Petty Double Standards

An example of petty double standards is presented for our amusement by Says Uncle. October is breast cancer awareness month and hence companies out there usually release some commemorative product which the profits or proceeded are donated to a cancer research group, usually the American Cancer Society.

Both DPMS and Smith and Wesson help auctions for custom guns with procedes going to a cancer research center. Of course some people aren’t happy when gun manufacturers do it. See it’s only OK for companies who don’t make devices that many women use every day to defend themselves to make donations towards fighting breast cancer.

The VERY Definition of Doing it Wrong

Wow some people just have to prove a point. Thanks to a story found via Walls of the City I’ve learned that some people like to do it wrong in regards to carry permits.

Hit the link for the full story but suffice to say some kids got their carry permits and decided to go “fishing for robber.” Yes they are going out and actively looking for trouble. Fucking morons. The idea of carrying a gun usually revolves around the idea you do it to protect yourself. That’s good everybody should be willing to fight for their life. Of course the biggest thing to remember is if you don’t get into trouble you don’t need to defend yourself. Hence the best way to stay alive it to actively AVOID trying to get into a situation where your life would be in jeopardy.

You can’t always control when you’ll be in a bad situation, but walking around “fishing for robbers” is a great way to get yourself into a bad situation. Should they ever use their firearms in self defense the prosecution is going to have a field day ripping them apart.

I Can’t Believe I’m Defending the TSA

But hey when somebody doesn’t fuck up it’s just as important to report it as when they fuck up. I found out that there is one time when the TSA didn’t actually act like jack booted communist check point military personnel.

A while back a women posted a story about how a TSA agent took her baby and ran off with him. She claimed the TSA agent said he needed to search her child and after handing her child over the TSA agent just kind of waltzed off.

Well TSA decided this bullshit story was a little to harming to their reputation. To point out the fact the above mentioned mother lied the TSA posted the surveillance video of that search on the TSA blog (yeah they have a blog and it’s so stupid it’s funny to read).

I hate the TSA as much as anybody else who has flown on a plane but I’m not going to start fabricating lies about them. Seriously that mother should have thought before posting that melodramatic heap of bull shit. Did she honestly think the TSA didn’t video tape those secure areas?

Veteran Affairs Hospital Puts up to 11,000 Veterans at Risk of Contracting HIV

Wow this is a world class fuck up of massive proportions. And apparently nobody is reporting on it. Found via the excellent No Agenda podcast. Granted I looked for a more “credible” news source than the one they posted because if I didn’t people would scream bullshit. So here it is via the Washington Post (not at all credible but many think it is).

What happened is one of the hospitals wasn’t properly sterilizing anal probes colonoscopy scopes after use. Instead they only sterilized them at the end of each day and more or less rinsed them off between uses. So far the damage is as follows:

As of Aug. 3, eight of those patients have tested positive for HIV, 12 for hepatitis B and 37 for hepatitis C, according to VA.

A veteran of the Army, Juan Rivera, is rightfully suing after being tested positive for HIV. He was prompted to get tested when his father found out that the hospital wasn’t properly sterilizing the scopes. This sums up the problem:

“This is just a question of neglect and sloppiness,” Leesfield said. “They just run people through like a mill.”

This better end up being a case of criminal neglect as well on the part of the doctors (the ones trained on the equipment and hence were the ones told the scopes must be sterilized after each use) performing the tests. Seriously you’re sticking a probe up a person’s ass. At what point do you think it’s OK not to sterilize it after every use? Shit isn’t sterile like urine, in fact it’s the exact opposite.

Our soldiers put their lives on the line to defend this country. They survived their tours of services only to end up being exposed to diseases that there are no cures for and are always fatal. Further the fact this story isn’t on the front page of every news site is rather alarming. I guess we have bigger stories involving dead people.

This Just in Ted Kennedy is Still Dead

Well it seems official, Ted Kennedy is still dead. Apparently they are having a public viewing so I’m assuming they didn’t even need to drive a stake through his heart to keep him down. That’s a little surprising for me. Maybe somebody who is going to the funeral should do that just to be sure though.

Good riddance you bastard. Getting away with murder just because of the family you hail from shouldn’t be legal in this country, but he proved it is. Then again I guess it’s not murder when you drive your car into a body of water and swim away while leaving the other passenger to her death. Nope that’s not murder that’s cowardice and being an accessory to murder.

I hope you get into Heaven just so Mary Jo Kopechne has her chance to kick your ass.

