Apparently AR-15s and AK-47s are Unreliable

Here is our idiot of the day…

Governor Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania was asked about “assault weapons” on an CNN interview.

It’s nuts for ordinary citizens to go out and buy assault weapons. Assault weapons are difficult to operate, they jam easily, if you want a gun to protect your home it’s the last thing you should have.

That’s hilarious actually because I own several “assault weapons.” None of them are difficult to operate nor unreliable. Hell if you cant figure out how to operate an AR-15 or an AK-47 you’ve got issues. And both are pretty well known for being reliable rifles. If I needed to defend my home with a rifle (personally I’d prefer a shotgun in most cases) I’d certainly select one of the two.

Personally I like to call people out when they fuck up so here is his contact information…

225 Main Capitol Bldg.
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Phone: (717) 787-2500
Fax: (717) 772-8284

And of course his washington office…

1001 G St., NW, Ste. 400 E
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 638-3730
Fax: (202) 638-3516

And for completeness his e-mail address…

Go ahead and contract this man and inform him (be civil of course) why he’s wrong.

There’s Lies, There’s Damned Lies, and Then There is the Brady Campaign

Via Snow Flakes in Hell it appears Doug Pennington of The Brady Bunch believes all the federal gun control laws can be counted on one hand…

Hell he doesn’t think he even needs a full hand…

What people don’t realize, at the national level, at least, is that I can count the federal gun laws on the books on one hand. I don’t even need all five fingers to do it

Hell the Brady Campaign doesn’t even agree with that. Straight from their mouths (it’s an link of their sight because I refuse to give those pricks any traffic and they will probably change this) there are six federal gun control laws (Doug must be a kind of freaky seven fingered mutant or something)…

Of course Snow Flakes in Hell points out some other federal gun control methods.


Wow Anti-Gunners are Assholes

Aren’t they always touting their moral superiority? Guess they aren’t so superior…

So an established gun range has encountered a problem many ranges eventually do. Even though it was built out in the country society eventually encroached. Now the people who live nearby are mad because apparently shooting ranges make noise. How did they respond? By vandalizing his property of course.


New York on it’s Way for Micro Stamping

Another flawed idea by the anti-gunners is making it’s way through New York state…

Senate Bill 4397, if passed into law, would make selling any semi-automatic handgun without so called micro stamping technology illegal.

For those of you out of the loop micro stamping is a method where the firearm marks every round it fires with some kind of unique identifier. The unique identifier is suppose to help police track a person illegally using a gun. Of course this requirement would jack up the price of the gun and won’t work to boot.

Let’s take a look at the basic idea. So the gun it supposed to stamp an identifier onto each round fire. In that case you have three options, stamp the bullet, stamp the case, or stamp both. Stamping the case would seem rather idiotic since you can just pick those up and take them with you. Stamping the bullet is equally idiotic since it’s mostly likely going to deform on impact with something which would distort and stamped on identifier.

So really nothing is accomplished. Further more the stamp inside the gun can easily be filed off so nothing is stamped on either the bullet or the case. So why would this get proposed? More importantly who would propose it?

Well the answer to that is ID Dynamics the company whom is the sole owner of the patent on micro stamping technology. The man who invented it, Todd Lizotte (I’d drop contact information but I can’t find any, if you know any means of contacting him let me know), claims it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. And he’s right it is for him and his company.

He’s of course stated that his company is willing to provide the technology royalty free. That’s an old trick really because even with the patent most gun manufacturers could not create the required tools in house to enact this technology, and certainly not in a timely manner. Because of that companies who have such patents often are willing to see the equipment required to use the patent, at a nominal fee of course.

Micro stamping accomplishes nothing besides increasing the cost of manufacturing guns. And that cost is then placed on the consumers. Remember if the anti-gunners can’t outright ban guns they will do the next best thing, ensure nobody can afford them (this trick was used in the abolishment of so called “Saturday night specials.”). Remember just because they can’t take your right doesn’t mean they can’t find a way to prevent you from exercising that right.

Another Anti-Gunner Doesn’t Understand the Definition of Militia

Remember that blurb about how the anti-gunners should stop using the argument that guns are only for the militia?

Well it looks like somebody didn’t get the memo defining what the militia even is. This was found through Sharp as a Marble…

From the woefully ignorant article…

The purpose of the Second Amendment, as affirmed by federal courts, was to make sure there were adequate arms available to the “well-regulated militia.” Since the various National Guard units now are armed by the federal government, the “right to keep and bear arms” argument has been rendered moot.

As I discussed in my previous post pretty much all capable citizens are part of the militia. Let us revisit that important excerpt from the United States code dealing with the militia…

(b) The classes of the militia are –
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard
and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of
the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the
Naval Militia.

Oh Fuck two strikes against that morons argument. First the National Guard is considered an independent entity of the militia, not a replacement. Second that pesky part about the unorganized militia which is composed of the citizens of the United States. Once again an anti-gunner has shown us the fact that they don’t understand the concept of logic.

I also have to point out this line from the article…

The Founding Fathers understood the rules of English grammar.

It’s a good thing they did because the person who penned (typed) this article sure doesn’t.


Because Somebody Mentioned it at Work

I’m glad to see the NRA-ILA alert on this so called “gun tax” rumor that has been floating around. I’ve received no less then four e-mails about this in the last month or so and really had no easy way to reply to people it’s nothing to be concerned with. Well now I have the small bite size piece of text…

This alert is dealing with the onerous SB-2099 which supposedly will require everybody to report all their guns on their income tax return. Well this little hitch was proposed and shot down nine years ago. It’s dead and buried. So please stop worrying about it and stop spreading it around.

For Those Anti-Gunners Saying Amendment Two is for Militia Only

You may want to stop using that argument. Let us take a look at the United States Code regarding the militia. Specifically who the militia is composed of…

In case you don’t want to dig through the code here is the part that matters…

(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied
males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section
313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a
declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States
and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the
National Guard.

(b) The classes of the militia are –
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard
and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of
the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the
Naval Militia.

So there are two classes of militias in this fine country. The first consists of the organized militia which would be our military forces. But the second is the unorganized militia which consists of all able bodied males above the age of 17 who are not enrolled in the organized militia.

Of course the second amendment states quite clearly that “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” In the entirety of the United States Constitution “the people” refers to the citizens. But I digress this post is to point out the fact that the anti-gunners don’t actually know what they are arguing.