Not Left, Not Right, Just Crazy

After the recent attack in Norway people on the left have been moving to accuse the attacker, Anders Behring Breivik, of being a right-wing extremist while the people on the right have been moving to accuse him of being a left-wing extremist. When you look at the available evidence though one thing becomes apparent, like most similar situations, this man wasn’t left, he wasn’t right, he was plain crazy.

This fact is reflect in a book that he wrote entitled A European Declaration of Independence [PDF]. You’ll notice that I’m hosting this file on my server. This isn’t because I condone any material in the book, in fact I firmly oppose this man’s viewpoints and manifesto, I’m hosting it because I feel it is required material to understand the fact that this man wasn’t left or right. I’m also guessing that there will be some pressure to have this document removed making any third-party hosting potentially unreliable.

The document is also quite long and thus I have not read it, I’ve only skimmed it to get a possible understanding of what “logic” was going through this man’s mind. The passages I’ve selected are purposefully selected to demonstrate the point that this man can’t be considered a right or left-wing extremist. Likewise the document is basically a criticism of Islamic religion which I’m not going to touch with a fucking cattle prod.

Others can accuse this person of being a religious extremist but I submit that a man who is willing to initiation violence isn’t right in the head to begin with. It doesn’t matter if a person is Christian, Muslim, Atheist, etc.; if you are willing to initiate violence in an attempt to advance your cause you’re not a sane individual. I don’t believe such people kill because of their religion but use religion to justify their desire to use violence as a means to achieve their goal.

Just think about most of the people who kill in the name of their religion, they select particular passages from holy books that seem to justify their actions but in the end what these people are always after is control over others. It’s pretty fucking easy to claim God, Thor, Shiva, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster told you that they were angry with the human race and have selected you alone to be their messenger. When these people are able to fulfill their religious crusades they always place themselves in a position of absolute power by claiming to be the prophet of whatever religious deity/deities they’ve chosen to use to justify their desire to rule over others.

Look at any secular state and you’ll notice that they’re generally run by one or, at most, a handful of people who have absolute authority over the populace. In the case of any secular state, unless those in power wrote the religious material, the holy passages they used to justify their rule can be countered in another holy passage of that religion. This is why I’m not going to touch the subject of religion here, I don’t believe it’s the religion that leads to violence, I believe a control-hungry person uses religion to justify their actions. Whether the person uses propaganda in favor for or against a religion is irrelevant as well, it’s still using religion as a justification for action.

Now that I’ve got that rather long statement out of the way let’s look at some of the entries that make this man appear right-wing:

I would personally say that the emphasis on the individual is our most defining trait as a civilisation[sic]. Both Muslims and internal collectivists hate our individualism the most, because it stands in the way of their ideologies.

Traditionally right philosophy is centered around the individual while left philosophy is centered around society as a whole. Stated that emphasis on the individual is a defining trait would lead people to believe this man was right-wing in his thinking.

The West has traditionally been a rational civilisation. We now have an emotional culture, which we see clearly in the immigration debate where emphasis is on whether you “feel good” and whether your “intentions” are good when you support mass immigration, not on rationally calculating the long-term consequences of your actions.

This criticism mirrors ones often made by the right against the left; that the left arguments are based around emotional instead of logical statements. It’s very common for somebody who identifies themselves are right-wing to accuse those identifying themselves as left-wing to be creatures of pure emotions and lacking any logical reasons for their arguments.

We are fighting for secular laws passed with the consent of the people, not sharia nor transnational legislation drafted by bureaucrats and technocrats unaccountable to the people. We do not want to be held hostage by international NGOs, transnational progressives or self-appointed guardians of the truth. Likewise, we are fighting for national sovereignty. No nation regardless of political system can survive the loss of its territorial integrity, but democratic states especially so. We pay national taxes because our authorities are supposed to uphold our national borders. If they can’t do so, the social contract is breached, and we should no longer be required to pay our taxes.

The idea of a country being independent of national organizations is generally considered right-wing, as is the concept of having strong border defenses. Likewise it is generally those on the right who state that we should withhold (or reduce the amount paid) taxes if our government is not doing the desired job.

It is insulting that two thirds of the Dutch, one of the founding members of the European community, voted against the proposed EU Constitution, and yet EU leaders will apparently just ignore this and force their massively undemocratic Constitution down people’s throats anyway.

