But New York’s Strong Gun Laws Made this Impossible

Ladies and gentlemen I’m not sure how this is possible but it appears as though there was a tragic shooting in New York over the Labor Day weekend:

Three people were killed and two police officers were injured in a gun fight in Brooklyn Monday evening — the latest bloodshed in a violent holiday weekend in New York City that saw at least 48 people shot.

An exchange of gunfire between two men broke out in Brooklyn’s Crown Heights neighborhood around 9 p.m. Monday, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said at a news conference.

Some of the top minds in the country are baffled by this as we were assured by the anti-gunners that New York’s strong gun laws would prevent such tragedies as this from ever occurring. I’m sure Bloomberg and his posse will be demanding more stringent gun laws throughout the country because as we all know if something doesn’t do what you want you just need to try it again harder.

The Hypocrisy of Anti-Gunners

As I’ve said before on this blog there is one thing I hate more than almost anything else; hypocrisy. Nothing pisses me off quite as much as saying one thing and doing another. This ultimately is the biggest problem I have with anti-gunners; their entire argument is hypocritical. They want to ban firearms from civilian ownership and restrict them to government officials in the hopes of reducing violent crime rates. What they’re really advocating is violence by proxy. No better demonstration of this hypocrisy can be found than by former Chicago Mayor Daley:

After the Supreme Court smacked down Chicago’s gun ban last year, the gun grabbers scrambled to evade their responsibilities under the Constitution. Outgoing Mayor Richard M. Daley revised the Windy City’s gun laws to place so many obstacles on the path to gun ownership that few law-abiding citizens would succeed. Now we learn that Mr. Daley wants taxpayers to foot the bill for a team of armed bodyguards to protect him once he leaves office on May 17.

Even though he wants to ban the ownership of firearms within the city of Chicago (and everywhere else) he also wants guns to protect him. The difference is that he’s willing to risk other peoples’ lives to protect his own while most of us who advocate the unrestricted rights of gun owners want to take responsibility for our own lives. Mayor Daley has some brass balls for stopping the citizens of Chicago from obtaining a means of self-defense and then turn around and demand that tax-payers foot the bill for his personal body guards who will have guns.

Let me be the millionth person to say, “Fuck you Daley.”

Living Up to Their Reputation

Miguel over at Gun Free Zone noted something kind of funny; the deceptively named Mayors Against Illegal Guns is being deceptive by claiming their truck would tour Miami at one time but showed up at another. Are they worried about a little counter-protesting or maybe the truck of truth pulling up behind them? Who knows but being deceptive certainly is par for the course with Bloomberg’s little organization.

SAF Going After Bloomberg

Have I mentioned today how much I love the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF)? No? Well I just want to state that I love SAF. At the moment they are the organization that’s willing to go around and start shit which has lead to an expansion of the right to keep and bear arms. It looks like their next taget is going to be Bloomberg as SAF is going after New York City’s handgun permit fees:

The Second Amendment Foundation today filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg that alleges New York City’s $340 fee for a permit to keep a handgun in the home is “excessive and … impermissibly burdens the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.”

SAF is joined in the lawsuit by the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association and five individual New York City residents. Also named as a defendant in the lawsuit is New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman.

“Under state law,” said SAF Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb, “the maximum fee for issuing a New York State handgun license is $10, but the law exempts citizens living in New York City. That exemption allows the city to charge an exorbitant fee for the license, which discourages city residents from exercising their civil rights while violating the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.”

This is looking to be a great lawsuit. Requiring a fee to own a firearm regardless is sickening but when the fee is set high enough to ensure poor people can’t exercise their right the fee becomes dangerous those individuals. Of course King Bloomberg likely doesn’t want the serfs in his city to have a means of defending themselves. It’s nice to see SAF doesn’t share that sentiment.

Also it looks like it’s time to send SAF some more money. I do enjoy paying an organization for good work.

Oklahoma Fighting Back Against Bloomberg

New York King Mayor Bloomberg has been funding so-called “string” operations where he attempts to demonstrate how easy it is for criminals to purchase guns. Bloomberg’s agents find private sellers, claim they can’t pass a background check, and then try to purchase the firearm. The problem of course is the seller has committed a felony act but selling to somebody he or she can be reasonably sure is a felon. Thus the acts being performed are already illegal yet Bloomberg wants yet more laws on the books to make this more illegal.

