Another Searched, Handcuffed, and Detained Person Managed to Shoot Himself in the Head

A student in Houston, Texas managed to “shoot himself in the head” after being searched, handcuffed, and placed in the back of a squad car:

This morning at North Shore Senior High School, a student was arrested. He was searched, handcuffed, and placed in the back of a police car. While in the car, the student retrieved a hidden gun and shot himself. Paramedics were called and quickly arrived on scene. He was transported to the hospital still conscious when he left. His family accompanied him to the hospital.

Nothing about this story as reported makes sense but it isn’t the first time an individual was searched, handcuffed, and placed into a squad card only to “shoot themselves in the head.” A similar incident happened earlier this year in Arkansas. How are individuals who have been searched by police officers and handcuffed able to retrieve a weapon and shoot themselves? I can conceive of only three ways these scenarios could play out. First the individuals shoved loaded guns up their asses and managed to retrieve them and shoot themselves in the head. Second the police officers who patted down the individuals were entirely incompetent. Third somebody executed the individuals once they were placed in the back of the squad cars and the story given is an attempt to cover up the crime.

Of the three scenarios the last seems most likely. If an individual did go through all the trouble of shoving a firearm up their ass why would they merely use it to commit suicide instead of using it to take a couple cops with them? Missing a firearm during a pat down seems extremely unlikely so I give that possibility the lowest chance of being the correct story.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the Houston officers executed the student hoping the incident in Arkansas would give them a believable story.

All “Undesirables” Report to the Ghetto

When discussing my opposition to the state advocates of the state are quick to bring up countries like Norway, Sweden, and the Netherlands as examples of states that do good for their people. What these state advocates fail to comprehend is the fact the state uses coercion to achieve its ends. Social programs are paid for with taxes that are paid because the alternative is suffering state violence. When an individual resorts to the use of coercive means to attain one end they generally become more comfortable with using coercive means to attain other ends. If the state finds coercive means acceptable to achieve its ends of providing education or healthcare it will also tend to find coercive means acceptable to deal with “undesirables.” A method that has been favored by states to deal with “undesirables” is to collect the “undesirables” and force them to live in inhuman conditions. Traditionally these communities of “undesirables” have been referred to as ghettos although Amsterdam is planning to refer to them as scum villages:

Amsterdam is to create “Scum villages” where nuisance neighbours and anti-social tenants will be exiled from the city and rehoused in caravans or containers with “minimal services” under constant police supervision.


Holland’s capital already has a special hit squad of municipal officials to identify the worst offenders for a compulsory six month course in how to behave.

Social housing problem families or tenants who do not show an improvement or refuse to go to the special units face eviction and homelessness.

Eberhard van der Laan, Amsterdam’s Labour mayor, has tabled the £810,000 plan to tackle 13,000 complaints of anti-social behaviour every year. He complained that long-term harassment often leads to law abiding tenants, rather than their nuisance neighbours, being driven out.


The new punishment housing camps have been dubbed “scum villages” because the plan echoes a proposal from Geert Wilders, the leader of a populist Dutch Right-wing party, for special units to deal with persistent troublemakers.

“Repeat offenders should be forcibly removed from their neighbourhood and sent to a village for scum,” he suggested last year. “Put all the trash together.”

One of the countries often cited by statists attempting to demonstrate the great rewards bestowed upon people by democracy/socialism/progressivism is establishing ghettos and forcing “undesirables” to live there. The country in question isn’t just any country though, it’s a country that has traditionally been known for extreme tolerance of behavior that is generally looked down upon such as prostitution and drug use.

Something that should be noted about these ghettos is that individuals displaying “anti-social tendencies” are being relegated to them. This is noteworthy because “anti-social tendencies” is such a vague term that is can be applied to anybody. As a general rule states tend to expand their power. While individuals that are generally considered bad neighbors will be the first cast into these new ghettos the program will likely expand to include other “undesirable” groups. Individuals failing to show proper support for the ruling royal family or other state entities could easily be labeled “anti-social” and cast into one of these ghettos. This is generally where a self-proclaimed progressive attempts to stop me and claim such a scenarior could never happen. Such a claim has already been rendered irrelevant by the fact ghettos are being established at all. Incrementalism is the name of the game and the state is already incrementally increasing its power so it’s not illogical to believe it will continue to incrementally increase its power.

I think the lesson to be learned here is that accepting coercive means to achieve ends you find desirable will lead to widespread acceptance of coercive means. That acceptance will make it far more difficult to oppose coercive means when they’re being used to achieve ends you find undesirable. In other words slippery slopes are dangerous and you should avoid them as much as possible.