Most people who identify a right-wing were against the establishment of the European Union Constitution as it was done without the consent (vote) of the government. Meanwhile many who identify themselves as left-wing claim the establishment of the Constitution was the right of the various states to form a more unified organization. As such a constitution promotes a unified European identity many large government advocates were in favor of its establishment.

Now that I’ve identified a handful of passages that establish this man as a proponent of right-wing philosophy let me bring up some passages that will establish this man as a proponent of left-wing philosophy:

Decrease global consummation through implementing protectionist policies.

Protectionist policies and other government interferences with the economy are traditionally left-wing ideas. Proponents of right-wing philosophy generally believe less government interference with the economy is better.

All globalist companies will be nationalised (a minimum of 50,1% ownership must bere- distributed to EF governments hands (combined) at any given time, for their respective countries).

Nationalization of means of production is a left-wing idea. Those who are identified as right-wing usually hold a strong hatred of nationalizing any business; instead they promote privatization of currently nationalized service.

Phase out diesel/benzin vehicles (and thus end our dependency on Muslim oil) and focus on commercialising electric cars/battery cells. This will be a lot more significant problem in the US due to their decentralised infrastructure but much easier in Europe. Larger vehicles (trucks/planes/ships) will in the unforeseeable future still have to rely on diesel/benzin/bunker oil until we have managed to develop battery cells with sufficient power. The development of these battery cells will be a prioritised task.

Trying to end our dependency on oil is generally a left-wing idea although the justification is usually environmental by nature.

First of all we have to ask ourselves. What population size can our planet support? This can be rephrased, in ecological terms, as “What is the carrying capacity of the planet”, as applicable to human populations, specifically. The carrying capacity is the number of individuals an environment can support without significant negative impacts to the given organism and its environment.

The idea that we need to control the human population is another idea that’s generally left-wing in nature. The justification, again, is generally environmental in nature. The desire to reduce the human population is another idea promoted by those who believe we need to move to a “green” society.

There are many more passages in this book that could be seen and either right or left-wing. My goal in this post isn’t to pull out every possible passage for analysis, it’s to point out the fact that this man can’t be seen as either a right or left-wing extremist. He’s fucking nuts, plain and simple. His book promote both individual and socialistic views which are generally incompatible. Although he views individualism as a defining aspect of European society he also believes in nationalization of global companies which is a very anti-individualistic view.

I’d also like to raise a huge fucking middle finger to those who started accusing this man of being a Muslim before any fact came to light. This type of jumping to conclusion is counter-productive and downright sickening. The reason I waited so long before making any statement about the Norwegian tragedy is because I wanted some kind of factual information at hand to make a judgement. The man wasn’t Muslim, quote the opposite is true, he hated Islam and blamed it for all the ills facing Europe.

As I said at the beginning on this article, a person’s religion is not what should be seen as the reason for his or her violent actions. All religions can be used by the violent to justify their actions. Claiming that some deity or deities demanded that you perform acts of violence is nothing more than an attempt to seek validity by these people. A majority of people on this planet are peaceful which is evident by the fact we have working societies. Most Christians, Muslims, Jews, Atheists, etc. are peaceful human beings whom hold no desire to harm their fellow people.

We need to stop looking at abstract groups as the source of violence and instead look at the individuals who commit violent acts. Just because a Christian, Muslim, Jew, or Atheist commits an act of violence doesn’t mean that their respective group is inherently violent. Let’s stop pointing fingers are groups and start holding individuals accountable for their actions.

As a final note I found this statement in the man’s book to be worth a brief discussion:

Needless to say, this is also why Muslims have such a poor track record in science.

I found the passage completely absurd and it demonstrates this man’s willingness to be very selective in his historical research. The portion of history often referred to as the Islamic Golden Age demonstrates that Muslims have a long history of scientific advancements. Islamic science made great contributions to the fields of mathematics, astronomy, medicine, geography, and many others. To say that Muslims have a poor track record in science is ignorant and a downright lie.

