They’re Tracking You to Protect Your Freedom

The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) are moving to create a database of license plates that are spotted driving down a targeted highway:

The DEA wants to capture the license plates of all vehicles traveling along Interstate 15 in Utah, and store that data for two years at their facility in Northern Virginia. And, as a DEA official told Utah legislators at a hearing this week (attended by ACLU of Utah staff and covered in local media), these scanners are already in place on “drug trafficking corridors” in California and Texas and are being considered for Arizona as well. The agency is also collecting plate data from unspecified other sources and sharing it with over ten thousand law enforcement agencies around the nation.

Why do they want this data? What do they plan to do with the data when they have it? The state does have a hardon for civil forfeiture laws and a database of license plate numbers driving on specific highways would certainly help the state increase the amount it can steal using said laws. Considering the state already claims that merely possessing “too much” cash is evidence of a drug crime it’s not stretch to imagine them claiming driving on a stretch of highway, say during your daily commute to work, would constitue evidence of drug trafficking.

But it’s OK, the DEA only wants to collect license plate numbers, not personally identifiable information:

The DEA official claimed to the Utah legislators that “we’re not trying to capture any personal information—all that this captures is the tag, regardless of who the driver is.” The idea that a license plate number is not personally identifiable information is laughable. It is true that different people can drive one vehicle, but they are usually closely related to the registered owner and their identities are rarely difficult to ascertain after the fact.

I don’t know why the state even feels the need to justify its violations of privacy anymore. Instead of trying to feed us bullshit like claiming license plate numbers, which are registered by the state to a vehicle owner, aren’t personally identifiable information they should say, “We don’t give a fuck about your privacy, due process, or your so-called rights. Now shut up slave or we’ll put you in a cage.”

California Looking to Ban More Firearms

If you’re living in California I have one simple question: Why? Is it your job? It won’t be there much longer with the way California’s economy is going. Do you like living on the coast? There’s coastline is many other far freer states. Do you just like having more and more of your freedoms stripped from you by the California government? If that’s your reason then you most certainly should stay.

Earlier this month gun control zealots were stirring up dust about California’s so-called bullet button loophole. Because of this a senator wanting to boost is status has decided to introduce legislation to ban firearms with so-called bullet buttons:

“When I saw the news I was absolutely horrified,” said State Senator Leland Yee, referring to a CBS5 report about the so-called bullet button.

It’s a modification that enables the magazine of a semi-automatic rifle to be removed quickly, with the tip of a bullet. Removable magazines in combination with other features like a pistol grip and telescoping stock are banned under California law. But the bullet button is legal because it doesn’t work with your finger, so the magazine is considered “fixed.”

The modification has allowed military style rifles like the AR-15 to proliferate in the state, something Senator Yee said has got to stop.

“It is extremely important that individuals in the state of California do not own assault weapons. I mean that is just so crystal clear, there is no debate, no discussion,” said Yee.

That’s why the Senator is introducing a bill to ban the bullet button.

“What I am proposing is to essentially prevent any mechanism that would allow the conversion of an assault weapon into a way that you can fire these magazines upon magazines without effort,” he said.

You can tell Yee is a gun control zealot because he has outright stated that “there is no debate, no discussion.” He doesn’t give any justification because as far as he’s concerned it’s a self-evident fact. To him the people of California are subjects and must bow to his will and obey his commands.

This also demonstrates that no gun control law will satisfy the advocates. Every time a law has been enacted to control some firearm or feature the gun control advocates wanted controlled they have come back for more. First it was just a ban on “obviously” dangerous weapon such as machine guns and explosives, then they demanded all felons be prohibited from owning guns, then they wanted background checks and waiting periods on all firearms purchases, then they wanted to ban rifles with a list of arbitrary features, and now they’re demanding more.

Fortunately gun control advocates haven’t been having a great deal of success outside of California but they have had success in California. If your a gun owner, heck if you’re a person who enjoys freedom of any kind, abandon California. The entirety of the United States is becoming more and more of a police state every day but it’s still freer than California.

The Reason the State Loves Civil Forfeiture Laws

One of the favorite tactics used by police in the war on drugs is civil forfeiture laws. For those who don’t know civil forfeiture laws are the laws that allow the state to steal any private property if the owner can’t prove said property isn’t tied to a crime. It’s a classic case of guilty until proven innocent and the state absolutely loves it because it gives them the legal authority to take whatever they want, including bail money:

When the Brown County, Wis., Drug Task Force arrested her son Joel last February, Beverly Greer started piecing together his bail.

