Doctor Rockzo Isn’t Going to Like This

Now this is funny. Via the No Agenda podcast I came across this little hilarity. For those of you whom don’t know there is no a “vaccine” for cocaine addiction. That’s right there is a drug people can take that prevent them from getting addicted to cocaine. But there is a slight problem. When given to somebody who is already addicted to cocaine it causes them to overdose.

The “vaccine” (I’m sorry but it should be called a vaccine, drug use it a choice not a disease) prevents the brain from absorbing cocaine and hence the use receives no high. Those who are already addicted take more and more cocaine hoping to get high. So this doesn’t cure their addiction at all, it only makes them overdose and die. Great.

Those Progressives Sure Are a Violent Bunch

For all the claims of loving peace and hating violence those progressives (Not to be confused with liberals.) sure like their violence. Walls of the City shows us what one of these progressives had to say about carry permits:

You, however, have demonstrated considerable irresponsibility in your arguments and in your personal attacks on this blogger, who also happens to be my wife. Send me your home address and I’ll come to your house and punch your fucking face in. Unless you are a pussy who can’t fight without a gun in his hand.

Yes apparently this particular progressive seems to find guns a pussy’s weapon. But if you’re not a pussy he’s willing to come to your home and punch you in the face. My question is why is he only willing to come over to somebody’s home and punch the person in the face if that person doesn’t have a gun? Oh wait I remember now because violent attackers don’t like armed resistance. I want to thank the person who made that comment for reaffirming two things. Progressives are violent and why I own guns.


Snowflakes in Hell points out that the Joyce Foundation, everybody’s favorite foundation, pretty much laid out what they think. They dropped a granted to Johns Hopkins with the following description:

For support of research on policies that can more effectively restrict firearm ownership to law-abiding persons.

As Sebastian points out it’s probably just a poor choice of words. But it most certainly would fit their standard operating procedure.

This Week in Security Theatre

Welcome to Security Theatre. Join us this week as the TSA, regulars here, establishes more rigid rules and regulations that do nothing to enhance security but make people believe so. In this thrilling show the TSA establish further screening producers for all flights going to or coming from 14 listed nations. Some of the countries are:

Travellers from Nigeria, Pakistan, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Yemen and Cuba will be among those facing body pat-down searches and carry-on baggage checks.

But the bad guys are one step ahead of the TSA yet again. They have developed a plan so diabolical only any person outside of TSA could see it coming. They are planning on flying into and out of America from different countries! This week promises to be as thrilling and exciting but also completely meaningless as always.

Brady Bunch Still Begging

How can you tell a group is bleeding for cash? They beg for money more than PBS. Joe Huffman shows us 14 Brady Bunch Twitter messages begging for cash. As an added bonus he’s linked to two videos which I’m convinced are parodies of Brady supporters. Either way he’s rubbing his nose enough in the second video that I’m convinced he’s Dr. Rockzo the Rock and Roll Clown and he does cocaine! Seriously man a lot of cocaine.

Beyond Stupidity

Says Uncle brings up a link that really makes me both sick and enraged at the same time. From the article:

But as a progressive, I would sooner lay my child to rest than succumb to the belief that the use of a gun for self-defense is somehow not in itself a gun crime.

So this individual would rather see his child dead than admit that self-defense is a natural right? This kind of logic is downright pathetic, hell even deadly. Let’s take a moment to consider this.

The author would rather his child DIE than ADMIT self defense isn’t a crime. I’m truly at a loss for words. I’m assuming Doug The Author isn’t a father because I can’t think of any father who would rather their child die than ANYTHING, let alone simply admit something.

TSA Get it All Wrong Again

So another terrorist prick tries to blow up a plane. Just what we needed right? Well TSA is further proving their motto of, “We’re not happy until you’re not happy.” They’ve implemented a bunch of pointless rules that are so blatantly meaningless that I fail to see the reason they were even thought about. Of course security expert Bruce Schneier has something to say about it:

And what sort of magical thinking is behind the rumored TSA rule about keeping passengers seated during the last hour of flight? Do we really think the terrorist won’t think of blowing up their improvised explosive devices during the first hour of flight?

Yes that’s right keep people seated for the last hour of the flight. What will this do? Make the terrorist attempt to blow up the plane sooner. Of course he mentioned this is a rumor and it would seem asinine to believe except the TSA have done equally dumb before. It’s believable. He also mentioned the only two things that have been done that make flying safer:

Only two things have made flying safer [since 9/11]: the reinforcement of cockpit doors, and the fact that passengers know now to resist hijackers.

But the best quote is this:

Only one carry on? No electronics for the first hour of flight? I wish that, just once, some terrorist would try something that you can only foil by upgrading the passengers to first class and giving them free drinks.

I agree, very strongly.

Up Next on California’s Ban List, Gun Safes

Apparently an 11 year old child decided playing inside a gun safe was a good idea. He got locked in there.

Furthermore the employees apparently didn’t remember how to open it so they called the fire department. The employees eventually got it open without the need to blow anything up. And of course this happened in California so look for gun safes becoming illegal there or warning labels required on the front warning about the possibility of getting locked in.