And Yet They Wanted to Raise Taxes

During the government “shutdown” many people were demanding that the government increase taxes on “the rich.” Dayton thought that sounded like a swell plan because as everybody knows the smartest thing you can do during an economic depression is steal even more money from productive people. Well that idea sounds even more ridiculous now that Minnesota already ranks seventh in the list of states with the highest tax burdens:

7. Minnesota
Taxes paid by residents as pct. of income: 10.3%
Total state and local taxes collected: $45.7 billion
Pct. of total taxes paid by residents: 75.5%
Pct. of total taxes paid by non-residents: 24.5%

Less than 25% of Minnesota’s tax revenue comes from non-residents and businesses. The state only collects average, or below average, rates on alcohol and tobacco, and has one of the smallest tourism economies in the country. This means the state relies heavily on income and property taxes from residents. Minnesota has the 21st largest population in the country, but it collects the 12th most in tax revenue each year. The state and local taxes collected per capita is the seventh highest in the country, as is the tax burden as a percent of income.

By Thor in Valhalla! We’re right behind fucking California. Minnesota is only the 21st largest state yet we collect the 12th most in taxes. That’s a fucked up ratio right there. And to top it all off we can’t even keep the government running at its current capacity without either generating a giant deficit or robbing people of even more money. Who in the fuck thinks this is a sound way to run a state?

Meanwhile New Hampshire, which has no income or sales tax, ranks number seven on the list of states with lowest tax burdens. Everybody who wants to increase the tax rate of anybody in this state can kindly go sodomize themselves with a retractable baton… and not by baton either, go buy your own fucking baton (and stop trying to steal shit from other people).

That’s a Lot of Money

The ill-named Government Accountability Office (GAO) finally performed a light audit (nowhere near the type of Audit that would have went down had Ron Paul’s plan been followed), the results of which can be found in this handy document [PDF]. It’s an incredibly long document and I’d be lying if I said I’ve read through it (I’m working on it though).

There is a pretty decent summary of the report here:

The U.S. Federal Reserve gave out $16.1 trillion in emergency loans to U.S. and foreign financial institutions between Dec. 1, 2007 and July 21, 2010, according to figures produced by the government’s first-ever audit of the central bank.

Last year, the gross domestic product of the entire U.S. economy was $14.5 trillion.

Of the $16.1 trillion loaned out, $3.08 trillion went to financial institutions in the U.K., Germany, Switzerland, France and Belgium, the Government Accountability Office’s (GAO) analysis shows.

I a span of less than three yeas the Federal Reserve printed up and loaned out more money than the gross domestic product of the entire United States. What the fuck? Oh, and it shouldn’t shock you who the biggest receivers of Federal Reserve money were:

Out of all borrowers, Citigroup received the most financial assistance from the Fed, at $2.5 trillion. Morgan Stanley came in second with $2.04 trillion, followed by Merill Lynch at $1.9 trillion and Bank of America at $1.3 trillion.

Yup, the Fed’s cronies all received some pretty wickedly large loans. I really have no additional comments to make, I think the presented evidence is enough for any intelligent person to figure out what’s going on.

Let me just say again, we need to end the Federal Reserve and return to a commodity-based monetary system free of all government interference.

Borders Bookstores Looking to Liquidate Their Assets

Well it seems that Borders was unable to find a sucker to buy their dying business model and are looking to start liquidating their assets as soon as Friday. I’m a man who loves bookstores but feel no sympathy for Borders and really could care less that they’re going away. Borders is a classic example of a company that has failed to evolve with the changing times and thus it’s time for them to go away (unless the government gives them a bailout or some such nonsense).

In the era of e-readers less people are buying physical books because it’s inconvenient. In order to get a physical book you must either go to the book store or order it online, have a place to store it, move it around when you’re cleaning or moving, etc. With an e-book you simply tell your software to purchase and download the book and you’re reading it in less than a minute in most cases. An additional advantage is the fact that you can take your entire e-book library with you wherever you go whereas you’re limited to the number of physical books you can take due to their size and weight. The bottom line is e-books have a lot of advantages whereas physical books have few (they can still sit on your shelf so when your friends see them you can feel all superior because you read “better books.”).

Barnes and Nobel was smart and jumped onto the e-reader bandwagon pretty early. Their first and second entry into the e-reader market were not to my liking but the new Nook is an amazing piece of hardware. In addition to jumping on the e-reader bandwagon Barnes and Nobel was also smart by trying to add value to their stories in the form of coffee shops and free wireless Internet access. Although I wouldn’t say Barnes and Nobel stores are out of the woods I do believe they’re on the right track to maintaining relevance in the age of advancing technology.

