They would look something like this:
Yes. Your eyes are not deceiving you. That really is a Smith & Wesson J-frame revolver (a.k.a. a snubbie) with a laser sight, a flashlight, and a bayonet.
Credit goes to Rob Allen for this amazing find.
Chronicling the depravities of the State.
Snowflakes in Hell points out that the Joyce Foundation, everybody’s favorite foundation, pretty much laid out what they think. They dropped a granted to Johns Hopkins with the following description:
For support of research on policies that can more effectively restrict firearm ownership to law-abiding persons.
As Sebastian points out it’s probably just a poor choice of words. But it most certainly would fit their standard operating procedure.
User Lee N. Field over at The Gun Rights Radio Network forum posted a great diagram displaying how Glock automatic pistols work. Enjoy:
Happy New Years!
Everyday, No Days Off did a great service by posting a guide for SHTF guns. It’s very detailed and accompanied by some of the best research found on the Internet. Take for instance:
Unfortunately, none are available with a pistol grip. If Napoleon’s Mosin had a pistol grip, he may have very well conquered the world, but that’s another discussion. Other “carbine” type Mosins are also available, which would be the perfect compliment if one’s SHTF plan includes charging at bad guys on horseback while wearing a fur hat, swinging a curved saber and swilling a bottle of vodka.
This is a PR nightmare in the makings. HP’s new integrated laptop webcams have the ability to follow faces, unless those faces are black. I don’t care who you are that’s rather funny (and if you take offense and are angry lighten up it’s probably a software glitch).
Do you have a Ruger Mini-14? Is it not working as it should? Well there is a diagnostic chart that may help.
Thanks goes to Says Uncle for dropping it in #gunblogger_conspiracy.
Every time somebody tries to tell me how great Japan and it’s culture are compared to ours I point to stories like this.
That’s a series of photographs of Japanese breaking florescent lights over each others’ bodies for some kind of sport. Every society has it’s quirks.
Breda makes a good point. Why indeed.
I found a story on Dvorak Uncensored last night that is rather funny.
A grandmother did a Google search on “Queensland + pre-meditated + murder + penalties” and “pre-meditated murder.” Shortly afterwards her husband died.
It must be a coincidence.
Says Uncle has another great article. It has been discovered that New York City experiences fewer murders on rainy days. I’m waiting for a law to move through New York’s legislation that will ban the sun to make everybody safer. Remember it’s for the greater good!