This Entitlement Feeling has to Go

You know this entitlement thing has to end. People seem to think they are entitled to everything from social security to health care. Well Trina Thompson thinks she’s entitled to a job. Of course she hasn’t found one in the whole three months she’s been searching so she’s doing what most people seem to think is logical and suing.

That’s right this lady is suing her college, Monroe College in New York, for $72,000. Her tuition was $70,000 and she’s adding another $2,000 to the bill to compensate for the stress she’s been experiencing in the three months she’s failed to find a job. What does this fine lady have to present an employer? Well a bachelor or business administration degree and a grade point average of 2.7. Oh yeah I also forgot to mention her solid attendance record.

So she’s competing in a market with high unemployment with thousands of people with work experience and much higher GPAs who have been laid off. After three months of searching she’s found nothing and it’s the school’s fault. That’s what she says:

They’re supposed to say, “I got this student, her attendance is good, her GPA is all right — can you interview this person?” They’re not doing that.

I don’t think Ms. Thompson’s current unemployment has much to do with the school. It probably has a lot to do with her attitude, subpar GPA, and her rather generic degree. I’m sorry but your college isn’t responsible for getting you a job, they are responsible for educating you well enough that you can got out and get a job. And (as of 11:42 CST on August 4th, 2009) currently the unemployment rate is at 9.7%.

I’m sure math isn’t Ms. Thompson’s strong suite but that means for every 100 people 10 are unemployed. The (as of the same date mentioned above) current population of the United States is 304,059,724. That means there are roughly 30,405,972 unemployed persons in this country. Many of those people have degrees which they obtained with a higher GPA and years of work experience, which in of itself is far more valuable than the degree or GPA.

Another issues I don’t think Ms. Thompson is considering is she’s probably going to have a much harder time getting a job in the future now that this story has gone public. See employees don’t like liabilities and hiring somebody who is willing to sue a college for not finding her a job is probably going to sue any company that employes her for any number of reasons. Really she’s probably not going to win this court case (then again this is in New York) not only because this suit is stupid but because she’s representing herself (a good setup for failure when going against an entity with lawyers). On top of that she’s also making herself undesirable due to her behavior and willingness to admit she feels entitled to things she’s not.

Further Research

The court filing. (PDF)

PayPal Screws Gun Blogger’s Rendezvous

There is a post over at the Smallest Minority about PayPal once again using their draconian rules against using their service for anything relating to firearms…

Kevin setup a gun giveaway through a charity organization called Soldier’s Angels. It was a simple idea, you buy a ticket and you enter in the raffle. The problem is PayPal suspended Soldier’s Angle’s account for twelve hours when this went online.

PayPal has a long history of screwing the gun community and this isn’t surprising but it is the reason I won’t use PayPal unless I have absolutely no other choice (this includes mailing checks through the ancient postal service).

Greenpeace Proves Once Again Zealous Environmentalists are Dicks

Greenpeace a group known around the world for pulling stunts such as ramming whaling vessels has taken time out of their busy schedules to prove once again how big of dicks they are…

Some Greenpeace pricks broke into Hewlett Packard’s Palo Alto headquarters and painted the words “Hazardous Products” on the roof. This apparently was due to the fact that Hewlett Packard didn’t give a flying fuck that Greenpeace rated their company poorly on the so called green meter.

So let me get this straight. Greenpeace doesn’t like the practices of a company. They could simply not buy anything from that company and publicly berate them to prove their point. Of course this wasn’t radical enough to they revert to trespassing and vandalism instead. Furthermore the only people who are going to see this message are one flying overhead. To me this seems pointless since people flying overhead are already using a “non-green” form of transportation and hence probably don’t give a shit what Greenpeace things. If I were the head of Hewlett Packard I’d be suing Greenpeace for every penny I could squeeze out of them.

This guys are nothing more than low level terrorists. That’s right I said it, terrorists. If you don’t bend to their will they will take matters into the realm of property damage of physical attacks (I’m sorry ramming and potentially sinking a ship full of people in waters well below freeze, thus guaranteeing the death of the sunken ship via hypothermia, is a physical attack against those people). I don’t know how these guys don’t have federal agents crawling so far up their ass’ that they can taste them.