Borders was fucked the second they decided to ignore the e-book market. They signed their own death warrant in the form of trying to maintain a dying business model even after it was apparent that they were facing bankruptcy. On top of that I don’t remember ever walking into a Borders and actually finding a book I was looking for. Barnes and Nobel stores usually have pretty nice science fiction and history sections whereas the I find the same sections at Borders to leave me wanting. I’d just pass this off as me having esoteric tastes but I hear the same arguments from many people I talk to who are into completely different genres.

Much like buggy whip manufactures of days gone past the days of general bookstores is going away. There is still a market for niche bookstores that maintain titles that aren’t easily found elsewhere but it’s a niche. Now the book market belongs to e-readers and online retailers. When people want to order a physical book they usually do it online nowadays because it generally saves a butt load of money (I almost always find the price for a physical book on Amazon is noticeably less than at Barnes and Noble).

So long Borders. Part of me wishes to mourn the loss of a bookstore but you never really served a need in my life. Should Barnes and Noble go away I’ll mourn as their stores have provided me with many titles but Borders never had what I wanted so there isn’t even sentimental loss in their departure from the market.

Carrying a Pocket Knife at a Minnesota School is Not a Felony

Here’s some good news for a change, the court of appeals ruled that carrying a pocket knife at school is not a felony:

Having a pocketknife at school is grounds for expulsion but the Minnesota Court of Appeals said Monday that it isn’t a felony if there’s no proof of it being used as a weapon.

The court’s ruling reversed a conviction against a teenager from Willmar, Minn., rejecting arguments by the Kandiyohi County Attorney that the teen’s dark-handled pocketknife with a 3 1/2-inch blade was a dangerous weapon, both by intended use and design.

Although I was say carrying a pocket knife isn’t even grounds for expulsion it sure as the Hell shouldn’t be a felony charge. The fact of the matter is a pocket knife is a tool which makes for a pretty shitty weapon.

When I was in high school I carried a pocket knife every day. Why? For the same reason I still carry one with me every day, it’s an extremely useful tool. I would say I whip out my pocket knife at least once a day, oftentimes multiple times a day. In high school I took a lot of shop classes and my pocket knife was immensely useful (and our shop teachers weren’t dicks so they ignored the fact that I was violating the school’s weapon policy because that pocket knife hardly qualified as a weapon anymore than a utility knife).

In all honesty I believe the pen that I carried around in high school was be a far better weapon than the blade on my pocket knife. If I were to stab somebody with my pocket knife I can see the blade closing and cutting my fingers instead of going into another person.

I’m glad to see this ruling as nobody should be nailed with a felony for being prepared. Does anybody even remember when being prepared was saw as a virtue instead of something requiring a felony charge? The fact that this kid faced a felony weapon charge at all is sickening.

It Seems The TSA Doesn’t Like the Taste of Their Own Medicine

Agents of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) love to commit acts of sexual assault against airline customers but it appears as though they don’t like it when somebody returns the favor:

But now, a Colorado woman is accused of putting her hands on a TSA agent at Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix.

Court records show 61-year-old Yukari Miyamae grabbed the left breast of the female agent Thursday at the Terminal 4 checkpoint.

Police say she squeezed and twisted the agent’s breast with both hands.

Officers say Mihamae admitted to the crime.

If your job is to cop a feel on everybody trying to get on an airplane don’t be too surprised when somebody decides to return the favor. Hell I think this is something everybody should do, when the TSA agent gropes you grope them back. I would venture so far as to say not groping your TSA agent back is rather rude as they probably feel left out.

Mother Convicted of Vehicular Homicide Because Somebody Hit Her Kid With a Car

Justice has been served! A mother who dared to walk her children across a street was charged with vehicular homicide after a driver who had been drinking hit one of her children with his car. Wait, what? Seriously, what in the fuck:

A Marietta mother whose child was hit and killed by a driver who had been drinking may serve more time than the driver, according to various news reports.

Raquel Nelson, now 30, was attempting to cross an intersection of Austell Road in Marietta with her three young children when her 4-year-old son was struck by a hit-and-run driver in April 2010, according to news reports. The boy, A.J., died from his injuries.

Nelson’s 9-year-old daughter was unharmed, and Nelson and her 2-year-old daughter suffered minor injuries.


At a court hearing July 26, Nelson could be sentenced to up to 36 months in prison, said her attorney, David Savoy.

