Says Uncle sums up the passing of the health insurance reform bill. Brilliant.
Category: Humor
Great Gift For the Kids
Yes this is the Toys ‘R’ Us site. Yes that is a laser bore site. But what really makes this page hilarious are the reviews.
Poroposed Assembler Opcodes
Obviously this is only going to apply to the truly geeky watching this and most of those people have already seen this but it’s still funny. Some of the opcodes I really like and would find useful:
You never know when you’ll have to branch to data on Alpha Centauri. Heck I’d use this all the time.
Regardless of what some people believe this instruction doesn’t actually exist in your computer.
Hey look it’s Al Gore’s opcode!
This would solve a lot of crashes created by new programmers.
Oh if only I had this instruction available when people called me for computer help.
Good instruction for the truly paranoid out there.
Al Gore’s other beloved instruction.
If only that existed.
For those of you who aren’t computer geeks realize this is the type of humor that some of use laugh at. Yet I know it’s sad.
You’re Morning Hilarity
It’s Tuesday which means you need a good laugh. Thankfully The Firearm Blog has provided one via this video:
Seriously I’d watch the biathlon if this is how it was played.
Best Meme Ever
There is a new gun blogger meme started by none other than Uncle:
The commercial should have ended with a guy in a big ass Ford Earthfuckertm that gets 5 miles per gallon with seats made from baby seals blowing past the roadblock billowing smoke. And, for effect, the driver flips them off. I’d buy that car. Not this little compliant pansy car. You appeal to Americans in an ad by showing rebellion and general orneriness. Not passiveness, compliance, or sheepishness.
Sadly I drive a Ford Ranger which hardly comes close to being an Earthfucker but I plan on moving up some day. It appears as though Random Nuclear Strikes has found somebody who does own an Earthfucker though.
Concealed Weapons
One of my friends e-mailed me a rather awesome item with pictures of some of the best concealed weapons ever. Seriously you could never even tell those items were weapons! But the absolute best part is one of the comments by a user using the handle KKK:
hahaha this is funny, cause they are poorly hidden so the buyer doesn’t want them LOL
He’s a smart one.
The Evolution of Python Programmers
I’ve you’ve written any amount of Python this should be rather funny.
The 800 Pound Gorilla in the Room
I don’t care who you are this is just plain funny. Via Dvorak Uncensored we get this story:
A floor collapsed beneath a group of about 20 members of Weight Watchers as they gathered to compare how many pounds they had shed over Christmas.
I can’t make any smart ass comment that could possibly add to that.
Wrath, Rage, and Power Tools
OK there are some creativity points going out to Carolyn Paulsen-Riat. Her husband left her and she decided revenge was in order. But how could she do it? Well by rewiring his power tools to give him an electrical shock! From the article:
In the documents, deputies say the woman told them she had reversed the wires on his power tools because she was angry he was leaving.
I’m sorry but that’s funny and deliciously evil. Of course being this was an attack charges are in order:
Carolyn Paulsen-Riat was booked Friday into the Thurston County Jail for investigation of third-degree assault, domestic violence, and second-degree malicious mischief. A judge released the 33-year-old woman on her own recognizance.
Bad idea but certainly creative. I love it when psychos give me something to smile about in the morning.
New TSA Logos
Bruce Schneier has a post of user submitted ideas for a new TSA log. Some of them are pure gold.