Charges Against Sung-Ho Hwang Dismissed

Earlier this year police arrested Sung-Ho Hwang for legally carrying a firearm. What made the case even more interesting was Mr. Hwang’s status as a lawyer. Not surprisingly, considering Mr. Hwang was a lawyer and partaking in an entirely legal activity, all charges against him have been dismissed:

Sung-Ho Hwang, president of the New Haven County Bar Association, was charged with breach of peace and interfering with police after officers said they found a loaded handgun in his waistband. Police say he had a permit to carry the weapon but didn’t comply with their commands.

Hugh Keefe, Hwang’s attorney, said prosecutor David Strollo agreed to drop the misdemeanor charges Monday. Strollo cited his clean record and that although police were yelling to put his hands up, Hwang didn’t know they were police because of the flash lights in his eyes, Keefe said.


Hwang said he brought the gun to protect himself late at night. Hwang, 46, said he was cooperative.

“When baseless breach of peace and interfering charges are brought against people that have a right to carry, it really threatens our constitutional right to bear arms,” Hwang said in August.

I think Mr. Hwang’s situation demonstrated two things. First it demonstrates how reactionary police officers are. Although Mr. Hwang wasn’t doing anything illegal or even showing signs of aggression the police decided to overreact, storm the theater, and hold him at gunpoint because of the situation in the Aurora, Colorado theater that happened slightly earlier in the year.

Second it demonstrated that the police will find something to charge you with if you’ve caught their eye. Since Mr. Hwang was carrying a firearm lawfully the police couldn’t charge him with illegally carrying a firearm so they did the next best thing. They charged him with breaching the peace because he didn’t cooperate with unwarranted police aggression. Even though there were no grounds to hold Mr. Hwang at gunpoint the police did so and then charged him for not submitting to their unwarranted, and I would say unlawful, aggression.

It’s Like Stalin Never Left Russia

Most people are probably familiar with the Pussy Riot case in Russia. An all female band named Pussy Riot did a gig at a Moscow cathedral that didn’t sit well with the current Russian rulers. After what was likely a sham trial the members of Pussy Riot were found guilty of hooliganism and one of the members was sentenced to two years in a remote Siberian prison. Sentencing dissidents to Siberian prisons was a tactic often used by Joseph Stalin but the similarities between his regime and the current regime haven’t stopped there. Now the current Russian government is moving to erase all memory of Pussy Riot by blocking any website that posts the video of their act at the cathedral:

A Moscow court has ruled that websites must remove video clips of the Pussy Riot female punk band, two of whose members are in jail.

The clips include a crude anti-Kremlin song which they performed in Moscow’s main cathedral in February, for which they were convicted.

The “punk prayer” has been viewed nearly 2.4m times on YouTube.

In its ruling, the court called the clips “extremist”. Websites that fail to remove the clips may be blocked.

I wonder if the next step will be to find and remove all photographs that picture any Pussy Riot members.

Why Nobody Likes the Republican Party

Let’s face it, nobody likes the Republican Party. Even advocates in the Republican Party seems to be dissatisfied with their party as demonstrated by the fact that less people showed up to the polls this year than in 2008. There’s a reason for this. First of all the Republican Party seems to have a big problem with their endorsed candidates publicly saying incredibly offensive statements. If that wasn’t enough now several House Republicans are asking the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) to demand Twitter begin censoring content:

Seven House Republicans asked the FBI in September to demand that Twitter take down the accounts of U.S.-designated terrorist groups, such as Hamas, Hezbollah and Somalia’s al Shabaab. The letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller was spearheaded by Rep. Ted Poe (R-Texas), who said Wednesday that the recent events vindicated the request.

“Allowing foreign terrorist organizations like Hamas to operate on Twitter is enabling the enemy,” Poe said in an e-mailed statement to The Hill. “Failure to block access arms them with the ability to freely spread their violent propaganda and mobilize in their War on Israel.

Apparently the Republican Party has no interest in even feigning support for free speech anymore and are sicking their dogs on companies that allow individuals to express their beliefs and ideas. How can anybody be surprised the Republican Party has failed to perform in recent elections? Members of that party seem to be working overtime to make sure everybody hates them.

Meet Our Glorious Allies

The number of United States allies in the Middle East is depressingly low. This likely has something to do with the country’s rampant manipulations, assassinations, and outright wars in the region. Often American propaganda likes to point out the supposed human rights violations being performed by countries not on its allies list. One of the most common criticisms brought up by the United States against countries such as Syria, Iran, and Iraq are the way woman are treated in those countries. In general women’s rights have been going backwards in the Middle East for a good part of the last century. However America pointing out these criticisms about its enemies is rather hypocritical since its allies are just as bad, if not worse:

Denied the right to travel without consent from their male guardians and banned from driving, women in Saudi Arabia are now monitored by an electronic system that tracks any cross-border movements.

Since last week, Saudi women’s male guardians began receiving text messages on their phones informing them when women under their custody leave the country, even if they are travelling together.


Women are not allowed to leave the kingdom without permission from their male guardian, who must give his consent by signing what is known as the “yellow sheet” at the airport or border.