She used part of her disability payment and her tax return. Joel Greer’s wife also chipped in, as did his brother and two sisters. On Feb. 29, a judge set Greer’s bail at $7,500, and his mother called the Brown County jail to see where and how she could get him out. “The police specifically told us to bring cash,” Greer says. “Not a cashier’s check or a credit card. They said cash.”

So Greer and her family visited a series of ATMs, and on March 1, she brought the money to the jail, thinking she’d be taking Joel Greer home. But she left without her money, or her son.

Instead jail officials called in the same Drug Task Force that arrested Greer. A drug-sniffing dog inspected the Greers’ cash, and about a half-hour later, Beverly Greer said, a police officer told her the dog had alerted to the presence of narcotics on the bills — and that the police department would be confiscating the bail money.

Drug-sniffing dogs are also favorite tools of the state because nobody can interrogate a dog. K9 officers will often claim a dog “alerted” whenever they desire to check or confiscate property without a warrant or probably cause. They claim the dog “alerting” gives probably cause but a study demonstrated that the dogs aren’t “alerting” to a scent but to their controller:

The performance of drug- and explosives-sniffing dog/handler teams is affected by human handlers’ beliefs, possibly in response to subtle, unintentional handler cues, a study by researchers at UC Davis has found.

The study, published in the January issue of the journal Animal Cognition, found that detection-dog/handler teams erroneously “alerted,” or identified a scent, when there was no scent present more than 200 times — particularly when the handler believed that there was scent present.

I’m sure the police are well aware of this fact but continue putting forth propaganda stating drug and bomb-sniffing dogs are effective so they don’t have to worry about pesky inconveniences such as warrant or probable cause. What has been setup is a method of confiscating property that the average person won’t oppose. After all most people actually believe the police so when they claim a dog “alerted” to the smell of drugs people just say, “OK, if that guy didn’t want his money stolen he shouldn’t have been dealing drugs.”

Of course civil forfeiture laws can’t actually be laws, right? Wrong. As I’ve shown previously civil forfeiture laws are covered under United States Code 881(a)(6). The state has covered all its bases. They’ve legalized theft, abolished the concept of innocent until proven guilty, have gotten the general populace to believe drug and bomb-sniffing dogs can sniff out drugs and bombs, and convinced people that this power is necessary to fight the war on drugs. Confiscating bail money is a new low though but demonstrates how desperate the state is to lock people away in cages. They’ve created a new twist in the system, now you can’t even get bailed out of jail because the bail money will be confiscated by the state under the claim the persons posting bail can’t prove said money wasn’t tied to a drug crime.

We live in a prison state, unfortunately most of the people can’t seem to wake up and see it.

Preventing You from Leaving

Last week I gave my predictions for France, most of which were pulled from the book Pictures of a Socialistic Future [PDF]. Pictures of a Socialistic Future was a took written at the end of the 1800s that property predicted many things that would happen in socialist countries. One of the predictions was the socialist state would face a massive exodus of people and would implement laws preventing unapproved departures from the country. Such laws have been implemented in many socialist countries and are put into place to keep wealth and labor in the country by force. Guess what? The United States is officially announcing plans to implement such laws:

Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., has a status update for Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin: Stop attempting to dodge your taxes by renouncing your U.S. citizenship or never come to back to the U.S. again.


At a news conference this morning, Sens. Schumer and Bob Casey, D-Pa., will unveil the “Ex-PATRIOT” – “Expatriation Prevention by Abolishing Tax-Related Incentives for Offshore Tenancy” – Act to respond directly to Saverin’s move, which they dub a “scheme” that would “help him duck up to $67 million in taxes.”

The senators will call Saverin’s move an “outrage” and will outline their plan to re-impose taxes on expatriates like Saverin even after they flee the United States and take up residence in a foreign country. Their proposal would also impose a mandatory 30 percent tax on the capital gains of anybody who renounces their U.S. citizenship.

The process of preventing people from leaving the United States has been underway for a while. Earlier this year legislation was announced that would prevent those who owe taxes from leaving the country. Now the state is moving to make laws that will make it legal for the state to plunder a great deal of your wealth if you decide to renounce your citizenship. Ladies and gentlemen, it doesn’t get much more blatant than this.

You are not a citizen, you are not a free individual, you are a slave according to the state. In their eyes they own you, you are their property. Honestly, if you have any wealth whatsoever get the fuck out of this country now. The ship is sinking and the state is looking to transfer any and all wealth from the people to its cronies and agents before there is no wealth left to take. Eugene Richter warned us what socialism would bring in Pictures of a Socialistic Future and nobody felt it was worth heading his warning. Right now the state is targeting the wealthy because they have the most to take but you can rest assured that laws preventing the departure from the United States will only expand.

