Something That’s Always Annoyed Me

I rarely touch the Health Care debate but there is one little thing about it that’s always annoyed me. Take a look at the picture:

Nothing something odd, besides the condescending ass in the center. Those “doctors” behind him are wearing lab coats. When the Hell is the last time you’ve seen doctors wearing lab coats outside of the office? Hell most doctors I know don’t wear lab coats half of the time they’re in the office.

Does the president believe the American people are so stupid that we can’t identify a person as a “doctor” unless they’re wearing a lab coat? That’s the message I get out of that.

HF2960 Will Be Heard Friday

Usually Minnesota is pretty quiet on the gun rights front but this week has been an exception. Representative Paymar’s bill HF2960 which is attempting to end private sales of firearms in this state is being heard on Friday. We need to make sure it gets no further than the sub-committee. To that end we need to call and e-mail (Written letters won’t arrive on time sadly) all members of the sub-committee and tell them to oppose this bill. Here is the list of people on the committee:

Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher (DFL-60A)

Majority Leader Tony Sertich (DFL-5B)

Sub-Committee on Crime Victims/Criminal Records

State Representative Debra Hilstrom (DFL-46B)

State Representative Kory Kath (DFL-26A)

State Representative Paul Kohls (R-34A)

State Representative John Lesch (DFL-66A)

State Representative Dave Olin (DFL-1A)

State Representative Ron Shimanski (R-18A)

State Representative Jenifer Loon (R-42B)

Let’s shut this down people.

Call to Arms Seattle

And by arms I mean money. Snowflakes in Hell dropped a note letting us in on an anti-gunner plan to get Starbucks politically involved. So far Starbucks has been good and simply refused to get involved in politics, let’s do what we can to keep it that way.

At 10:30 some anti-gun loon by the name of Abby Spangler is going to perform a lie in at the flagship Starbucks in Seattle. What Bitter is suggesting is that all you Seattle pro-gun nuts do is go in, buy something, and tell the Starbucks employee that you hope their store won’t get involved in politics because of those loonies outside.

Sounds like a great plan to me.

California Strikes Again

Although many people think of California as being entirely beach front property the truth is much of it is desert. Southern California for instance has very little rainfall and depends on irrigation by water drawn from Northern California. Realizing this Angelina and Quan Ha decided it was stupid having all that grass in their lawn and decided to replace it with wood chips and drought tolerant plants. What happened next is rather obvious:

Meanwhile, the couple said they had reduced their water usage from 299,221 gallons in 2007 to 58,348 gallons in 2009.

Oh and they’re being sued by their city. Apparently the city of Orange decided it would be a good idea to have an ordinance requiring 40% of a piece of property to be covered in live plants. They did this because, you know, they like things that make sense.

Seriously the problems of that state are never ending.

Fiscal Conservatism

Many politicians talk about fiscal conservatism but few actually live it. As pointed out on Random Nuclear Strikes Ron Paul is one of those few.

He returned $100,000 of his officer’s budget to the Treasury. Of course last year he returned $90,000 and the year before that he returned $58,000. This sounds like the man I would like in charge of this country’s budget.

Regardless of how you feel about the man you have to give him credit, he does what he says he’s going to. That’s as rare in politics as common sense in the health care debate.

Results of McDonald vs. Chicago Oral Arguments

A couple of sources are releasing summaries of the oral arguments today. The first one is Business Week’s write up which can be found here. SCOTUS Blog also has a write up.

Both seem to come to the same conclusion. It appears that incorporation though the privileges or immunities clause of the 14th amendment isn’t likely. On the upside it seems likely incorporation will happen but through the due process clause of the same amendment.

Getting incorporation period is a huge victory and I’m not going to be to picky on how we do it.

Blood in the Streets

There’s less of it in Washington D.C. now according to this article:

The year after the Supreme Court struck down the District of Columbia’s handgun ban and gun-lock requirements, the capital city’s murder rate plummeted 25 percent. The high court should keep that in mind today as it hears oral arguments about a Chicago handgun ban.

I though the anti-gunners said that more blood would be flowing in the streets, not less.

Go Minnesota

So I just checked the Brady Bunch score card for Minnesota. We score 15 out of 100. No it’s not great but certainly better than many. My goal is 0 out of 100 for this great state. Personally I like to call their scorecard system the liberty score system. If you score it like golf where lower is better you can estimate how much liberty your state grants you as related to your right to keep and bear arms.

I won’t link to those dip shits directly but here the link for you to copy and paste:

Why no direct link? Because it can increase their ranking on some search engines. Yes I’m that spiteful.