Ron Paul Hands Michelle Bachmann Her Ass on Foreign Policy

During last night’s debate there was a great argument between Ron Paul and Michelle Bachmann on foreign policy. Dr. Paul totally obliterated the idea that we need to go to war with Iran, something every other candidate is chomping at the bit to do:

Some excellent facts were made by Dr. Paul. The most obvious is the fact the terrorists in the Middle East aren’t coming here because they hate our way of life, if that were the case they would also be striking Switzerland and Sweden. Unlike our country, neither Switzerland or Sweden have a foreign policy built upon imperialism. In fact Switzerland, because of their neutrality, is the only channel of communications that exists between the United States and Iran.

I also love the fact he brings up the drone captured by Iran. While the other candidates were berating Obama for asking Iran to return the drone Ron Paul asked why the drone was even being flown of Iranian airspace to begin with. That is the million dollar question.

Bachmann than falsely claims there are reports stating Iran is only months away from developing a nuclear weapon. Again Dr. Paul explains that this isn’t true and that no evidence exists of Iran being anywhere near developing a nuclear weapon.

Then Dr. Paul brings up the Cuban Misslie Crisis. We didn’t perform a preemptive strike on the Soviet Union when they parked nuclear weapons in Cuba, instead Kennedy called up Kruschev and talked. Through conversation we reached a compromise where the Soviet Union would remove their nuclear weapons from Cuba and we would remove our from Turkey.

I’ve been saying that a nuclear armed Iran is the biggest boogeyman put out by our government. First of all Iran doesn’t have a nuclear weapon, second if they eventually build one they will still lack a delivery system that can get it from their country to ours, and third we’re so far ahead of the game that our anti-missile defense system (which we’ve also given Israel so don’t worry about them) that it’s practically impossible for Iran to leapfrog ahead of us. We also encourage the Iranians to develop nuclear weapons by constantly threatening invasion. The leaders of Iran aren’t stupid, they realize the only countries that get any form of respect from the United States are nuclear armed countries. They also saw what happened with Libya where we encouraged them to stop development of nuclear weaponry, they listened, and we ended up killing them.

The more we rattle sabres with Iran the more they’re going to want nuclear weaponry. Looking at a map it’s pretty easy to see that Iran is now surrounded by American military bases. Iranians also still remember that little incident in 1953 where we toppled their democratically elected government and replaced it with a brutal puppet dictatorship. After 26 years they finally booted our puppet out and the new regime has been using anti-American sentiment caused by our last action in that country to both cement their own power and prevent an easy overthrow by our forces again. We should all stop and remember that the only reason extremist Islam was able to overtake that country was because we decided it was a good idea to eliminate their democratically elected government in the first place.

Gary Johnson Running for Libertarian Party Presidential Nominee and I Don’t Blame Him

Republican presidential candidate Gary Johnson has announced his intentions to run as a Libertarian Party candidate instead

Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson will drop out of the race for the Republican presidential nomination and instead seek to run as a Libertarian, according to the Independent Political Report.

The switch, which has been rumored for weeks, is set to be announced Tuesday.

I don’t blame him, the Republican Party has treated him shittier than they’ve been treating Ron Paul. Johnson has only been invited to two of the debates as far as I know and gets not mention anywhere. At least the Libertarian Party will let Johnson speak and now they won’t have to relegate themselves to running a former spook like Bob Barr.

Obama Was Just Kidding About Vetoing the National Defense Authorization Act

Remember when Obama said he was going to veto the National Defense Authorization Act? Well he was just kidding:

President Obama has dropped his threat to veto the 2012 defense authorization bill after his advisers concluded that revised provisions about detainees would not harm national security.

The new “language does not challenge or constrain the president’s ability to collect intelligence, incapacitate dangerous terrorists, and protect the American people,” Press Secretary Jay Carney said in a statement.

