fees so exorbitant that no one could operate a gun show. Extremely complex and time-consuming registration forms that would have to be filled out every week could also drive gun shows out of business.

So that’s how he plans to fix the improperly named “loophole.” No gun show, no problem apparently. This is how anti-gunners have to do things. They claim there is a problem and then they make a law that doesn’t address the problem itself but attempts to completely ban everything related to their believed problem.

I’ve addressed the fact that there is no gun show loophole. What the anti-gunners are trying to eliminate are property rights. Under current United States law (which can be different from state to state, I’m talking federal here) if you want to sell one of your guns you can, no problem. What Super Douche Bloomberg and his posse want is to require all gun sales, including private ones, to go through the NICS. Of course they also know that only federally licensed dealers can access the NICS and hence this bill would eliminate your right to sell a firearm that you own unless you pay a third party (a federally licensed dealer) to perform a NICS check and transfer. How would you like it if you had to go to a third party and pay them a fee in order to get permission to sell your car, television, table, or home? It doesn’t sound like a good thing when put into that context does it?

Make no mistake, Super Douche doesn’t hate guns he hates your right to do day to day tasks without being dependent on the government. To put it nicely he’s a power hungry control freak.

Representative Jim Moran is a Moron

It didn’t take long for some politicians to get their panties all in a bunch over the Second Amendment March. Walls of the City gives a quick overview of the Second Amendment March and links to this fucktard.

According to Representative Moron Moran:

“These anti-government demonstrations are fueled by the belief that our constitutional rights under the Second Amendment are somehow under attack and urgent action is needed,” he said. “While this may be a powerful rallying point for special interest groups, the claim could not be further from the truth.”

Really? With people like Super Douche Mayor Bloomberg and his posse trying to ban firearm sales between private individuals, California looking to ban the open carrying of unloaded firearms, doctors asking children if their parents own firearms and recording their answers, state representatives attempting to ban of specific semi-automatic rifles, etc., etc. I think the second amendment is pretty much under constant fire.

Whenever we gun owners have become complacent politicians like this prick pushed through gun control measures. Just look at the National Firearms Act, the Gun Control Act of 1968, the Hughes Amendment, the Assault Weapons Ban, and the Brady Bill for examples of what happens when we gun owners get lazy. He also has this to say:

“In fact,” he continued, “much to my dismay, virtually every action the federal government has taken in the past decade has weakened commonsense gun laws already on the books.”

There is no such thing as common sense gun laws. The only common sense gun law in America is the second amendment which states the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. In fact as gun control laws and struck down the only notable thing we can find is crime is going down. Although this doesn’t prove more guns equal less crime it does show gun control laws do not prevent crime.

Either way we need to remain ever vigilant less pricks like Representative Moran and his ilk start pushing through gun control laws without resistance.

Some Scary Stuff Going Down in Wisconsin

The NRA just threw out an alert for those of you in Wisconsin. Two anti-gun pieces of legislation have been introduced. I haven’t read through them as of now but here is what they apparently cover:

* Require that all firearm transfers be conducted through a federally licensed dealer except to family members. That means if you wanted to sell your firearm to a friend, you would have to find an FFL and pay whatever transfer fees they felt appropriate.

* Go WAY beyond federal restrictions for firearm possession and prohibit individuals convicted of misdemeanors. This provision is a blatant constitutional violation. In Heller v. D.C., the ruling states that only felony convictions are justified in restricting this constitutionally guaranteed right.

* Also require that all firearms transfers be reported and all guns registered into a centralized database.

* Establish no limitations on who would have access to this database.

So those of you across the Mississippi from me may want to get on the horn with your representatives.

Mayor Steve Lampi of Brooklyn Park

The office of Steve Lampi has been very good to fill my information request in a timely manner. They’ve done an outstanding job providing all information between Mayor Lampi and Mayors Against Illegal Guns. I haven’t read through everything yet but I’m going to post what I have received. The documents linked here are not descriptively titled which I apologize for. I’m going to leave the document titles as I received them until such a time I can come up with a decent filing system and naming convention. Anyways here’s what I’ve received so far:

Document 1
Document 2
Document 2A
Document 2B
Document 2C
Document 2D
Document 2E
Document 2E1
Document 2E2

Minnesota Mayors Against Illegal Guns

We all know the organization Mayors Against Illegal Guns is a deceptively named organization that is actually Mayor Bloomberg’s personal crusade to disarm the American populace. Of course this organization is also fairly secretive with little information given publicly.

Thankfully there are laws similar to the federal Freedom of Information Act in every state. Since I live in Minnesota I decided to use our law to extract as much information about the organization as I can from Minnesota mayors whom are members. There are five Minnesota mayors in the coalition:

Mayor Steve Lampi of Brooklyn Park
Mayor Elizabeth B. Kautz of Burnsville
Mayor Don Ness of Duluth
Mayor R.T. Rybak of Minneapolis
Mayor Chris Coleman of St. Paul

I have sent requests to each of these mayors and am planning on posting all retrieved data on this site as well as Truth About Guns. There are two main goals to this project. Goal one is simply to find what information the coalition is sending to its members. The second goal is a little more complex.

We know many mayors don’t know the actual purpose behind Mayors Against Illegal Guns. This is known because may mayors have left once it was made apparent that the coalition isn’t against illegal guns alone, but guns in general. This lead me to believe the correspondences being sent to members are as carefully worded as information that is publicly released. If this is so this information could help us better fight Bloomberg’s little posse.

Periodically I’ll post information retrieved. Everything I receive will be posted regardless of perceived value or redundancy with information previously posted. I urge every gun owner to take similar actions in their state of residence.


Mayor Steve Lampi of Brooklyn Park

Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste

Apparently that’s also Bloomberg’s motto. His group Mayors Against Illegal Guns has ever so graciously “released” their Blueprint document that anybody following gun blogs has already read through. As Snowflakes in Hell states:

How nice of him. I guess since we already made it public, he can pretend like transparency was his plan all along.

Smooth one there Bloomy, take the problem of somebody obtaining that document and turn it into a an opportunity.