MSNBC Try to Create Racism Where it Doesn’t Exist

From View From the Porch comes some very incriminating evidence against MSNBC. They did a story that tries to link the Obamessiah’s critics to racism, specifically gun owning critics of their god. The problem? Well they showed a man with a rifle at a health care rally to talk about evil white supremacists. They only show a close in of the rifle across the man’s back, the man was the black man with a gun in Arizona:

Yup just call of Obama’s critics racist, even if they are black.

When “Security” Goes too Far

Via Random Nuclear Strikes we have an example of airliner security going way over board. An airplane going from Houston to Minneapolis had to land in Rochester due to severe weather. During this 6 hour delay the passengers were trapped and not allowed to leave the plane until security screeners returned for their shift.

During their stay on the plane the single toilet on board overflowed and of course you had angry people and babies screaming. Not what I’d call humane conditions. So why does the TSA require agents there before people trapped on a planet can get off? Well they don’t:

Airlines, not TSA, make the decision on whether or not to deplane passengers if there is a delay or diversion. TSA does not prohibit airlines deplaning passengers and re-boarding without screening as long as they don’t exit past the checkpoint and leave the secure area, regardless of whether or not TSA officers are conducting screening operations.

In addition, TSA has the ability to recall security officers and resume screening passengers after hours at the request of an airline or airport.

So the airliners could have let people off at any point. Hell they could have recalled a couple TSA officers if it made them feel better. But instead they left people trapped on a plane, probably due to CYA (Cover Your Ass) security. But here is the funny part in my book:

Continental Airlines did apologize to the passengers, saying their ordeal was “completely unacceptable” and offering refunds and vouchers for future flights.

I’m sorry if I ever was subjected to such conditions on an airliners the last thing I would do is fly with those pricks again.

Idiocy Astounds Me Once Again

OK I game across a rather disturbing story on Gizmodo. The summary of the story is some kid in Japan burned down the house his mother and him were living in because she threw out a plastic toy. An important thing to note here is his mother and himself were in the house when he set it ablaze. I really shouldn’t say some kid as this idiot was 29 but if you burn down a house because your mother threw out a toy you’re a fucking kid, period. Ironically people always point to Japan as a utopia society who has banned guns and has a low murder rate, they always neglect to mention suicides and stupid shit like this though.

The story isn’t as interesting as the commands on Gizmodo though. What follows is a rant about users on the Internet, hence it has no real value to anybody other than showing how stupid people can be. If you don’t care just do yourself a favor and skip the remainder of this post. Now that the disclaimer is out of the way let us dissect some of this posts, the first one I found extremely stupid was posted by a man named Bokusatsu_Tenshi:

I know there’s no justifying for what the guy did, but if I’m not mistaken, those where GUNPLAS, not “action figures”… which means they were all artisanally hand assembled and probably painted too. So it’s NOT about some dumb collection the guy spend some bucks on, but rather a hobby that probably cost him tons of work and money. So instead of posting prejudicial comments, maybe some of you should think how you would react if someone took something very precious to you, which you spent hours making, and just tossed it out as if it was nothing. People seem to think they are so fucking superior to the guy only because he lives with his mother and collects gunplas…

So he’s asking how would I react if I lived at home and my mother threw away my guns? I’d be pissed, I’d yell, but there is no way I’d burn the fucking house down. Up next we have Dr. Evil Genius:

Let’s see… take something that you hold in high-regard – your most treasured belonging and say… your significant vagina takes it upon herself to just throw your shit out. PLEASE tell me you’re gonna be happy about it. Everyone wants to criticize others over what is important to THEM. I think his reaction was inappropriate but have your girlfriend get your car towed to the Chop Shop and we’ll see how YOU react.

Once again I’m not going to burn her house down. If she had my vehicle towed to the chop shop I can assume the relationship is over otherwise I’d have no idea why she would do that (even then she wouldn’t). At most I may take her to court to get the value of the vehicle back so I could get some wheels. I’d also probably say some words not meant for children, but I do that in normal conversation so it’s nothing out of character. Then we have TheGZeus:

Your mother nags at you constantly your whole life, you probably can’t get a job doing anything that doesn’t make you want to die, and the only thing that makes you happy is the Gundam collection you’ve had since you were a child, and probably spent most of your allowance on. So for many years of your life most of your income goes towards these things, so their value gets inflated. When your mother throws out what is probably worth thousands of dollars, and worth infinitlely more to you and she doesn’t care you fucking SNAP. My dad reset my router accidentally, risking ALOT of data in the process, and he got angry with me for cursing and kicking a box of my own stuff. That data meant nothing to him, but represented hours of work and setup to me.