Nelson was convicted this week of homicide by vehicle in the second degree, crossing a roadway elsewhere than at a crosswalk and reckless conduct, according to a report from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Additional information can be found in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:

Jerry L. Guy, the driver who admitted hitting the child when pleading guilty to hit-and-run, served a 6-month sentence. He was released Oct. 29, 2010, and will serve the remainder of a 5-year sentence on probation, according to Cobb court records.


Guy confessed to having consumed “a little” alcohol earlier in the day, being prescribed pain medication and being partially blind in his left eye, said David Simpson, his attorney.

In summary a mother was walking her three children across the street, one was hit by a man who was driving and had at least some alcohol, the driver spent six months in jail, and the mother is looking at 36 months. Her only crime? Walking across the street outside of a crosswalk.

Yup, because she was outside of a crosswalk (and honestly there may have been no crosswalks for miles, they’re availability is quite sporadic in many cities) she’s been convicted of vehicular homicide, a charge carrying a maximum prison sentence of 36 months, while the man who hit and killed her child only spent six months in the clink. Where the fuck is the justice in that?

I also forgot one minor detail:

Court records show that Guy was previously convicted of two-hit-and-runs on the same day, Feb. 17, 1997.

The first hit-and-run also happened on Austell Road, but when Guy fled from that scene he hit another car, seriously injuring that driver and passenger, records show.

So this isn’t the first time the driver had hit somebody and caused injury.

Poor Decisions All Around

If you’re stupid enough to concoct a plan that involves arresting a suspect at a crowded theater you’re likely lacking basic cognitive functions. I’m guessing this lack of cognitive functionality is what lead to one officer shooting another while trying to apprehend a man suspected of possessing child pornography:

Two policemen are recovering after they were shot by fellow officers as they tried to arrest a man on child pornography charges outside a crowded move theatre.

The incident happened as undercover officers tried to apprehend the unarmed man in the parking lot as he left a screening of Harry Potter in Plainville, Connecticut.

First of all I’m curious why the police decided it was a swell idea to arrest a man at a crowded theater instead of at the suspect’s home. It seems to me that a parking lot full of people leaving a theater is not the best place to perform an action that may lead to gunfire. At least if a gunfight broke out at the suspect’s home the chances of innocent bystanders getting hit would be greatly reduced compared to a gunfight breaking out in a parking lot full of people. Of course that’s just my opinion and I’m sure somebody will be more than happy to say I don’t know what I’m talking about without giving a good reason why the police chose this strategy over the one I presented.

Second of all we’re constantly told that the police are the only ones responsible enough to carry firearms. Responsibility with a firearm involves knowing your target and what lies beyond it. You shouldn’t be firing your gun, especially in a parking lot full of people, without being absolutely sure of what you’re aiming at. Ignoring the four rules of firearm safety leads to incidents like this where unintended persons are harmed or killed (thankfully in this case everybody involved was harmed and not killed).

I see a complete lack of intelligence stemming from this situation. Going after a suspect in a crowded area seems like a poor tactical choice. Not being sure of your target is also a poor tactical choice. Thankfully nobody was killed in this case but that very well could have been different. A gun is a weapon and like any weapon should be treated with the utmost respect

Things That Don’t Concern Us

I’ve never understood the desire of our politicians to involve the people and resources of this country in things that don’t concern us in the slightest. Libya is a perfect example, out of the blue we decided that Gaddafi was the so horrible that the United States had to start hurtling expensive missiles into the country. Now Hillary Clinton came on and said the United States has declared the Libyan rebels the legitimate government of their country:

The United States has recognised the Libyan opposition as the country’s “legitimate governing authority”.

That means billions of dollars of Libyan assets frozen in US banks could be released to the rebels.

First of all what right do we have to declare who is and isn’t the “legitimate” government of a country? We aren’t Libya and Libya has done nothing to provoke us yet we’re not declaring that the rebels are the legitimate government of Libya because we fucking say so.

I wonder what sweetheart deal we’ve made with the Libyan rebels. Do we have some kind of agreement with them that they’ll give use cheap oil once they are running the country? We obviously aren’t there for humanitarian reasons because if that’s what the United States was all about we’d be bombing the Hell out of Syria and Darfur. The United States government may claim humanitarian reasons for bombing Libya but that justification doesn’t hold water since there are other countries where far worse things are happening to civilian populations.

