Fiscal Conservatism

Many politicians talk about fiscal conservatism but few actually live it. As pointed out on Random Nuclear Strikes Ron Paul is one of those few.

He returned $100,000 of his officer’s budget to the Treasury. Of course last year he returned $90,000 and the year before that he returned $58,000. This sounds like the man I would like in charge of this country’s budget.

Regardless of how you feel about the man you have to give him credit, he does what he says he’s going to. That’s as rare in politics as common sense in the health care debate.

Make Politics Better, Reintroduce Dueling

Here is an interesting article I found on Dvorak Uncensored. The article starts out by letting us know that Kentucky politicians still need to swear they never participated in a duel before taking office. From there the article asks the following question:

What if we re-introduced dueling to Washington?

My answer. It would certainly expedite the political process. Further only politicians who really stood behind their position would be willing to continue standing behind their position. This could be the greatest idea of this century.

It would certainly help CSPAN’s ratings.

Are You A South Carolinan Planning to Overthrow the Government, Better Register

File this under the goofy category. Last year South Carolina passed the Subversive Activities Registration Act. On February 5th the clauses of those acts took effect. Now if you live in South Carolina and are planning on overthrowing the government you need to register… with the government. Oh and there is a $5.00 registration fee.

What I’ll get a kick out of is seeing the number of people on the registration list a year from now.

Caucus Day Fellow Minnesotans

If you live in Minnesota today is caucus day. That means instead of staying home and watching television you should be heading over to your local caucus and doing everything you can to become a delegate and get your desired politicians in. If you don’t know where you caucus is being held the state has this handy tool to help you out. Personally I’m going to be trying to get Tom Emmers in as the Republican candidate for governor.

South Australia Bans Anonymous Political Speech

Welcome the South Britain Australia. Feel free to go about your business but if you’re going to talk about any upcoming elections do note you cannot do so anonymously. South Australia just passed a law making anonymous political speech illegal unless you publish your legal name and post code. Media organizations also have to keep peoples’ names and address on file for six months or face a $5,000.00 fine.

Australia seems to be doing it’s best to become as hated in my book as Britain. They censor the Internet, claim women with small breast promote pedophilia, and now doesn’t allow the freedom of speech unless they government knows who you are. Of course all this shit started happening after the citizenry were effectively disarmed, but that could just be a coincidence.

Better Late Then Never I Guess

I just checked my inbox and got a reply from Senator Franken to an e-mail I sent him… seven months ago.

Seven fucking months! I guess it’s better to be late than never. Anyways it dealt with the Thune amendment I asked him to support. Here is his response:

Dear Christopher,

Thank you for contacting me about the Thune Amendment (S.A.1618) to the Department of Defense authorization bill. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue, and regret the delay in responding.

I strongly support a Minnesotan’s right to own a gun for collection, protection, and sport. In 2003, our Minnesota State Legislature worked hard to balance that right with the safety of all Minnesotans. When it passed the Minnesota Personal Protection Act, the Minnesota State Legislature strengthened the right of gun ownership in our state, but also expanded certain safety requirements. It did this through requiring live firearms training for those receiving permits. It also required background checks prior to the purchase of a firearm. This condition helps prevent perpetrators of domestic violence from getting handguns.

The Thune Amendment would have taken away our state’s right to decide what sort of standards would be enforced within its own borders. It would have allowed any person issued a permit from any state to enter Minnesota with a concealed firearm, regardless of whether he or she met our state’s mandated requirements. This would have undermined our state law and potentially jeopardized the safety of Minnesotans.

In voting against this amendment, I stood with the Minnesota Chief of Police Association, eight Minnesota Mayors, and numerous community groups. I firmly believe that when it comes to law enforcement and community safety, Minnesotans know what’s best for Minnesota.
Thank you again for contacting me, and please don’t hesitate to do so in the future regarding this or any other matter of concern to you.

In other words his no friend of gun owners.

State of the Union

Yesterday was Wednesday meaning two things. The first is that it was the night of the weekly Liberty Hour where a group of friends and I get together and talk politics, economics, and everything else right-wing libertarian terrorists talk about. But last night was also the Obamessiah’s speech where he lied through his teeth talk about the previous year and the coming year.

What did I take away from it? Nothing good. First there was the Bush blame game which is really getting old at this point. Second there was the whole lie about how the bailouts saved the economy. And of course a constant slew of bullshit streaming from his mouth.

There were a few funny things. First Joe Biden apparently didn’t get the memo and started to clap before he was supposed to. Second the president of Haiti was there and appeared to be sleeping until Obama mentioned his country. Nancy Pelosi looked as scary as ever. And it was funny watching the Democrats stand and applause every two seconds while the Republicans only stood and applauded every 10 seconds. Sadly nobody gave the President the finger.

What did I take away from his speech? Well I reaffirmed that the government doesn’t like the citizens.

Scott Brown Wins Massachusetts Seat

Good news everybody Scott Brown win the seat for MAssachusetts senator. This means the minute man state managed to dump a murdering gun control nutcase and gain an NRA A rated senator. Things are looking up.

Furthermore the Democrats lost their ability to prevent a Republican filibuster meaning they won’t be able to simply slam the health care bill through without worry of resistance. I would just like to say yet again things are looking up.

Good work Massachusetts voters!

Update 2010-01-20 16:01: Corrected the use of the terminology filibuster.

Good News Minnesota, Coleman Won’t Run For Governor

I have good news to report fellow Minnesotans, Whiny Bitch Coleman (Who got into a hissy fit competition with Franklin The Whiner) won’t be making a run for the governor seat.

This hopefully means we might get a good candidate to vote for. Since Pat Anderson dropped from the governor race and went to the race for auditor I’m pretty sure I’ll be supporting Tom Emmers for this race. He seems to be a good free market supporter and of course he’s proven himself good on guns.

Either way regardless who ends up winning we shouldn’t have to be scared of another six month fiasco where we lack a political figure.

Target Yemen

Well Blow Hard the She Bitch *ahem* I mean Hillary Clinton is rattling some sabers over Yemen:

“It’s time for the international community to make it clear to Yemen that there are expectations and conditions on our continuing support for the government so that they can take actions which will have a better chance to provide that peace and stability to the people of Yemen and the region,” Mrs Clinton said.


Speaking in Washington, Mrs Clinton said: “We see global implications from the war in Yemen and the ongoing efforts by al-Qaeda in Yemen to use it as a base for terrorist attacks far beyond the region.”

Translation: “al-Qaeda is in Yemen soon so shall we.” Now I’m not against taking out al-Qaeda, they attacked first. What I’m against is how the United States has been going after al-Qaeda. We seem to have a habit of arriving under the pretense of being after al-Qaeda and then raging war against the country itself or a neighbor.

Remember when the terrorists were in Iraq? Oh wait never mind we sent after them because they had weapons of mass destruction. Oops I mean we went in to free an downtrodden people. Or was it to take down a ruthless dictator? I forget. And of course we have to be in Afghanistan because of the terrorist threat there. Of course Pakistan is close.

And these wars always seem to start with saber rattling such as Blow Hard the She Bitch is currently doing. I’m betting we’re going to be flooding Yemen with troops, hopefully I’m wrong. I just don’t want to see more of our finest being killed needlessly attacking a country and government instead of those actually responsible for damaging our country.