Anti-Defamation League Don’t Like Guns

No surprise here but the Anti-Defamation League has filed a friend of the court briefing in McDonald vs. Chicago. Their, of course, on the side of Chicago. They believe weapons need to be controlled so “anti-government extremists” (As well as racists and terrorists of course) can’t obtain weapons. Obviously these idiots never read a history book. Here is what they say:

“We have placed the problem of armed extremism squarely before the high court,” said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. “Racist and anti-government extremists often have an obsessive fascination with firearms and have shown a willingness to engage in acts of shocking and often deadly violence. We urge the Supreme Court to ensure that cities and states retain the latitude they need to keep guns out of the hands of extremists, terrorists, and violent bigots.”

First of all they never really define what an “anti-government extremist” is. By the make up of the word is means anybody who hates an established government. I’m assuming they mean somebody who hates them enough to start an armed rebellion. You know somebody like Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison. These people hated the tyrannical British government so much they armed themselves, rebelled, and founded this country.

Seriously morons.

You Can’t Trust a Spy

This is a lesson the CIA should have learned by now but if you find somebody willing to betray their country for your cause there is a good chance he’ll betray you as well. A CIA double agent apparently working with them to find out information on al Qaeda went and killed several CIA agents in a suicide bombing. You can’t trust a spy, period.

Beyond Stupidity

Says Uncle brings up a link that really makes me both sick and enraged at the same time. From the article:

But as a progressive, I would sooner lay my child to rest than succumb to the belief that the use of a gun for self-defense is somehow not in itself a gun crime.

So this individual would rather see his child dead than admit that self-defense is a natural right? This kind of logic is downright pathetic, hell even deadly. Let’s take a moment to consider this.

The author would rather his child DIE than ADMIT self defense isn’t a crime. I’m truly at a loss for words. I’m assuming Doug The Author isn’t a father because I can’t think of any father who would rather their child die than ANYTHING, let alone simply admit something.

Congress Members Trying to Bar Posting of Sensitive Government Documents

Remember the lead of the TSA Standard Operating Procedures document a bit back? Well it appears as though three jackass congressmen want to make it illegal for websites to post such materials. From the article:

In their letter to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano (.pdf) on Wednesday, Reps. Peter T. King (R – New York), Charles Dent (R – Pennsylvania) and Gus Bilirakis (R – Florida) asked, “How has the Department of Homeland Security and the Transportation Security Administration addressed the repeated reposting of this security manual to other websites, and what legal action, if any, can be taken to compel its removal?”

They also asked if DHS is “considering issuing new regulations pursuant to its authority in Section 114 of Title 49, United States Code, and are criminal penalties necessary or desirable to ensure such information is not reposted in the future?”

That’s right Peter T. King, Charles Dent and, Gus Bilirakis want to bar websites from posting leaked government documents because our transparent government by the people and for the people doesn’t want citizens to see such documents.

Because I’m in a rather prickish mood I thought I’d do my duty and post the document on this site. So here it is everybody a copy of the TSA Standard Operating Procedures [PDF] document. Enjoy.

Alan Grayson is an Asshole

That’s my official stance since Random Nuclear Strikes has reported Florida Representative jackass Alan Grayson has threatened to give fives years of prison time to somebody who dares criticize him.

Well when I see somebody doling out threats to people using the first amendment I like to help by exercising my freedom of speech. Mr. Grayson I provide you with this:

Go fuck yourself with it. Also you’re an asshole.

Kid Suspended for Having Shotgun in Truck Off School Property

Here’s another story complements of Says Uncle that really makes my blood boil. A student has been suspended from school indefinitely for having a shotgun in his truck during school hours. But here’s the kicker, his truck wasn’t parked on school property.

The school officials feel they have the authority to enforce their policies off of their property now. Next up suspension for owning firearms, period. Here is something interesting:

Parisio said she will appeal the district’s decision to the Glenn County Board of Education. If the decision is upheld and her son is sent to a continuation school, Parisio said she would likely home-school Tudesko.

Personally if the school’s decision is upheld I hope the kid’s parents take that school to court. I did a quick jaunt through Google and it seems Willow High is a public school and therefore the kid’s parents are paying taxes to the school.

The Memory Hole

There is a good story on Days of our Trailers. To sum it up The Detroit News decided a crazy person was a victim after attacking another driver and being shot in the process. Of course that’s not the biggest story in my opinion, it’s what The Detroit News did afterwards.

They decided to use the memory hole and edit out the word victim. They never made a note of the edit, they just changed it. Thankfully David got a Google cache before the memory hole ate up the original completely and posted a screenshot. This is a danger people should be aware of, things can be changed and edited without notice. If you’re referencing a story save a local copy to your computer in case the online story gets deleted or changed.

Another Shooting

When it rains it pours. Another shooting occurred only a day after the previous. This time in Orlando, Florida. Jason Rodriguez, 40, not a Muslim opened fire in the office building where it works killing one person. Police arrested him after he fled to his mother’s home (because gosh nobody will think to look there).

It’s interesting to note that neither of the two shooters offed themselves. That’s usually the first thing these psychos do when cornered by the police.

Mass Shooting on Fort Hood

I’m sure you’ve already heard about the shootings that occurred at Fort Hood. Major Nidal Malik Hasan used two handguns to kill 13 people and injure another 28. He was an Army psychologist who was facing deployment to Afghanistan.

Details are still emerging but I can guarantee the anti-gunners are going to scream for more gun control on civilians even though Major Hasan is military. That’s just a prediction. Likewise the Obamessiah had a statement about this:

It is difficult enough when we lose these brave men and women abroad, but it is horrifying that they should come under fire at an army base on US soil.

You know what? Bring our men and women back home and they won’t face the first and probably not the second either. Seriously why are we sending our soldiers to fight in a God forsaken part of the planet where we have no business? Cripes!

Oh yeah I forgot one detail which apparently was important enough for the BBC to bring up right away:

Maj Nidal Malik Hasan, 39, a US-born Muslim,

Yup he’s Muslim which means we’ll probably be jacking up racial profiling against Muslims again. We need to keep our country safe and the only way to do that is to discriminate against an entire religion because a very very small minority of extremists of that religion have done horrible things. Oh yeah and their a minority in this country, that’s important to. You can’t persecute the majority after all since, well, they’re the majority.

Anyways that’s the story.

The BBC was also good enough to provide timeline of events in relation to the shooting. Some things are brought up.

First off the guns used by Major Hasan were not military issued so the anti-gunners are going to be dancing in the blood with this one. They’ll of course ignore the fact that they say military personnel should be allowed to still have guns since they are trained and so super human that they would never do anything bad with a gun… oh wait.

Likewise the BBC is reporting there was only one shooter while other venues reported multiple shootings. Generally I trust the BBC over American news sources. Either way Major Hasan is in custody and alive although with four additional holes thanks to one brave individual who hasn’t been identified (that I know of).