Interesting .45 Auto Carbine

OK I’m a huge fan of the .45 automatic cartridge. Both of my primary carry guns are .45 and I have a Beretta CX4 in .45 auto plus a Tommy Gun. It’s a good cartridge in my opinion but finding a good carbine hasn’t been easy. Well in my tireless quest for a good .45 auto carbine I came across the Kriss Super V…

Now my Tommy Gun is cool but far too heavy for practical defense and the CX4 only has 8 round magazines with larger ones looking to never appear. The Kriss Super V seems to solve both those problems by being light weight and has extended magazines.

The main problem is it’s expensive. In fact it’s far more expensive than anything I’m willing to pay for a .45 carbine at the moment. The only real advantage of a .45 carbine is it would use a common ammo supply with my pistols. On the other hand an M14 is very well suited at stopping bad guys so I think I’ll continue using it.

Want John Moses Browning’s Home?

Now you can and for the low low price of $374,900…

I’m surprised this building hasn’t been declared historical and run by a museum. Needless to say I’d love to have this house but of course I can’t afford it and I don’t really want to move to Utah.


To Wyoming and Back

As I said last week I’d be gone for roughly a week. Anyways I was in Wyoming meeting my girlfriend’s family and getting a good feel for the area. I have to say it’s a nice place with some great scenery. I know I have to head out there prairie dog shooting someday.

To the point I came across some good gun related fortune. I found small pistol primers. So now I’m 4,000 primers richer. They have a Sportsman’s Warehouse there and since I was on vacation I was able to beat all the people who were working their jobs to the store and grab my limit of primers (2,000 per day so I had to go there two days). I also found a butt load of primers at Rocky Mountain Discount Outfitters but they were gouging on them pretty severely.

Anyways it was good to see primers in stock for a change. It’s been far too long.

Happy Birthday AK-47

It’s that time of year again where we say happy birthday to the worlds most famous rifle, the AK-47. Wired did a long write up on the iconic rifle…

I think everybody should own an AK-47. They are amazing rifles with a lot of history behind them. And I know many people consider Mikhail Kalashnikov a death dealer for making the rifle but I consider him an engineering genius who made a device with the intention of driving an foreign invader from his country.

I Think the AR-15 Bubble has Burst

At least here in Wyoming where I’m vacationing. I decided to look around at a few gun stores to see what I could find. I found a couple boxes of small pistol primers and some bulk Remington .22LR boxes. But I noticed something odd at least one store is having a 5% off sale on all AR-15 style rifles. And every store I’ve visited so far has a ton of AR-15s in stock. It appears as though the bubble is bursting.

Things are Looking Up

I’m getting reports from all over that gun stores throughout the Twin Cities area have ammunition! .380 is still a problem although a local shop has brass for you if you want to reload it yourself. Yes they even have primers of all things. Hopefully we’re looking at the tail end of the shortage.

The Species of the Anti-Gunner

OK I spend a lot of time bitching out the anti-gunners. I do this because I don’t understand them. They argue with emotions instead of facts which I find ridiculous. The lack of doing any critical thinking scares me in fact. And it’s so easy to see their arguments are emotional because when they try to debate the subject of gun control with an intelligent pro-gun person they are easily ensnared in hypocrisy.

For instance many anti-gunners claim they detest violence. They say we need to ban guns because they are violent devices that no civilized person should use. What they really mean is they detest performing a violent act themselves. When you ask many anti-gunners what their plan is during a home invasion it’s usually “Call the police.” And often upon arriving the police end up having to use violence to nab the home invader, often time after that invader has already harmed or killed the family inside the house.

Another part of the anti-gunner mentality is the lack of personal responsibility. This is apparent when they talk about guns causing violence. Take The Brady Bunch for instance, they say guns kill hundreds of thousands of people each year. They never say people using guns kill other people. There is a huge difference between the two. When you say a gun kills somebody you are saying the device is the cause of death. When you talk to a pro-gun person they will tell you the person with the gun killed the other person. This is because they realize a gun has no morals and no will of it’s own. Without a human using the gun it can’t do anything.