Emphasis mine. I wanted to bring emphasis to his reasoning for threatening a veto. Yesterday I said he had less than noble intentions when he threatened to veto but now we see what those intentions are. Obama was simply pissed because he thought the new language was going to strip him of some precious tyrannical power. Now that he’s sure his ability do whatever the fuck he wants to American citizens is secured he’s more than happy to pass the bill.

Donald Trump’s Debate Now a Small Circle Jerk

Will you look at this:

Two more Republican candidates — Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry — said thanks but no thanks to an invitation to participate in an Iowa debate managed by real estate mogul Donald Trump.

The Dec. 27 affair has now just two committed participants, one at the top of the GOP field and one distant aspirant, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum, respectively.

The debate is now down to Trump, Santorum, and Gingrich. This debate should be the ultimate neo-con circle jerk filled with endless talk about how we need to bomb the sand people in the Middle East because they hate us for our freedom and such. Trump seems a little confused about the entire ordeal:

But he said he was surprised that Romney backed out. And as for Perry and others: “What do they have to lose?”

Their time and dignity? Let’s face it, if you’re running for presiden there are more productive ways to spend your time then talking to Trump. For example you could play a few rounds of solitarie or twiddle your thumbs. Either way with only those three at the debate it won’t be a debate but and echo chamber.

Hats Off to Kaspersky Lab

I would just like to give kudos to Kaspersky Lab for leaving the Business Software Alliance (BSA) because of the organization’s support of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA):

Security research company and prominent antivirus software vendor Kaspersky Lab has announced its intent to withdraw from the Business Software Alliance (BSA) because of the Alliance’s support for the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA, also known as H.R. 3261).

The Business Software Alliance (BSA) and the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) are the software industry’s two biggest trade groups. Since both groups have strong anti-piracy stances, neither directly opposed the Stop Online Piracy Act. Both expressed interest in working with Congress to design the law.


“Kaspersky Lab is aware of the public controversy and debates sparked by the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). Kaspersky Lab is occasionally mentioned in the discussion as a member of the Business Software Alliance (BSA), which supports the SOPA initiative,” a statement from the security company said on Monday. “Kaspersky Lab would like to clarify that the company did not participate in the elaboration or discussion of the SOPA initiative and does not support it. Moreover, the company believes that the SOPA initiative might actually be counter-productive for the public interest, and decided to discontinue its membership in the BSA as of January 1, 2012.”

Good on you guys, I hope other software companies follow suit.

Newt Gingrich Believes We Need to Allow Terrorist Attacks

Do you want to see a walrus stick its flipper in its mouth? If so here’s a video of it:

Yes that was Newt Gingrich saying it would have been smart to allow some terrorist attacks to succeed once in a while to make Americans understand why they need their government. Do we really want such a piece of shit in office?

Truth be told the reason we haven’t had a successful terrorist attack since 9/11 is because the only few attempted attacks had been total failures. Some idiots attempted to blow up airplanes using explosives hidden in shoes, underwear, and water bottles only to be thwarted by passengers because they weren’t about to see another 9/11 happen. These weren’t prevented by the government, they were prevented by people willing to take their self-defense into their own hands.

There was the incident in New York which amounted to nothing although it was interesting to see how the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) basically urged the guy to perform the attack and even provided him with all the explosive ordinance to boot.

Shit heads like this guy have managed to be political players for decades. Reflect on that for a bit, a guy who believes the government should have allowed a few terrorist attacks to succeed has held office in this country and is currently being held up as the star Republican nominee. I’d weep for this country but I’ve already reached the acceptance stage of greif.

A Flawed Plan From the Start

Online petitions are always entertaining to read. While many of them contain good ideas the history of such petitions accomplishing anything is nonexistent. Thus I find the continued proliferation of such petitions, given their futile nature, a little bit surprising. Still I must say if this petition calling for the impeachment of every senator who voted for the National Defense Authorization Act received any traction the people of the United States would quickly learn the fact that their government is no longer by the people:

To every Senator who votes in favor of the $662 billion-dollar National Defense Authorization Act a.k.a. “U.S. is a Battlefield” bill, which gives the military a right to raid the homes of U.S. citizens and detain them indefinitely without charges, rights to a lawyer, or habeus corpus:

You are committing treason directly against the American people! We do not fear signing this petition, because if we live in fear, we will have lost. This is a way of peacefully standing up and saying we will not let a small group of politicians take away the rights and freedoms of 300,000,000+ people!