Also, the the Expatriation Prevention by Abolishing Tax-Related Incentives for Offshore Tenancy Act? EX-PATRIOT Act? Really? Really?! Who the fuck is paid to come up with these acronyms?

I hat tip to Snarky Bytes for this revealing story.

Canada Doesn’t Want to be Outdone

Not wanting to be outdone, our neighbors to the north are looking to bring more tyranny upon its people:

A proposed private members’ bill would make it a crime for protesters to wear a mask or disguise while participating in a riot or unlawful assembly, and this week the Harper government put its weight behind the legislation.

The Conservative majority on a House of Commons committee that’s examining the bill took matters a step further Thursday by doubling the proposed maximum prison term to 10 years from five.

Government MPs passed the amendment over the objections of the NDP opposition, who argue the bill is a sham because wearing a mask to commit a crime is already an offence under the Criminal Code.

So it’s going to be illegal to wear a mask while participating in a riot or “unlawful assembly?” Isn’t participating in a riot already illegal? What the hell is an “unlawful assembly?”

What is the point of laws like this other than to expand the police state? I can think of none as these laws simple make acts that are already illegal more, uhh, illegaler I guess. Whether somebody is wearing a mask while participating in a riot should be irrelevant, the only things that are relevant are whether or not they hurt anybody or damaged property. Masks aren’t enchanted items that give +2 to melee or +2 to smashing shit and thus are not relevant regarding any crimes.

Oh well, this does demonstrate that the police state is expanding everywhere, not just in the United States of America.

Keeping You Safe

No words strike as much fear into many peoples’ hearts as “We’re with the government, we’re hear to help.” For example and innocent man had the state “help” him perform “repairs” to his property:

Two years ago today, Joe Del Rio was awakened to find city officials at the door of his lifelong home in East Austin, demanding entry. Before it was over, the Police Department’s SWAT team and the Fire Department had been deployed, and Del Rio said he was detained and questioned for about 10 hours because of what officials called a multilevel bunker-like space under the house with suspicious and unusual materials.

After the city billed Del Rio in April for about $90,000 in repairs it said were critical to make the home on Canterbury Street safe, Del Rio sued the City of Austin last week for what his lawyers say was a heavy-handed and unconstitutional seizure of his property without compensation.

Let me get this straight, a SWAT team stormed this man’s property, detained and questioned the man, and performed “repairs.” I wonder what kind of repairs were performed:

Del Rio also said officials concreted in the basement, fenced and locked the perimeter of the home and removed utility meters, making the house, in its current state, uninhabitable. The suit says that at the time of the seizure, Travis Central Appraisal District records put the house’s reasonable fair market value at upward of $172,000.

I guess if you have an insanely twisted mind filling a basement with concrete could qualify as a repair.

You Need the States Permission for Everything

It seems you need the state’s stamp of approval to do anything, including reincarnate:

In one of history’s more absurd acts of totalitarianism, China has banned Buddhist monks in Tibet from reincarnating without government permission. According to a statement issued by the State Administration for Religious Affairs, the law, which goes into effect next month and strictly stipulates the procedures by which one is to reincarnate, is “an important move to institutionalize management of reincarnation.” But beyond the irony lies China’s true motive: to cut off the influence of the Dalai Lama, Tibet’s exiled spiritual and political leader, and to quell the region’s Buddhist religious establishment more than 50 years after China invaded the small Himalayan country.

I’m not sure what China is thinking with this one. They want to reduce the influence of the Dalai Lama but I’m guessing Buddism doesn’t stipulate that the state must give one permission before they can reincarnate.

Honestly this ruling is just weird, I wonder if the politicians stopped to consider how this law would be enforced before passing it.

The War on Climate Change

The United States likes to declare war on everything. We have the War on Poverty, the War on Drugs, and the War on Terrorism. Now Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is working hard on declaring a war on climate change:

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta declared global warming a national security threat yesterday during a speech before an environmentalist group in Washington, D.C.

“The area of climate change has a dramatic impact on national security,” Panetta told the Environmental Defense Fund last night. “Rising sea levels, severe droughts, the melting of the polar caps, the more frequent and devastating natural disasters all raise demand for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.”

I’m sure a Global Warming Enforcement Agency is being created and drones are being deployed to bomb those who working to forward global warming. Those who deny global warming or release research demonstrating global warming as a fallacy will likely be arrested and tossed into federal prisons.

The Fix is In

Everybody believes Romney is going to win the Republican nomination this year and I can’t disagree with that belief. Romney is the chosen candidate of the Republican Party and they want him to be the victor this election. What the media hasn’t been reporting is the fact that Ron Paul is running away with tons of delegates, news that the Republican National Committee (RNC) is taking note of:

The Republican National Committee is warning the Nevada GOP that if supporters of Ron Paul are allowed to take too many slots for the national convention, the party may opt against seating the state’s entire convention delegation.