Well Oklahoma appears to be sick of Bloomberg’s shit and are looking to pass legislation (it only awaits the governor’s signature) making such operations illegal. The bill is SB 856, the Fraudulent Firearms Purchase Prevention Act. It already passed both the House and Senate unanimously so it’s likely to get the required governor’s signature.

I think this paragraph sums up the problem with Bloomberg’s actions:

SB 856 would protect lawful firearm retailers from illegal gun sting operations such as those by Bloomberg who has sent hired agents into other states to attempt illegal firearm purchases in an effort to blame federally licensed firearm retailers for gun crime in New York City and around the country.

Bloomberg is trying to blame the violent crime problem of New York on everybody besides the criminals of New York. Although New York has draconian gun laws Bloomberg is claiming all the illegal guns (which due to New York laws is most guns) come from other states and therefore those states need to pass stronger gun control laws even though they don’t have any problem with crime. I guess we’re supposed to believe that Minnesota has a low violent crime rate because all of our guns are flowing to New York to fuel their violence. Somehow I doubt that’s the problem.

Minneapolis Police Chief Dolan Seems To Think Police Have a Duty to Kill

Somehow the anti-gunners came strolling through my neck of the woods and I completely missed it. Mayors Against Illegal All Guns strolled through Minneapolis with their big truck. Either way Minneapolis Police Chief Tim Dolan has signed on to demand civilian ownership of standard capacity magazines:

Minneapolis Police Chief Tim Dolan spoke out Friday in support of federal legislation that would ban ammunition magazines that hold a large number of bullets.

“Law enforcement should not be outgunned by criminals: it’s just common sense,” Dolan said Friday, according to remarks prepared in advance for an event to draw attention to loopholes in the nation’s gun background check system.

Wait,the police, who have access to fully automatic rifles, body armor, urban assault vehicles, and a legal authority to use force, are somehow outgunned by criminals who have access to standard capacity magazines? What? That makes no fucking sense.

You know what Mr. Dolan as a law abiding person I would like to not be outgunned by criminals. Can I have a machine gun, some body armor, an urban assault vehicle, and a legal authority to use force? Hell I’ll just settle for being able to continue purchasing standard OEM equipment magazines for my firearms.

It seems Mr. Dolan buys the anti-gunner’s party line that the only reason standard capacity magazines exist is to kill and many people as possible in a short span of time. He’s advocating for the prohibition of civilian purchasing of these magazines yet is advocating no such prohibition for the police force. It would seem Mr. Dolan believes it’s the duty of police officers to kill as many people as possible in a short span of time.

If I lived in Minneapolis I think I’d want a Police Chief who had a slightly less grim view on what the duty of a police officer is.

Since this attempted ban is being pushed by Mayors Against All Guns I think it’s important to remember which Minnesota mayors are members of this atrocious group. According to their website (not directly linked to due to a policy of not linking to anti-gun groups but can be copy and pasted: http://www.mayorsagainstillegalguns.org/html/members/members.shtml) the following Minnesota mayors are members of Bloomberg’s Posse:

Mayor Don Ness of Duluth, MN
Mayor R.T. Rybak of Minneapolis, MN
Mayor Chris Coleman of St. Paul, MN

These people are against your right to defend yourself and should be elected out of office. Hell if you can recall a mayor it would be a good idea to recall these three bozos.

Steve Lampi

I’ve recently learned that Steve Lampi, former mayor of Brooklyn Park, has died. It seems he’s been fighting with cancer that finally won the battle.

I know little about Mr. Lampi except for three things; he was the mayor of Brooklyn Park, he was a member of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and he was the only Minnesota member of Mayors Against Illegal Guns who responded to my Freedom of Information Act requests for information on the organization.

Although his membership in Bloomberg’s organization leads me to believe he was far from pro-gun at least his office was good enough to respond to my request for information. I won’t decry the man for belonging to Bloomber’s posse and in fact want to make this post thanking him for responding to my request. That was more than the other Minesota members of Mayors Against Illegal Guns members did.

