High-Tech Scope

The military wastes no time in finding the next best technology to blow enemies away. It should come as no surprise the military is looking at making their snipers even more precise than they are now. Right now they are looking into some really bad ass sounding optics:

The “One Shot” program originally aimed to give snipers the power to hit a target from 2000 meters away in winds as high as 40 miles per hour. In the first phases of the 3-year-old program, shooters used prototype rifles dressed with lasers and fancy computer hardware to do damage from 1,100 meters away in 18-mile-an-hour winds. The scope-mounted lasers can “see” wind turbulence in the path of the bullet and feed the data to computers, enabling real-time calculation of — and compensation for — the wind-blown trajectory.

That just sounds like all sorts of awesome right there. I think it goes without saying that I want one.

One Shot Stop Handgun Caliber

Most of us with any knowledge in firearms agree that no handgun caliber can be relied upon for a one shot stop. For those unfamiliar with the phrase it simply means having a very high probability of stopping a bad gun with only one shot. Well this notion isn’t correct because the Germans came up with a pistol caliber that can stop a man in one shot and The Firearm Blog has a piece on it. Hit the link and check out the German grenade pistol.

Who Remembers The Old VHS

No not that VHS, this VHS. Well the Croats puts out a video demonostrating their new assault rifle which can be found over on The Firearm Blog.

Overall it looks cool although doesn’t seem to bring anything too revolutionary to the table. Of course that is until you realize it’s being produced by a nation who generally had more experience in combloc weapons than NATO weapons so this is a completely new endeavor.

For those of you who don’t know much about the VHS it’s a rifle being produced by the same company who gave us the HS 2000, better known in America as the XD, handgun. As an owner of a said handgun I must say if they can make a rifle even half as good as the HS 2000 I will be very impressed. Of course I’m doubting anybody is going to import a semi-automatic version of this new rifle since it’s mostly a clone of other things already on the market.

We Do Like Our Gear

Gun Free Zone brings up the fact that most of us in the gun community like our gear:

After that, we started to comment on what we carry besides our guns and people started to unload on top of the table: knives, multitools, lights, digital cameras, cellphones, cellphones with cameras, pens, pads, PDAs, spare ammo, etc. Nobody carry less than 2 knives besides the one in the multitool. Most carried one light and some two.

Most of us who carry a firearm like to be prepared in general. I know I haven’t left the domicile without some kind of Swiss Army Knife in my pocket since middle school. Now I carry all sorts of fun and exciting things. Granted I don’t have a folding knife, the only knife I have is on my Swiss Army Knife. I know I lose some credibility.

Evolving Iron Sights

The Firearm Blog has a post about a new iron sight idea. The new system used a lens and “zone plates” and allows the user to focus on both the front sight and target at the same time.

It looks like an interested idea with certain applications for target shooting. I don’t think I’d put such a device on my defensive firearms simply because if you break the lens I imagine the sighting system would be useless. But this thing looks cool regardless.

Another Glock .22 Conversion Kit

Gun Nuts Media let us know there is another .22 conversion kit in the market. It has the following features according to the website:

* 15 round polymer magazine
* Last round hold open
* Fits the GLOCK® models 17, 22, 34 and 35
* Factory GLOCK® sights
* 1-16” Twist chome moly steel barrel
* 4140 Blued steel slide

It looks to compare favorably to the Advantage Arms kit I have. But the big difference is Advantage Arms is a California company and thus their magazines are restricted to 10 rounds, this new one doesn’t have that limitation. Unfortunately this new kit comes in at $350.00 to $410.00 making it quite a bit more expensive than Advantage Arms kit which comes in at $265.00 if you can find one (that being a HUGE if).

I don’t think a higher capacity magazine is worth an additional $85.00 myself. But I’m waiting with anticipation for reviews to see if anything else the new kit does is worth the additional cost.