Women in Saudia Arabia, a country America proudly calls its ally, are treated like property. They have almost no rights and the Saudi Arabian government puts a great deal of money, time, and effort into keeping women suppressed. Now male guardians are being informed whenever “their” women leave the country. While this news is likely to surprise few it’s still important to point out because women’s rights is often used as a justification for America’s wars in the Middle East. If violating women’s rights is justification for war then the United States must break off its alliance with Saudi Arabia.

The State Will Rob Anybody

It doesn’t matter to the state if you’re black or white, rich or poor, young or old they will rob you:

An anti-piracy company has found itself in the middle of a huge controversy. CIAPC, the company that had The Pirate Bay blocked by ISPs in Finland, tracked an alleged file-sharer and demanded a cash settlement. However, the Internet account holder refused to pay which escalated things to an unprecedented level. In response, this week police raided the home of the 9-year-old suspect and confiscated her Winnie the Pooh laptop.

That’s right, the state has confiscated a 9 year-old girl’s Winnie the Pooh laptop because she was suspected of piracy. I doubt a 9 year-old even knows what online piracy is let alone what intellectual property laws are.

Man Facing the Death Penalty for Defending Himself from State Agents

If you were woken from your sleep early in the morning by the sound of people breaking into your home what would you do? I’m guessing that most readers of this site would arm themselves and prepare to defend their lives. It’s a logical response as home invaders are rarely interested in helping you. Unfortunately the police have resorted to the criminal activity of breaking and entering to enforce their employer’s erroneous drug prohibition, and this has put both officers and homeowners in danger. What makes this worse is that defending yourself from possible burglars is illegal if those burglars are police officers:

Four officers wounded in a Utah drug raid described a chaotic scene of gunfire, bodies and blood Thursday as they presented testimony against the Ogden man accused in the shootings.

Matthew David Stewart, 38, could face the death penalty if convicted of aggravated murder in the January shootout that killed one officer and wounded five others at his Ogden home.


Stewart insisted a day after the raid that he didn’t hear agents identify themselves and that he believed he was going to be robbed and killed when “a bunch of guys” broke his door open, an investigator for the prosecutor’s office testified Thursday. The hearings have focused heavily on how agents say they shouted out police commands.

Stewart was just waking up for a nightshift at Walmart and “felt like he was being invaded,” said Robert Carpenter, the investigator for the Weber County attorney’s office who recorded the interview at Stewart’s hospital bed.

Stewart said he pointed a 9 mm Beretta from his bedroom into a hallway but maintains police fired first.

Stewart’s testimony sounds all too familiar. No-knock raids, raids where police officers don’t identify themselves before storming in, have become more popular for drug enforcement operations. The police claim that no-knock raids are needed for officer safety as they don’t give potential drug deals time to dig in and defend themselves. What the police fail to acknowledge is the possibility of a homeowner defending themselves against unknown assailants, which puts officers in danger when they are the assailants.

The state protects its own. Even when police officers give homeowners every reason to believe they are being attacked by non-state thugs, and thus have grounds of legal self-defense, the state prosecutes the homeowners. Apparently homeowners are supposed to be telepathic and know that the people kicking down their doors in the middle of the night are police officers and not non-state thugs.

Tomorrow is Master Selection Day

I want to remind my fellow slaves that tomorrow is Master Selection Day. Our masters are so benevolent that they allow use to choose new masters periodically. There are numerous races to consider from the presidency to congressional representatives to city councils. Whoever a majority of slaves vote for will become the master of his or her particular fiefdom. So don’t forget to vote because not voting could imply that you find the American government illegitimate and your friends will think you hate freedom and democracy!

I should also ask you to support my master of choice. While conditions seems unfavorable at the moment I can ensure you that selecting the other master will leads to even worse conditions for use slaves. Therefore you must vote for my preferred master for the sake of this country.

Make Way for His Majesty

I have a pro tip for those of you who find yourselves traveling periodically for work: never arrive at the airport when the president is supposed to be there. Yesterday I was in Las Vegas, Nevada for work and, lo and behold, Barack Obama was there campaigning. When the president arrives he not only gets exclusive rights to whatever road he’s traveling on but he also gets exclusive rights to the airport.

After returning the rental car I was standing on one of the shuttle buses heading for the airport when the driver informed us that we were going to have to wait. Obama was heading back to the airport at the same time as I was but, being the king, Obama and his staff had priority. The bus driver also informed us that people in the airport weren’t being allowed to leave. Effectively the entire airport was shutdown so His Majesty could drive his army of servants to his tax victim funded private jet where he would get on board and fly to his next campaign stop. Yes, not only do we have to grant him sole use of the airport but we also have to pay him to campaign.

At least we were fortunate enough to be granted use of His Majesty’s airport after he left. There is some humor in the fact that this country’s founding fathers fought a war with Britain because they were sick of the king only to have the position of king reestablished.