Here is a source of Greenpeace trying to ram a Japanese whaling vessel…

If You Don’t Agree with Somebody Call Them Racist

Honestly this kind of thing just pisses me off…

To sum up the story a many opens a Republican oriented political merchandise kiosk in a mall. Somebody writes in and complains so he gets booted out. But it’s the accusation made against the owner, Loren Spivack, that pisses me off the most here.

As most of you know I’m not a Republican nor anywhere near one. I disagree with much of what Mr. Spivack says on his merchandise. But for God’s sake this line is the real offensive thing here…

At least one passerby found them racist and bigoted, and took time to tell the mall in a letter and a letter to the editor of the Charlotte Observer.

I am really fucking tired of people who worship the Obamessiah screaming racism every time somebody else criticizes the man. Most people who are criticizing him aren’t racist but actually don’t agree with his policies. I happen to be one of those people.

And this is where I go into rant mode for a few seconds. The people complaining in this story are what I call “progressive” liberals. Don’t mistake these “progressive” liberals with actual liberals whom are willing to have an honest debate, kindly disagree with your views, and not scream racism when you criticize Dear Leader. No these “progressive” liberals are well described by Eric Shelton on the Handgun Podcast.

They are great at feeling but not very good at thinking. Their arguments are always emotion based and never fact based. They will scream things about needing to ban guns because just one innocent child being shot is too many (which is true but the fact that 2,500,000 times a year guns are used to save peoples’ lives far outweighs any single tragedy). But worst of all these people are also hypocrites which are my least favorite kind of people.

They will scream until their blue in the face about how tolerant they are of others. This tolerance ends the second you don’t agree completely with them of course. They claim they want equality for all and will do anything to fight racism and bigotry. Where are they when a conservative man is being discriminated against? Oh that’s right since that person doesn’t share their views they don’t deserve to have a business.

Now I agree the mall owner has every right to decide can and can’t rent space in his mall. It’s his private property and he has the freedom to do what he wishes with it. My complaint here is the accusation that the kiosk owner is racist because he doesn’t agree with the Obamessiah.

You know I think I can sum up this entire article with the following picture from Sunday’s episode of No Agenda…

Even in Press Releases About a Victory the Anti-Gunners Lie

Seriously it’s bad enough to lie when you are trying to stop something but lying in a press release declaring a win is a whole different ball game…

Yes I’m not linking to the actual press release since I refuse to give those pricks any traffic. But the entire thing is posted on Another Gun Guy. Here is the blatant lie…

The amendment would have also undermined state assault weapons bans because it would have allowed permit holders to carry concealed assault weapons into the seven states that currently ban these guns.

This isn’t true at all. The amendment would have allowed people with carry permits to carry their gun in other states that allow carry permits as long as they obeyed the laws of the state they were in. That means if a state has a ban on “assault weapons” you couldn’t bring your AR-15 into the state. Not to mention most guns the Brady Bunch call “assault weapons” are rather large to be considered handguns. I’m just saying many states allow the carry of a handgun not a long gun.

Oh wait there is a bonus lie…

Concealed carry permit holders have already killed police officers, murdered innocent citizens, and committed mass shootings.

This is from they “study” they did. Study is quoted since I don’t believe a Google search constitutes a study. Either way I’d like to see the story of the permit holder who committed the mass shooting. That’s a new one.

How can anybody trust an organization that lies even when they are touting a win?


Minnesota Senators Screwed Us Hard

The results on the amendment vote were just posted…

Both Franken and Klobuchar voted against the amendment. Looks like a couple letters are in order here. It also shows us where our new senator stands on gun rights, and he’s standing on the wrong side.

States have No Rights Says BATFE

Apparently the BATFE has more authority than the states…

The BATFE sent a letter to Tennessee to let it know it’s newly passed Firearms Freedom Act doesn’t apply. Apparently the BATFE is above even the constitution’s 10th amendment.