Once again hypocrisy comes into play. If somebody falls off of a roof and dies upon impact most people would say his death was due to him or her falling off of a roof. If we were to blame the device that actually killed him, gravity, we would say, “He was killed with gravity.” No anti-gunner I’ve talked to has described a fall this way because they know gravity is a force with no morals and no free will. But somehow guns are a different class of item with no morals and no free will.

Another observation I have about anti-gunners is the fact they love the role of the victim. This ties in with the hatred of personal responsibility. If you are the victim of a crime you have somebody to blame for your lack of good fortune. A finger can easily be pointed at somebody as the cause for your misery. I’m not in the business of blaming victims but there is something to say to being a victim who just gives up and being a victim who fought their damnedest.

For instance there is no guarantee having a gun on your person can prevent you from being murdered. But having that gun certainly increases your chances of survival. Hell even if you don’t have a gun if you fight your hardest against an attacker with your bare hands you are at least showing a desire to survive and not be a victim. When you ask an anti-gunner what to do in a situation where you’re confronted with an attacker you often get a line similar to, “Just do what the criminal says and you’ll come out fine.” The act of surrendering to an attacker and does not ensure your survival. How can you trust the word of a man who has threatened you? You can’t? But anti-gunners would rather you trust the word of a criminal instead of the capabilities of a law abiding citizen with a gun.

And of course if you bring up the idea of owning guns as a check and balance against a tyrannical government anti-gunners will call you paranoid and tell you that the United States government would never turn tyrannical. They also spew nonsense about citizens with guns wouldn’t stand a chance against the government should they turn tyrannical anyways. They refuse to stop and think about the situation. They won’t consider the fact much of the military would defect and many would be unwilling to fire on civilians. They also lack the historical knowledge to know what a few poor malnourished farmers with AK-47s did to our soldiers in a small country called Vietnam.

So as far as I can see the anti-gunner is a create of illogical arguments and false ideas. I’ve not met one who can put up an argument based on factual evidence. Maybe some day I will find that person but until they I will stay strong with my opinion.

Smith and Wesson 22A Recall

Somebody let me know that there is a recall on some Smith and Wesson 22A pistols…

Recall information as posted by Smith and Wesson…

Smith & Wesson has identified a condition that may exist in certain model 22-A pistols. Based on our ongoing product review, we have determined that the slides of certain pistols manufactured from August 1, 2008 to February 19, 2009, may not meet the design specification. This can create a situation where insufficient headspace exists creating a risk of unintended discharge.

And what pistols are being recalled…

This recall applies only to 22-A pistols manufactured from August 1, 2008 to February 19, 2009. Affected pistols fall within the following serial number range:

UBW0000 – UBW9999
UBY0000 – UBY4104

I’m rather glad that the 22A I recently purchased isn’t on that list.

The Million Dollar Solution to the Ten Dollar Problem

I’m sure you’ve all heard about the police officer in New York who accidentally shot another officer who was in plain clothes. Well it looks like New York is looking into a million dollar solution to the problem…,2933,525257,00.html

They want to create guns that can recognize another officer’s gun. Here is what they are coming up with…

One idea involves the use of radio frequency tags that would allow officers to pinpoint where other cops are in the city, Browne said. Another involves tags that would work gun-to-gun and use an infrared sensor: When a weapon is pulled from an officer’s holster it would trigger a signal that would be sent to the gun of a nearby officer. The signal may be seen or heard.

Well let us look at the technological problem with either case. The first is the fact that if the police can located other officers via radio transmission then so can any body else with the correct equipment. That means you can easily pinpoint an undercover of plain clothed officer. I’m sure criminals would jump for joy to have this technology.

Then there is the idea of using an infrared sensor on the gun. This again can be replicated and used by criminals to disable police officers’ guns. Also infrared is line of sight so if on officer was partially behind cover there is a good change the sensor will not function as desired anyways.

Now let us look at the cheap solution. Training. The plain clothed officer should have never been shot by the uniformed officer because police should try to identify their target if at all possible. I’m highly doubting a plain clothed officer would be dumb enough to pull a gun on any uniformed officer. That doesn’t make sense so the threat to the uniformed officer shouldn’t be anything at all since no gun would be drawn on them. Simple, elegant, and much more reliable then any gun disabling technology. Also it’s harder for criminals to use it to disarm the officers. Not every problem needs to be solved through the use of expensive technology.