Maybe Gaddafi just holds enough wealth that we wanted to get it. It would make sense to make some excuse to freeze Gaddafi’s assets, claim some organization we can’t control is the legitimate government of Libya, then charge the rebels for our expenses in helping them which would involve transferring Gaddafi’s assets to United States coffers. The guy does have a shit ton of gold after all.

If the story about Gaddafi’s gold holdings is using metric tons (I’m not sure if a tonne is metric or if it’s a long ton) then Gaddafi holds 5,044,176.5517 ounces of gold. The price of gold as of this writing is $1588.57 and ounce meaning Gaddafi’s gold fortune is worth $8,013,027,544.734069. Fuck! In the terms of our debt that’s very small potatoes but combining that with Libya’s oil holdings would paint a rather sinister picture of why we’re there.

Personally if the United States government feels the need to steal money from my in the form of taxes I would like it if they would stop using so much of that money on bombing foreign countries.

How it Should Be Done

I am in no way an advocate of initiation violence but I am an advocate of self-defense. In my opinion anybody storming into your home without at least identifying themselves first has initiated violence against your person by first violating your property rights and then by making an implied threat against your life. My biggest problem with no-knock entries is the simply fact that they create a situation where violence is almost guaranteed as the homeowner, unaware of the identities of those breaking into his home, takes measures to defend himself.

Although I feel a homeowner in such a situation should be free of legal repercussions in such situations that’s now how the state sees it. Thankfully some grant juries are better than others because on in Texas recently declined to indict a man who go caught up in this type of scenario:

A grand jury has declined to indict Steven Ray Jones after he was accused of intentionally shooting at Dallas police officers last month at a Pleasant Grove apartment complex.

At the time of the shooting, Jones, 27, was on the phone begging a 911 operator to quickly send the police as men tried to kick in the door. Jones said he believed attackers who critically injured his cousin had returned to the apartment.


On the night of the incident, a brawl broke out and Jones’ cousin was shot by an unidentified gunman. Jones and his cousin fled into his cousin’s apartment. Jones called 911 to say his cousin was shot and told the operator that attackers were beating on the door.

Moments later, Jones told the operator that someone was kicking the door. The operator, unaware that police were on the scene, told him officers were on the way. Jones then yelled to the people kicking at the door that police were coming.

The officers, believing that someone lay inside bleeding and possibly dying, had decided to kick in the door. But they did not let the dispatcher know that they were doing so.

In this case the no-knock entry wasn’t for the execution of a warrant but notification was still not provided when they busted in the door. Considering this situation the police were in error busting down the door without first announcing themselves or alerting the 911 operator to inform Mr. Jones that police had arrived. Obviously the police department saw things differently:

The Police Department instead arrested Jones on three counts of aggravated assault on a public servant. He has been in jail since the incident June 13.

“Although the person was not indicted, we still believe it was the right course of action because three Dallas police officers were injured during the course of this incident,” said Deputy Chief Craig Miller.

What is left out by Mr. Miller is that the police were injured because of errors in how the situation was handled by the Police Department. Since Mr. Jones was in a situation where an attacker was beating on the door of the apartment he was occupying it was very reasonable for him to assume the person who finally kicked in the door was the attacker. The 911 operator did not forward information to the officers that the attacker was beating down the door, this was the first error. The police apparently didn’t announce themselves before kicking in the door, this was the second error. The police apparently didn’t inform the 911 operator that they had arrived at the scene, this was the third error.

I wouldn’t even say Mr. Jones made a mistake in this case, he took steps necessary to defend himself but wasn’t given all the information to make an informed decision. His actions, based on the information he had available, was completely justified. Thankfully the area Assistant Chief sees the situation different than the Deputy Chief:

“She leaves out some critical information,” said Assistant Chief Vince Golbeck, who oversees the city’s seven patrol stations.

Seconds later, the door flew open and Jones fired two shots as three officers rushed inside. Jones apologized to the officers and begged them not to shoot him.

Golbeck acknowledged that the incident reveals a communications breakdown. The department is now considering requiring that officers notify the dispatcher when they’ve decided to kick in a door.

“We’re not trying to point fingers, but we’re just saying, ‘Folks, this is how we can do better next time,’” he said.

The error was entirely with the Police Department in this case. I’m glad that the second grand jury understood this and decided not to indite Mr. Jones as it would have created an expensive legal battle for him to fight.