First of all we’ve all done jobs we’d rather not have. But if you want to survive you need money, and the only way to get money is through theft or work. Most of us prefer work even if the job sucks. And if the only thing you have in life that makes you happy are toys, Hell any object, you’re life is terrible and you should work on fixing it (In other words go out and meet people.). Snapping at your father because he accidentally (we all make mistakes) unplugged your router is rather dumb. No data in transit is irreplaceable. If you are copying a file it still exists on the source machine, if you are downloading something you can always restart the download. If it was a very large download that you’ve been working on for hours or days you should have used a method that can recover from such errors such as BitTorrent. Finally if your mother is your “significant vagina” you need therapy.

The point of this rant is unless your life is in danger via the person taking an inanimate object from you (An armed robber for instance who may just kill you after taking your object anyways) there is no justification for putting another person’s life in jeopardy. If somebody throws up something of importance to you feel free to scream, yell, or even take them to court (I don’t see any reason I could possible take a family member to court over property myself.) but never ever attempt to bring harm to their person. Should I be away from my home and somebody breaks in and steals my stuff I’m not going to bring bodily harm to them if I find them afterwards, I’m calling the police and seeing them in court. A person’s life is more valuable than your stuff, period. It’s sickening to me that some people think otherwise.

As a cultural awareness note I didn’t belittle the kid for living with his mother. In many other countries, especially asian countries, it’s common for elderly parents to move in with their kids when they are no longer capable of being independent. I haven’t a clue if that is the case here so I’m not touching that subject.

Blaming “Assault Weapons” for Pittsburgh Shooting Took Longer then I Expected

Well it has begun, the blaming of “assault weapons” for the gym shooting in Pittsburgh. Via Says Uncle I came across this story. Apparently after throwing in a bid for Delaware senator Joseph Sestak is howling for a reinstatement of the “assault weapons” ban. From his mouth to our ears:

“As we continue to see the effects of the violence in our state and nation, we must enact legislation banning assault weapons with the necessary sense of urgency,” said Sestak. “The senseless shootings of so many innocent victims during an aerobics class in Allegheny County, and of the three police officers in Pittsburgh this past April, are heartbreaking reminders that we must immediately address the loss of the common-sense ban earlier this decade.”

Notice anything strange here? Maybe this part of the article will sum it up:

n a release Thursday, Sestak pointed to an Aug. 4 shooting in Allegheny County, where George Sodini, 48, of Scott Township, used two 9 mm semi-automatics and a .45-caliber revolver to kill three women and wound nine others in an aerobics class before taking his own life.

Hmm, something isn’t quite right here. I’m not quite sure what it is though. Oh yeah that’s it! None of those listed guns fall under the “assault weapons” category. So let me get this straight Mr. Sestak wants to become a United States senator and he’s starting his campaign with lies almost immediately. Most people trying to get an office at least pretend to tell the truth right away.

Likewise his idea to solve a problem is to completely ignore the problem and enact a totally unrelated law. Wow I can picture him on the senate floor demanding we enact a law that would stop or allow abortions in order to fight illegal immigration. With logic like that who needs enemies to fuck up the country?

The Blame Game Episode 1, Blaming the Cat

Ah yes the blame game, one of America’s favorite games to play. The rules are simple screw up and find somebody or something besides yourself to blame it on. The screw up is called as such and the object of blame is called the excuse. The more idiotic the excuse the more points you receive. But here is the trick you need to pass the excuse and have other people believe you, if you fail to make something believable you lose instantly.

Today’s contestant is Keith Griffin. He is 48 years old and hails from Jensen Beach, Florida. His screw up is downloading child pornography, approximately 1,000 images worth. At stake is possible life in prison, registry as a sex offender, and being anally raped in prison by a guy named Bubba. He is currently being held on $250,000 bail. So what’s his excuse?

His excuse is he often leaves his computer running an unattended. While the computer is unguarded his cat will walk across the keyboard causing the computer to download strange stuff.

That’s it. As far as points go he nabs a great many for the stupidity of his excuse. It’s crazy and off the wall as can be while certainly stretching the truth past its limits. The only problem is it’s completely unbelievable and there is no way in Hell he’s going to convince a jury of this unless the entire jury is stacked with total idiots meaning he’s automatically lost the game.

Sorry Keith you just weren’t meant to win. Next time try doing something believable such as blaming some hacker or malware for breaking into your system and downloading those image. Join us next time on the Blame Game.