We the People are holding you accountable and saying, “We will not let this happen.” This legislation goes directly against the U.S. Citizens Bill of Rights written by our Founding Fathers. It is the basis of the country and no one is allowed to dissolve these rights!

Americans, stand up for our country and what is right! Impeach every single Senator who votes to destroy the Constitution

Asking 93 out of 100 senators to being impeachment hearings against themselves isn’t going to happen. Those asking for impeachment likely do not understand the difference between impeachment and recall elections. Impeachment hearings are initiated by the legislative body, the same people who just voted in favor of this bill. Recall elections are voter initiated actions to remove a “representative” from power. The only process really available to the people if a majority of the legislative body is against us is mass recall elections. We need to remember that these senators don’t view themselves as representatives of the people but overlords of the peasants whom should remain subservient to the state. If voting in favor of legislation granting the indefinite detainment of American citizens without trail isn’t enough to prove this point I don’t know what is.

Thanks Minnesota Senators

I would like to take a moment out of my day to thank senators Franken and Klobuchar for voting in favor of indefinite detention of American citizens without charge. It’s good to see such staunch defenders of government power representing the fine state of Minnesota.

In case either Franken or Klobuchar have staff members that are paid to browse the Internet for mentions of their names let me make my position clear in case the sarcasm is missed; if either Franken or Klobuchar have any decency they’ll immediately resign for their failure to defend the rights of the American people. Of course I realize that they’re both politicians and therefore have no decency but alas I like to make my opinion well known.

Lieberman Pushing to Further Censor Free Speech

I hate Joe Lieberman. He’s one of the dumbest fuckwits in Washington DC who seems to have a loud opinion about every single thing he doesn’t understand. Now he’s demanding that Google place a button on Blogger to flag terrorist content:

Joseph Lieberman, the independent senator from Connecticut, sent a letter to Google CEO Larry Page this week expressing his opinion that Google-owned blogging platform Blogger should provide a button that would let readers of Blogger-powered blogs flag “terrorist content,” according to a report.


“As demonstrated by this recent case, Google’s webhosting site, Blogger, is being used by violent Islamist extremists to broadcast terrorist content,” reads the reported Lieberman letter, which was posted online by blog TPM.

Where do I begin? First of all what qualifies as terrorist content is entirely subjective. If you ask a government agent any anti-government content would likely be considered terrorist content while people asking me what qualifies as terrorist content will get a quick response noting basically everything government agents have ever written.

Are people advocating terrorism using popular blogging software to get their message out? Yes. Is such content protected under free speech? You’re damned right it is. How can I say that? Easy, unless somebody is acting upon their advocacy of violence no crime has taken place because no victim exists. There is a day and night difference between saying something and doing something. Many people say things that they would never act upon, often times just to let off steam.

What Lieberman wants is really the censorship of speech. How do I derive that? What do you think that “terrorist flag” button is supposed to do? I’m sure if jack-booted thug Lieberman had his way it would send all available personal information about the post author to the Department of Motherland Homeland Security and dispatch a Reaper drone to blow the author straight to Hell. Since that isn’t really possible due to pesky laws (not that they’re stopping the government from doing anything) the next best thing will be to have the button remove the content from Blogger, at least for review.

Instead of trying to further stifle our rights how about you work on real problems Lieberman? Perhaps you can use your large and idiotic opinion to demand stupid changes that you believe will fix our country’s major debt problem. At least you could claim you’re working on a pressing issue in an attempt to justify that fat paycheck and great benefits package you earn for doing nothing besides being a dick.