So to you Mr. Lampi thank you. Unfortunately I know nothing else of you and hence can’t offer any further words. At least know I appreciated your willingness to respond to a request from a man who has never resided in your city.

Double Standards

Slow news days get you pointless speculations and inane rambles of a libertarian. This posts is the latter. One thing that has always pissed me off is hypocrisy. Nothing is quite as awesome as somebody who claims to believe one thing and then does the exact opposite but tells everybody else they shouldn’t be allowed to do it. There are more subtle forms of hypocrisy such as that perpetrated by the likes of former Mayor Daley, Mayor Bloomberg, and President Obama.

Let’s take a look at a specific example for which I’ll put the laser on Mayor Bloomberg. Bloomberg is the chief of the purposely deceptively named organizations Mayors Against Illegal Guns. The name is truthful though as the organizations wants nothing more than to make all guns illegal and thus eliminate gun ownership in the United States. Thankfully their success rate has been less than optimal and thus haven’t managed to establish any gun bans.

Bloomberg wants you and me disarmed. He has no exceptions carved out for those who wish to have firearms available for self-defense because we’re just little peasants that don’t deserve to have a fighting chance should somebody with evil intent decide to enter our lives. While he’s spouting how evil guns are and how we need to disarm lawful citizens he stands surrounded by armed body guards. This is certainly a form of hypocrisy, decrying the use of something while in turn using it. Some people fail to see this because they’ve been taught that government officials are better than any of us little people and thus are deserving of special treatment.

This attitude has to end. I strongly believe government shouldn’t be allowed to do anything we the people aren’t allowed to do. If I can’t walk around with hired body guards then my government officials shouldn’t be able to either (depending on the state you’re in you may be able to hire private body guards). If I’m not allowed to own a Glock 17 with 33 round magazines then nobody employed by the government should be allowed to either. The second a law is passed that bars private citizens from something but carves out an exception of military or law enforcement there exists hypocrisy. This is even more apparent when you realize the police force is made up of regular civilians like you and me, they are not somehow elevated above that position because of their uniform.

Another example of government hypocrisy is the debt faced by both our federal government and most (all?) state governments. We’re told time and time again that we need to start living within our means while our governments spend far more money than they have available to them. Why is it OK for them to spend billions of dollars they don’t have without punishment but when we do it there are ramifications?

It would please me greatly if people would open their eyes and demand an end of such hypocrite behavior by government officials.

Thank God

Well that’s a relief (that I didn’t even know was a potential problem), Super Douche Bloomberg said he won’t run for president. I didn’t even know this was a rumor circulating:

The mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, has said there is “no way, no how” he is going to run for the US presidency in 2012.

Of course now I’m worried he will run for president as he’s a great one for saying one thing and doing another (outside of politics it’s called lying in politics it’s called politics). That’s the last thing we need in this country, a very hardcore anti-rights activist in the White House.

Chicago Gun Database Isn’t Ready

Somebody call the whambulance because Mayor Daley is sad that the Chicago gun registry database isn’t online yet:

“It is annoying” that the registry isn’t yet in place, Daley said when asked about the topic after the City Council meeting.

“They should have it by now,” he said. “I’ll find out why they didn’t do that.”

The mayor said he doesn’t know why the database isn’t available to police and firefighters yet, but said it shouldn’t have taken this long.

Yes it’s frustrating that Daley’s hard on for a police state isn’t being fulfilled yet. How much money do you think Chicago spent to create this database? How much money do you think they spent enforcing their unconstitutional gun restrictions? How many lives have been lost in Chicago because possession of a means of self-defense can only be obtained by those with means (it costs money to get a gun permit in Chicago)?

Oh and this line from Daley is golden:

“Maybe it’s bureaucracy. I would ask the superintendent,” he said.

You’d know all about bureaucracy now wouldn’t you? I’m curious about this database, is it required to be online before the city will issue handgun permits? If that’s the case I wouldn’t be surprised if this “delay” is a purposeful attempt at preventing the peasants of Chicago from having a means to acquire handguns. Of course if this database isn’t required to be online in order for the peasants to get handgun permits then it could very well just be incompetence (or a means for the police department to beg for more money by claiming the delays are due to a tight budget).

Either way the denizens of Chicago can rest easy knowing Mayor Daley is on the case. What case that is I’m not really sure though.