They are also telling this to Montana.


ATMs that Defend Themselves

This is certainly a unique story I found on Bruce Scheier’s blog…

In South Africa they are testing ATMs that squirt pepper spray into the face of anybody deemed to be tampering with the card slot…

The technology uses cameras to detect people tampering with the card slots. Another machine then ejects pepper spray to stun the culprit while police response teams race to the scene.

Here is the issue though image recognition isn’t 100%. In fact it’s very spotty at best. Hence I’m guessing there will be a lot of false positives here. Either that or the machines will be set towards the safe side and not actually spray the people that are tampering with the ATM.

Either way this sounds like an interesting idea with a flawed implementation.


The BATFE, Harassing Americans Since Inception

As anybody who reads the rambling I post can tell I hate the BATFE. I hate the agency because they justify their existence by harassing innocent Americans. Take for example this…

The BATFE is doing their best to go door to door an harass the inhabitants of the area because Mexico is blaming us for their crime problem. There are some gems in this article…

In front of a run-down shack in north Houston, federal agents step from a government sedan into 102-degree heat and face a critical question: How can the woman living here buy four high-end handguns in one day?

The house is worth $35,000. A screen dangles by a wall-unit air conditioner. Porch swing slats are smashed, the smattering of grass is flattened by cars and burned yellow by sun.

How can a woman living in a $35,000 house buy four “high-end” handguns in one day? Well first of all what business is it of the BATFE’s? Americans have a right to bear as many arms as they damn well please. Just because somebody lives in a small home doesn’t mean they can’t afford guns. Hell maybe they purposely bought a cheap home because they feel their money is better spent elsewhere. I know several people who have small homes because they don’t care about their dwelling and they would rather put their money into something to do care about.

All told, Mexican officials in 2008 asked federal agents to trace the origins of more than 7,500 firearms recovered at crime scenes in Mexico. Most of them were traced back to Texas, California and Arizona.

I love how the media loves to bring up the total number of guns handed over for tracing but never report how many guns actually traced back to America.

It turned out two handguns, of a type drug gangsters prefer, were bought by a pastor for target practice.

And what type of handgun do gangsters prefer? As far as I know gangsters prefer whatever they can get that will do the job. Some basic details would be nice to have. For all we know they could be .22LR pistols.

The lamest so far came from a police officer: He said he bought a few military-style rifles, left them in his car and — on the same night — forgot to lock a door. He couldn’t explain why he didn’t file a police report or why he visited Mexico the day after the alleged theft.

This I’m actually impressed with. You notice they said military-style rifle instead of “assault weapon.” As for the rifles going missing unless proof can be presented that officer is innocent under out laws. I’m not saying he didn’t sell guns across the boarder but I’m saying he’s innocent until proven guilty.

This sort of shit really pisses me off. It’s one thing if you question somebody because you have evidence pointing to the fact they are doing something illegal. It’s another thing to go door to door inquiring about a household’s firearms. Just remember everybody that without a court order you don’t have to answer an law officer’s question nor do you have to let them into your home. If you get a BATFE officer questioning you about your guns refuse to answer those question. If they knock and your door and want to come in don’t let them unless they have a warrant.

I also love how this article pointed out a handful of cases where the BATFE found weapons potentially crossing the border but didn’t report on the number of leads that ended up going nowhere. Bias? I think so.

Environmentalist are Dicks

Via Random Nuclear Strikes I found an article that’s just terrible. The city of Seattle is being sued this fourth of July…

From the article…

The city should conduct a thorough environmental review before letting thousands of people watch fireworks from the partially remediated toxic-waste site that is Gas Works Park, an environmental activist says.

A Lake City man has sued to stop Fourth of July events at the park at the north end of Lake Union until the state shows that gathering to watch fireworks there is safe for viewers, the park and surrounding wildlife.

That’s right some jack ass environmentalist wants an environmental study done to determine the effects of launching fireworks on the fourth of July. Not only is senior Douchbag suing but he’s trying to stop the celebration from occurring. Patriotic he is not.