The RNC is concerned that the Paul campaign will game the state-level convention this weekend that selects delegates to the national convention. While Mitt Romney should be awarded 20 of the state’s 28 delegates, based on his dominating win in the state’s primary, it’s possible that Paul supporters could exploit their strength in the Nevada GOP to get named to some of those delegate slots.

The national party is apparently concerned those delegates would then ignore party rules that would bind them to vote for Romney on the first round of balloting.

Did you get that? If Ron Paul ends up winning too many seats in Nevada the RNC may simply refuse to seat the entire state during the national convention. Their excuse that the Paul delegates may refuse to play by the rules is feeble at best. If that’s a concern the RNC should refuse to seat any delegates from states that were won by Santorum since their disgruntlement over losing their candidate may cause them to not play by the rules.

Either way the RNC has made an ultimatum, send Romney delegates or we’re not going to count your state. You know what? I hope Ron Paul wins Nevada and the RNC refuses to seat the state’s delegates at the national convention. As a Ron Paul supporter this may sounds like a weird thing to hope for but such an action would, more than anything else, demonstrate the irrelevance of member input in the Republican Party. It would show that the RNC doesn’t care what the members want and will go to any lengths to ensure the RNC favored candidates receive nominations. Perhaps such an action would finally wake enough members of the Republican Party up and cause them to leave. Obviously the completely brainwashed party supporters wouldn’t leave regardless but I don’t want everybody to leave, just enough to rip the Republican Party’s teeth out and possibly create a new viable party.

At this point I really want to see the Republican Party burn. I’m not a fan of hypocrites and the Republican Party are some of the biggest hypocrites of all. They promise small government, fiscal conservativeness, and free markets but deliver huge government, major debt spending, and heavily regulated markets. At least the Democratic Party is honest when they promise government programs, regulated markets, and forced association (which they like to call integration). The Republican Party promises good and deliver evil while the Democratic Party promises evil and actually delivers evil, one point to the Democratic Party for honesty.

Unfortunately people continue to feed the Republican Party because they believe it’s less evil than the Democratic Party. Guess what? It’s not. The Republican Party is willing to disqualify delegates if those delegates don’t deliver the desired result. Why doesn’t the RNC just admit to its dictatorial aspirations and start appointing a candidate without the delegate process? At least that would be honest.

Even the Mainstream Media is Noticing the FBI’s Penchent for Stopping Its Own Terror Plots

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) dirty little secret is that the terrorist plots they’ve “stopped” have all been ones of their own creation. Earlier this year the FBI “stopped” a bombing attempt on the United States Capitol, which was made possible by the FBI who not only encouraged the supposed bomber but gave him the “bomb” to as well. This practice has become so common that even the New York Times is no longer able to overlook it:

THE United States has been narrowly saved from lethal terrorist plots in recent years — or so it has seemed. A would-be suicide bomber was intercepted on his way to the Capitol; a scheme to bomb synagogues and shoot Stinger missiles at military aircraft was developed by men in Newburgh, N.Y.; and a fanciful idea to fly explosive-laden model planes into the Pentagon and the Capitol was hatched in Massachusetts.

But all these dramas were facilitated by the F.B.I., whose undercover agents and informers posed as terrorists offering a dummy missile, fake C-4 explosives, a disarmed suicide vest and rudimentary training. Suspects naïvely played their parts until they were arrested.


This is legal, but is it legitimate? Without the F.B.I., would the culprits commit violence on their own? Is cultivating potential terrorists the best use of the manpower designed to find the real ones? Judging by their official answers, the F.B.I. and the Justice Department are sure of themselves — too sure, perhaps.

The FBI knows two things: nobody pays attention to the details of stories anymore and fear is the state’s most powerful weapon. Point one relates to how easy it is for the FBI to pull off their little scams. They know 90% of the population isn’t going to bother looking into the details of any story about terrorist plots stopped by the FBI. In addition that 90% won’t listen to the 10% of us who do look into the details because they think we’re crazy conspiracy theorists. Point two’s value is pretty obvious, if people are afraid they’ll submit to the state in the hopes of receiving protection from the communist muslim extremist terrorists who are bent on bring Sharia law by bombing our country.

For the FBI it’s a pretty sweet scam… until people start to notice. Eventually even the 90% who pay no attention to the details of these stories wake up and notice something is amiss. Usually this happens when some mainstream media source finally reports on it, such as the case with this New York Times article. It looks like the FBI may have to find another way of cowing the American public into obedience.